Critical Writing

5051 records
Title Author Year Publication Type Appears in Language Tags
The Creation of Floyd the Robot in Planetfall Steve Meretzky 2007 Article in an online journal, Article or chapter in a book Second Person: Role-Playing and Story in Games and Playable Media English
How I Was Played by Online Caroline Jill Walker Rettberg 2005 Article in an online journal English
Holes is Something Michael J. Maguire 2017 Article or chapter in a book Holes: Decade I English
New Media Poetry and Poetics 2006 Issue of a journal English new media poetry, digital poetry, poetics, digital poetics, e-poetry, electronic poetry, cybertext, writing in programmable media
Electronic Fiction in the 21st Century Judy Malloy 1992 Article or chapter in a book English
Interrupting D : Patchwork Girl’s Syncopated Body Arnaud Regnauld 2010 Article in a print journal English
Gesammelte Texte 1: Essays Franz Mon 1994 Book (collection) German
On And Then There Were None Lee Sheldon Second Person: Role-Playing and Story in Games and Playable Media English
Awesome and Terrifying Andrew McMurray 2006 Article in an online journal Critical Ecologies English Rozelle, McMurry, sublime, environment, ecosublime, romantics, Romanticism, Wordsworth, shelley, Abbey, Mountain Jim, critical ecologies
The Corrections Jonathan Franzen 2001 Book (monograph) - print English
Manifesto of Surrealism André Breton 1972 Article or chapter in a book English
You are the one thinking this: locative poetry as deictic writing Anders Sundnes Løvlie 2012 Article in a print journal deixis, second person, poetry, locative
Palimpsestes: La Littérature au Second Degré Gérard Genette 1982 Book (monograph) - print French French, imitation, parody, Palimpsestes, textual studies, manuscript
Handbook of Human Computation 2013 Book (collection) English
La poétique de l'espace Gaston Bachelard 1957 Book (monograph) - print French space, theory, critical theory
Les règles de l'art: Genèse et structure du champ littéraire Pierre Bordieu 1992 Book (monograph) - print French
Postmodernism, or, the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism Frederic Jameson 1991 Book (monograph) - print English postmodernism, culture, capitalism, globalisation
War in the Age of Intelligent Machines Manuel De Landa 2002 Book (monograph) - print English war, computers, machines
At Home on the Screen: Kinetics and Codeworks David Ciccoricco 2005 Conference paper or presentation English codework, kinetic poetry
The Procedural Poetries of Joan Retallack Brian Lennon 2014 Article in an online journal essay, literary critical analysis
Critical Terms for Media Studies 2010 Book (collection) media studies, aesthetics, technology, society
New Philosophy for New Media Mark B. N. Hansen 2006 Book (monograph) - print English embodiment, philosophy, new media, digital image, body
Embodying Technesis: Technology Beyond Writing. Mark B. N. Hansen 2003 Book (monograph) - print English
A Stretch of the Imagination: Transforming Writing Under Constraint into an Inclusive Practice Hannah Ackermans 2020 Conference paper or presentation English disability, accessibility, writing under constraint, multimodal expression, materiality, situatedness, embodiment, creativity, digital accessibility
Taroko Gorge Remixed: Repetition and Difference in Machine Texts Flourish Klink, Talan Memmott, Nick Montfort, Andrew Plotkin, Scott Rettberg, Mark Sample, Eric Snodgrass, J. R. Carpenter 2012 Conference panel or roundtable English poetry generation, remix, arrays, appropriation, nature poem, infinite, paradigmatic axis, syntagmatic axis, meditative, individuation, remix culture, text generation
Vectors, Scalar, and Magic: Emerging Platforms for E-lit Scholarship Erik Loyer, Mark C. Marino, Craig Dietrich 2012 Conference panel or roundtable English scholarship, development, interface, multimodal works, vectors
Alternative Avenues in Digital Poetics and Post-Literary Studies Talan Memmott, Maria Damon, Claire Donato, Chris Funkhouser, Carolyn Guertin, Jeff T. Johnson, Eric Snodgrass, Alan Sondheim 2012 Conference panel or roundtable English digital poetics, storytelling, education, technologial studies, alternatives, electronic literary studies, critical theory, cultural studies, meaning making, communication, expert, academic institutions
Electronic Literature: Linking Database Projects Maria Angel, Laura Borràs Castanyer, Anna Gibbs, Dene Grigar, Davin Heckman, Eric Dean Rasmussen, Joseph Tabbi 2012 Conference panel or roundtable English database, digital humanities, interoperability, electronic literature, collaboration, international collaboration
Semiotic Cross Analyses of Digital Poetry Philippe Bootz, Alexandra Saemmer 2012 Conference panel or roundtable
Beyond Literary? N. Katherine Hayles, Nick Montfort, Jerome McGann, Matthew G. Kirschenbaum, Michael Joyce 2010 Conference panel or roundtable English literary studies, digital studies, digital literature
Electronic Literature in Public Libraries: Introduction Alexandr Belov 2014 Conference paper or presentation English digital librarianship, public libraries, curating electronic literature, communities, lis
Open Discussion Session on the Future of ELO Ian Hatcher, Samantha Gorman, Stephanie Boluk, Amaranth Borsuk, Patrick LeMieux, Claire Donato, David Jhave Johnston, Natalia Fedorova, Jake Kennedy, Stephanie Strickland 2012 Conference panel or roundtable forum, discussion, the future of e-lit
Cicatrix: Pain, Sex, and Dying in E-Literature Sandy Baldwin, Maria Damon, Alan Sondheim 2012 Conference panel or roundtable English sexuality, pain, virtual world, digital performance, interactive performance, affect, death, textuality, embodiment
Virtual Textuality Scott Bukatman 1994 Article in an online journal English virtual
Creating a Meaning-Machine: The Deck of Stories Called Life in the Garden Eric Zimmerman 2008 Article in an online journal
Stuck in a Loop? Dialogue in Hypertext Fiction Bronwen Thomas 2007 Article in a print journal English narrative, hypertext fiction, dialogue
140 Characters in Search of a Story: Twitterfiction as an Emerging Narrative Form Bronwen Thomas 2014 Article or chapter in a book Analyzing Digital Fiction English twitter fiction, twitter story, twitterfiction
AI narratives: a history of imaginative thinking about intelligent machines 2020 Book (monograph) - print English
AI for Games Ian Millington 2022 Book (monograph) - print English
Artificial Intelligence and Games Georgious N Yannakakis, Julian Togelius 2018 Book (monograph) - print English AI, game design
Storytelling with virtual reality in 360-degrees: a new screen grammar Kath Dooley 2017 Article in an online journal English
Dawn of the new everything: encounters with reality and virtual reality Jaron Lanier 2018 Book (monograph) - print English VR
Reality Media Jay David Bolter, Maria Engberg, Blair MacIntyre 2021 Book (collection) English VR, Augmented Reallity
Virtual reality cinema: narrative tips and techniques Eric R Williams, Matt Love, Carrie Love 2021 Book (monograph) - print English VR
Virtual Reality Howard Rheingold 1992 Book (monograph) - print English VR
Storytelling for virtual reality: methods and principles for crafting immersive narratives John Bucher 2018 Book (monograph) - print English VR
technocapitalism 2002 Series English economic, review, technology, capitalism, capital, electronic book review, essay, philosophy, hypertext, collection
Stuttgarter Gruppe und Netzprojekte Roberto Simanowski, Reinhard Döhl, Johannes Auer 2001 Article in an online journal, Article or chapter in a book, Interview $wurm = ($apfel>0) ? 1 : 0; experimentelle literatur und internet memoscript für reinhard döhl German interview
Reorienting Narrative: E-lit as Psychogeography Illya Szilak 2013 Article in an online journal, Interview English narrative, psychogeography, collage, place, Montreal, new york, interview, autobiography, fiction, dérive, materiality, code
Operations of writing, Interview with Stuart Moulthrop Roberto Simanowski 2000 Article in an online journal, Interview English interview