Critical Writing

5051 records
Title Author Year Publication Type Appears in Language Tags
Multiple Personality Disorder als Bildschirmkombination Quadrego Roberto Simanowski 2001 Article in an online journal, Interview German interview
Liberation Hurts: An Interview with Slavoj Žižek Eric Dean Rasmussen 2004 Interview English 9/11, interview, politics
Intersectional Ecologies: Matt Kenyon’s "Useful Fictions," an interview Lisa Swanstrom 2016 Article in an online journal, Interview English critical ecologies, interview, SWAMP
Interactive Fiction? I prefer Adventure Francesco Cordelli, Don Woods 2001 Article in an online journal, Interview L’avventura è l’avventura English interactive fiction, interview, text adventure
Before and After the Web: George P. Landow (interviewed by Harvey L. Molloy) George P. Landow 2003 Article in an online journal, Interview English interview
Becoming Digital J. R. Carpenter 2015 Article or chapter in a book, Interview Toward. Some. Air. English becoming, Digital, influence, affect, interview
"Of Dolls and Monsters": An Interview with Shelley Jackson Rita Raley 2002 Article in an online journal, Interview English narrative, hypertext, materiality, fiction, Storyspace, interview, body, monstrosity, information, fantasy, link, image and text
ELO2016 panel, “Feminist Horizons” Kathi Inman Berens, Caitlin Fisher, Jessica Pressman 2016 Conference panel or roundtable podcast
Bones of the Book Robert Moor 2012 Article in a print journal English e-books, electronic literature, hypertext, textuality
Follow the Pathfinders: a Case Study Approach to Production, Use, and Readership on Scalar Hannah Ackermans 2021 Article in an online journal English media specificity, multimodality, Scalar, electronic literature, academic publishing platforms
A poetics Charles Bernstein 1998 Book (monograph) - print English poetics, poetry, poststructuralism, literary theory, absorption, modernism, postmodernism, Charles Bernstein
Reading Hypertext and the Experience of Literature David S. Miall, Teresa Dobson 2001 Article in an online journal hypertext, reading, literary reading, literacy, digital literacy, absorption, style, links
How People Connect, Presentation of Commodore 64 BASIC programming Piotr Marecki, Erik Stayton 2014 Invited lecture English commodore 64, C-64, 8bit, programming, creative programming
Do It Serge Bouchardon 2018 Other English app, interactive app, android app, ios app, digital writing, shake, tap, expand, online, interactive narrative, narrative online, interactive digital narrative, digital narratology
Electronic Literature: Contexts and Poetics Davin Heckman, James O’Sullivan 2018 Article or chapter in a book Literary Studies in the Digital Age An Evolving Anthology English
Computer as co-author: Creative Writing & artificial intelligence David Thomas Henry Wright 2020 Article (other medium) English, German artificial intelligence
A review of My Life as an Artificial Creative Intelligence David Thomas Henry Wright 2023 Review English
My Life as an Artificial Creative Intelligence Mark Amerika 2022 Book (monograph) - print
Traversing Language, the Author, and the Word in Amira Hanafi’s A Dictionary of the Revolution David Thomas Henry Wright 2023 Conference paper or presentation English
The Ill-Tempered Rubyist 2013 Anthology of creative work or online gallery English print, artist book, anthology, code poetry, Ruby, collaboration
Digital Humanities Joseph Tabbi 2018 Article or chapter in a book The Bloomsbury Handbook of Literary and Cultural Theory English
The Bloomsbury Handbook of Literary and Cultural Theory 2018 Book (collection) English
Relocating the Literary: In Networks, Knowledge Bases, Global Systems, Material and Mental Environments Joseph Tabbi 2013 Keynote address English actor-network theory, cognitive capitalism, e-literature, electronic literature, literature, world literature, database, insitutions
Close Reading of Stephanie Strickland, Cyntia Lawson Jaramillo and Paul Ryan’s slippingglimpse Maya Zalbidea Paniagua 2019 Article in an online journal
E-literary Diaspora – The Story of a Young Scholar's Journey from Writing to Faces Mette-Marie Zacher Sørensen 2015 Conference panel or roundtable ELO 2015 Conference Program and Festival Catalog, ELO 2015 Conference Program and Festival Catalog (e-Pub), ELO 2015 Conference Program and Festival Catalog (PDF) English genre, Diaspora, new media art, close reading, Faces, Kim Yong Hun, composite portrait, fag face mask, composite face, facial weaponization suite project
Janky Materiality: Artifice and Interface Jeff T. Johnson 2018 Conference paper or presentation English digital practices, language operations, poetic voice, digital media, emulative restoration, spacial consciousness
Collaboration and authority in electronic literature David Thomas Henry Wright 2020 Article in an online journal English collaboration, recombinant poetics, digital poems, Digital Narratives
Inside Outside the Box: Default Settings and Electronic Poetics Davin Heckman 2010 Article in an online journal Dichtung Digital 40 English critical/political/philosophical, electronic poetics, mortality
Making language: re-writing and control in algorithmic poetics Ana Marques da Silva 2021 Conference paper or presentation English proxy-writer, functionary, grammalepsy, re-writing, algorithmic poetics, posthumanism, generative poetry, neural networks, posthuman creation
Bricoleur (Interview with David Clark) David Jhave Johnston, David Clark 2012 Interview English
'Living Letterforms': The Ecological Turn in Contemporary Digital Poetics Rita Raley 2011 Article in a print journal, Article in an online journal, Conference paper or presentation English
ReRites - Raw Output / Responses (paperback) David Jhave Johnston, Stephanie Strickland, Kyle Booten, Mairead Byrne, John Cayley, Johanna Drucker, Lai-Tze Fan, Chris Funkhouser, Nick Montfort, Allison Parrish 2019 Anthology of creative work or online gallery, Book (collection) artificial intelligence, poetry
Seeing into the Words of Digital Fiction Daniel Punday 2014 Article or chapter in a book Analyzing Digital Fiction English
Beyond Maximalism: Resolving the Novelistic Incompatibilities of Realism, Paranoia, Omniscience, and Encyclopedism through Electronic Literature David Thomas Henry Wright, Chris Arnold 2023 Article in an online journal English
Game-Based Digitally Mediated Narrative Construction Frances Lucretia Van Scoy 2010 Conference paper or presentation English short story, novel, game, text based, artificial intelligence, narrative, game-generated narrative, player character, authoring system
Remix: Making Art and Commerce Thrive in the Hybrid Economy Lawrence Lessig 2009 Book (monograph) - print English new electronic technologies, media, media studies, cultute, media culture, law, copyright law, copyright wars, art, digital art, economy, games, videogames in art
Mark Amerika, "Remix the Book" (review) Jan Baetens 2011 Review English
An ethnography of a networked community as emergent creativity Penny Travlou 2010 Conference paper or presentation English
La valeur heuristique de la littérature numérique Serge Bouchardon 2012 Book (habilitation) French
Spirals of Meaning: Exploring Nonlinearity through Prezi’s Infinite Canvas Anastasia Salter 2013 Conference paper or presentation English infinite canvas, sequential art, environmental storytelling, prezi, powerpoint, ipad, presentation format, images, text, Storyspace, linearity
From Ireland with Letters: Issues in Public Electronic Literature Judy Malloy 2016 Article in an online journal English
Analyzing Digital Fiction 2014 Book (collection) English hypertext fiction, flash fiction, experimental videogame, literary games hypertext, digital narratology, semiotics, stylistics
Story machines: how computers have become creative writers Mike Sharples, Rafael Pérez y Pérez 2022 Book (monograph) - print English
On Navigation and Interactivity Simon Biggs 1996 Other English
The Reader as Author as Figure as Text Roberto Simanowski 2001 Conference paper or presentation English authorship, readership, collaboration
From Concrete to Digital: The Reconceptualization of Poetic Space Anna Katharina Schaffner 2010 Article or chapter in a book Beyond the Screen: Transformations of Literary Structures, Interfaces and Genres English poetic space, concrete poetry, antecedents
Writing with the Australian Archive: Digital Posthuman Approaches to Australian Literature David Thomas Henry Wright 2023 Article in an online journal
Michael Joyce. Polski pisarz: Michael Joyce, Czesław Miłosz i hipertekst. Postgutenbergowskie nadzieje księgi różności. 2012 Other Polish
Stories for the Future Caitlin Fisher 2017 Keynote address
The Future of XR - Keynote address Caitlin Fisher 2018 Keynote address