The Emergence of Electronic Literature Exhibition Catalogue

Critical Writing
Publication Type: 
Record Status: 
Abstract (in English): 

“The Emergence of Electronic Literature” exhibit includes objects and artifacts, books, computers and software, posters and ephemera documenting the rise of the field of electronic literature over the past four decades. Electronic literature includes literary works that take advantage of the context of the computer and the contemporary networked environment. This broad category of digital work includes genres such as hypertext fiction and poetry, kinetic poetry, computer art installations with literary aspects, interactive fiction, novels that take the form of emails, SMS messages, or blogs, poems and stories that are generated by computers, network-based collaborative writing projects, and literary performances online that develop new ways of writing. The field is essentially focused on potentially transformative uses of the computer to develop new literary genres, and the experiments that contemporary writers and artists are conducting within the new communications paradigm.

(Source: Introduction to the exhbition catalogue)

Critical writing referenced:

Titlesort descending Author Year
A History of the Future of Narrative Robert Coover 2008
Computer Lib: You can and must understand computers now / Dream Machines: New freedoms through computer screens—a minority report Theodor Holm Nelson 1974
Cybertext: Perspectives on Ergodic Literature Espen Aarseth 1997
Cybertext: Perspectives on Ergodic literature Espen Aarseth 1997
Destination Unknown: Experiments in the Network Novel Scott Rettberg 2003
Digital Rhetoric and Poetics: Signifying Strategies in Electronic Literature Talan Memmott 2011
Electronic Literature Collection, Volume One 2006
Electronic Literature Collection, Volume Two 2011
ELMCIP Anthology of European Electronic Literature 2012
ELMCIP Remediating the Social: Documentary (12 minute version) Richard Ashrowan 2012
Fiction and Interaction: How Clicking a Mouse Can Make You Part of a Fictional World Jill Walker Rettberg 2003
Interrogating Electronic Literature Talan Memmott, David Thomas Prater 2011
Invisible Rendezvous: Connection and Collaboration in the New Landscape of Electronic Writing Rob Wittig 1994
Networked Improv Narrative (Netprov) and the Story of Grace Wit & Charm: Rob Wittig's Thesis Defense Rob Wittig 2011
Piecing Together and Tearing Apart: Finding the Story in afternoon Jill Walker Rettberg 1999
Remediating the Social 2012
Tekstspill i hypertekst. Koherensopplevelse og sjangergjenkjennelse i lesing av multimodale hyperfiksjoner Hans Kristian Rustad 2008
Textopia: Experiments with Locative Literature Anders Sundnes Løvlie 2010
Touching Words Talan Memmott, David Thomas Prater 2012

Events referenced:

Titlesort descending Date Location
2001 Electronic Literature Awards 18.05.2001
Swayduck Auditorium at the The New School University New York City , NY
United States
New York US
Cabaret Voltage 16.06.2011
Karlskrona Konsthal
Borgmästaregatan 17
Digital Arts and Culture Conferences
Digital og Sosial 10.11.2004
E-Poetry Festivals
Electronic Literature in Europe 2008 11.09.2008
University of Bergen NO-5020 Bergen
Electronic Literature Organization Conferences
ELMCIP Conference on Remediating the Social 01.11.2012
United Kingdom
ELMCIP Seminar on Electronic Literature Communities 20.09.2010
Landmark Café
Rasmus Meyers allé 5
5015 Bergen
Technology Platforms for 21st Century Literature 07.04.1999
Brown University Providence , RI
United States
Rhode Island US


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Record posted by: 
Scott Rettberg