Creative Works

3965 records
Format: 2024
Format: 2024
Format: 2024
Titlesort descending Author Year Updated Tags
A Literatura Cibernética 1: Autopoemas Gerados por Computador Pedro Barbosa 1977 01.07.2015 FORTRAN, ALGOL, NEAT, PERMUTA, TEXAL, mutable, computer-generated poetry, permutation, randomness, Cybernetic Literature Series
A Literatura Cibernética 2: Um Sintetizador de Narrativas Pedro Barbosa 1980 01.07.2015 generated narratives, computer-generated fiction, artificial text, matrix-text, narrative synthesizer, literary machine, irony, surrealism, FORTRAN, TEXAL, Cybernetic Literature Series
A Luta Continua Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industries, Young-Hae Chang, Marc Voge 14.06.2018 Flash, experimental cinema
A Machicolated Body Talan Memmott 1999 11.10.2017 digital literary arts, media work, hypermedia
A Madlib Frost Poem George Hartley 08.01.2013 poetry, madlib, Robert Frost
A Máquina de Emaranhar Paisagens Herberto Helder 1963 01.07.2015 Portuguese experimental poetry, PO.EX
A Million Penguins 2007 01.07.2015 collaborative narrative
A Mind Forever Voyaging Steven Meretzky 1985 01.07.2015
A Modern Ghost AltSalt Publishing, Ricardo Morales 2017 08.02.2024 fiction, iTunes iPhone, ipad, short story, new media writing prize, interactive, soundtrack, illustrations, digital literature, audio
A Modern Harvest Jason Nelson 2013 27.07.2023 narrative game, interactive poem, consumerism, small American town, poetry game, satire, poetry, game, interactive
A Narrated Portrait Eileen Hogan 2013 21.02.2024 artist book, page turning, digital art
A Nervous System Jason Nelson 2015 20.10.2019 digital poetry, Experimental Interface, Alternative Taxonomy, interactive fiction, Strange, Curious, Darn Fun, systems, neurology, biology, language development
A Night at the Movies, or, You Must Remember This Robert Coover 1992 19.10.2023 american fiction, postmodern literature, American literature
A Noise Such as a Man Might Make Milton Läufer 2018 01.10.2019 generated novel, paper-based e-lit, remix, Cormac McCarthy, Ernest Hemingway
A Nordic Neurotic Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industries, Young-Hae Chang, Marc Voge 2014 26.10.2017 animated text, Flash, experimental film, sharingplatform
A Party at Silver Beach Judy Malloy 2002 01.07.2015 DHTML, hypertext, love
A Pen Jim Andrews 2007 08.03.2024 Shockwave, vispo, textual instrument, interactive animation
A Physical Book Liza Daly 2017 21.08.2023 kinetic, generative
A Place Called Ormalcy Mez Breeze 2018 03.09.2019 VR Literature, AR, XR Digital Storytelling, fiction, 3D, audio
A Plague Tale: Innocence 2019 27.10.2023 video game, action, adventure, horror, stealth, narrative game, plague, female protagonist, story rich
A Platform to Come - Transcreating Deleuze's Bergsonism Brent Cox 18.01.2024 translation, project, google slides, gif
A potential polyphony Henk van der Waal, Jaap de Jonge 2010 11.01.2024 digital poetry, videos, polyphony, interactive, compilation, sound, words, images
A Recollections: 12 vignettes Viccy Adams, Samantha Silver 2015 05.10.2023 ipad, web app, prose, recollection
A Recombinant History of Australian Camels David Thomas Henry Wright 2021 14.08.2023
A Revolution of Words Randy Adams, Christine Wilks 2013 11.01.2024 e-poetry, remix, randomness, text-based, irony
A Selflessly Evacuated Spirit David Thomas Henry Wright 2020 14.08.2023
a separação:: a(n)estesia Rui Torres 2016 01.02.2024 combinatory poetry, parody, advertisements, détournement, propaganda, remix
A Servant. A Hanging. A Paper House. Lucy Anderton, Nick Robinson 2008 19.10.2023
a show of hands Mark C. Marino 2008 18.03.2023 narrative, hypertext, generative, ethnicity, generative hypertext, fiction
a siren's promise 2021 14.08.2023 visual novel, Cute, lesbian, lgbt, pixel art, queer, story rich, text based, twine
A Sky of Cinders Tim Lockridge 2007 08.09.2023 hypertext, second person, sensations, prose, poem, dystopia, environmental disaster
A Slow Year: Game Poems Ian Bogost 2010 19.10.2017 haiki, video games, digital poetry, literary games, game, educational game, digital art
A Storm in 2K J. R. Carpenter 2020 11.01.2024 weather, couplets, javascript, poetry
A Study in Shades Robert Kendall 2000 01.07.2015 hypertext, alzheimer's, perspective, split screen
A Sucker in Spades Robert DiChiara 1988 07.09.2023
À Temporal Luis Andrade 2007 28.11.2015 sound installation, Brazilian elit, palindromme, oi futuro, poiesis, Brazilian concrete poetry, installed text, poetry
A thoroughfare [] beat Across the wilderness Everest Pipkin 11.01.2024 geography, internet, infrastructure, photography, google maps
A Thousand Plateaus Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari 1980 26.09.2018 philosophy, book, post-structuralism, post-postmodernism, print media, French
A Total Jizzfest Jennifer Chan 2012 12.10.2023 gender inequality, video art
A Trace Joanne Wang 2009 08.02.2024 interactive, virtual reality, cave writing, CAVE, CaveWriting, physical interaction, sound, 3D, text, fiction
A Travel Guide Allison Parrish 2014 26.10.2018 Location-based installation, mobile-centric application, poetic texts, interactive digital narrative, procedural text, travel guides, random, database, Wikivoyage,
A Tree with Managers and Jittery Boats Jason Nelson 2010 27.10.2023 Flash, video, e-poetry
A Typical Love Story Deena Larsen 2024 18.03.2024
A veces cubierto por las aguas Carlos Cociña 1999 10.01.2018
A Web Odyssey Serge Bouchardon 2021 14.12.2023 interactive narrative, navigational interface, social media, digital technologies
A. Marika Dermineur 2004 01.07.2015 adaptation, generated, text, video
A.I. Seems to Be a Verb Karen Ann Donnachie, Andy Simionato 2021 08.12.2023 posthumanism, automated art system, human-nonhuman collaboration, AI, artificial intelligence, machine learning, posthuman literature, Interactive art
Aa-Kwartier Chantalla Pleiter, Jean-Pierre Rawie 2018 01.02.2024 poem, VR, virtual reality, card, city
Aan Deze Tafel Marcel Möring, Job van Doeselaar 2008 29.02.2024 arkanoid, game, table, moving words
Aarhus Urban Operating System (AaUOS) Anders Visti, Malthe Stavning Erslev 2021 30.11.2021 bots, neural network, location data, urban planning
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