Carolyn Guertin

Fort Worth , TX
United States
Texas US
Record Status: 
Short biography: 

Carolyn Guertin holds a dual appointment in digital media—as Assistant Professor at the University of Texas at Arlington and as a member of the graduate faculty at Transart Institute in Berlin, Germany. She was Senior McLuhan Fellow and SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellow at the McLuhan Program in Culture and Technology at the University of Toronto from 2004 to 2006. She is widely published on issues related to cyberfeminism, born-digital arts, and participatory cultures. 

(Source: authors page, Continuum website)

Critical writing by this author:

Title Publication Type Publisher Year
Cyberfeminist Literary Space: Performing the Electronic Manifesto Bloomsbury 2020
Gaming the City: Telephone City and Social Spaces of Transformation Conference paper or presentation 2014
Alternative Avenues in Digital Poetics and Post-Literary Studies Conference panel or roundtable UnderAcademy College 2012
Digital Prohibition Piracy and Authorship in New Media Art Book (monograph) - print Continuum 2012
Narrative (Pre)Occupations: Self-Surveillance, Participation, and Public Space Conference paper or presentation 2012
Reconfiguring Publishing Conference paper or presentation 2012
Mobile Bodies, Zones of Attention and Tactical Media Interventions Article or chapter in a book University of Innsbruck 2011
Seeing Story and Mapping Narrative Conference paper or presentation 2011
All The Rage: The Digital Body and Deadly Play in the Age of the Suicide Bomber Article or chapter in a book Rowman & Littlefield 2008
Art at the Interstice Conference paper or presentation 2008
Beyond The Threshold: The Dynamic Interface as Permeable Technology Article or chapter in a book Springer 2008
Handholding, Remixing, and the Instant Replay: New Narratives in a Postnarrative World Article or chapter in a book 2007
Quantum Feminist Mnemotechnics: The Archival Text, Digital Narrative and The Limits of Memory Book (Ph.D. dissertation) - print 2003
Multi-Dimensional Dementia: M.D. Coverley’s Califia and the Aesthetics of Forgetting Article in an online journal Zazil 2001
Multi-Dimensional Dementia: M.D. Coverley’s Califia and the Aesthetics of Forgetting Article in an online journal 2001
Gesturing Toward the Visual: Virtual Reality, Hypertext & Embodied Feminist Criticism Article in an online journal Surfaces 1999
Three-Dimensional Dementia: Hypertext Fiction and the Aesthetics of Forgetting Conference paper or presentation 1999
Queen Bees and the Hum of the Hive An Overview of Feminist Hypertext's Subversive Honeycombings Article in an online journal BeeHive [Hypertext Hypermedia Journal] 1998
Web Hyperfiction Reading List Article in an online journal Feed 1995

Editorial work:

Full Name: 
Carolyn Guertin
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Record posted by: 
Eric Dean Rasmussen