Creative Works

3995 records
Format: 2024
Format: 2024
Format: 2024
Titlesort descending Author Year Updated Tags
8 Brincadeiras para Salette Tavares Rui Torres 2010 30.11.2023 aleatory, appropriated texts, code, digital poetry, experimental literature, Flash, generative poetry, intertextuality, poetry generator
8-bite Spencer Chang, Kelsey Chen 2022 27.06.2022 game, computational poetry, poetry, combinatorial poetry
80 Days 2014 27.07.2023 narrative game, game, literature, narrative, story, Jules Verne, adaptation, plot, interactivity, fiction
88 Constellations for Wittgenstein (to be Played with the Left Hand) David Clark 2009 05.06.2021 hypertext, kinetic, animation, documentary, philosophy, language philosophy, Wittgenstein, Flash
9:05 Adam Cadre 2000 01.07.2015 interactive fiction
<? echo [THE_SIGNIFIER] ?> Duc Thuan 2002 10.08.2022 javascript, Flash, e-poetry, HTML
<Content=No Cache> Giselle Beiguelman 2001 19.10.2023, Brazil, Brazilian, giselle beiguelman, error messages, digital memory, erasure, ephemerality
>>oh<< Reiner Strasser, Dan Waber, Jennifer Hill-Kaucher 2005 12.10.2023 cyberpoem, interactive, literary games, poem, audio
@bogost_ebooks Anonymous 2013 03.04.2024 twitter, serial, sharingplatform
@bronxzooscobra 2011 11.01.2024 twitter, twitterature, netprov
@crashtxt / exq=.s.te =n.c&de/s Jim Punk 2012 26.10.2017 unicode, HTML, javascript, twitter, social, sharingplatform
@Darius_at_GDC Darius Kazemi 2013 26.10.2017 twitter, bot, social, performance, scheduled, sharingplatform
@DeleuzeGuattari, Rhiz-o-Mat, PoMoBot Anonymous 1996 26.09.2017 javascript, generator, Gilles Deleuze, Felix Guattari
@everyword Allison Parrish 2007 03.04.2024 twitter, bot, Python, tweepy, serial, sharingplatform, John F. Simon, personalization, experimental
@frodegrytten (microfictions on Twitter) Frode Grytten 2011 26.10.2017 twitter, fiction, daily writing, microfiction, sharingplatform
@georgelazenby : How Goes the Enemy? William Poundstone 2011 01.07.2015 video, Flash, scheduled, twitter
@HaikuD2 John Burger 2012 26.10.2017 twitter, bot, generative, static, sharingplatform
@Jhave2 David Jhave Johnston 2010 23.11.2023 twitter, networked performance, sharingplatform
@KarlMarxovChain Moacir P. de Sá Pereira 2012 26.10.2017 twitter, bot, social, static, responsive, sharingplatform
@MarkovChainMe Moacir P. de Sá Pereira 2012 26.10.2017 twitter, bot, responsive, sharingplatform
@MassageMcLuhan Matt Schneider 2013 26.10.2017 bot, twitter, tweepy, Python, scheduled, social, sharingplatform
@NSA_PRISMbot Mark Sample 2013 09.11.2023 twitter, netprov, twitterature, security
@ondejazzmeucoracao Ryane Leão 2015 14.08.2023
@SonnetOneFour Jaci Jones, Jason Robbins, Tyler Downey 2013 03.04.2024 twitter, poetry, sonnet, Shakespeare, puzzle, collaboration, cryptographic, network, William Shakespeare, Sonnet 14, intertextuality, sharingplatform
@Tempspence Mark C. Marino, Rob Wittig 2013 26.10.2017 twitter, social, netprov, performance, generative, sharingplatform
@TinyKorczak (Twitterbot) Yohanna Joseph Waliya 2020 08.02.2024
@tonightiate Matt Schneider 2013 26.10.2017 twitter, bot, tweepy, Python, social, scheduled, sharingplatform
@WPoundstone William Poundstone 2009 26.10.2017 twitter, social, sharingplatform
a as in dog Dan Waber 2007 19.10.2023 concrete poetry, animated gif, javascript
A Bot Sampler in Two Voices Leonardo L. Flores, Mark Sample 2015 14.12.2023 generative, twitter, bot, continuity, juxtapositions, conversation, live-performance, sharingplatform
À bribes abattues Philippe Bootz 1991 01.07.2015 poetry, kinetic
A Brief History of Interactive Fiction Games... Choose Your Own Adventure and Visual Novels Alana Siebert 2014 18.01.2024 interactive fiction, CYOA, Choose Your Own Adventure books, video games.
A Brief History of Loss David Hall 2016 30.11.2017 performance, translation, code analysis
A Certain Slant of Light, Typographically Speaking Lans Pacifico 2013 08.11.2016 blog, typography, image and text, poetry, drawing, process, Emily Dickinson, There's a certain slant of light...
A Change in the Weather Andrew Plotkin 1996 08.11.2016 interactive fiction, bridge, game, creative language
A Change of Heart Alan Bigelow 2015 23.09.2016 digital novel, short story
A Condensed History of Australian Camels David Thomas Henry Wright, Chris Arnold, Karen Lowry, Louis Pratt 2023 27.10.2023 augmented reality, recombinant poetics
A crissxross trail < R3/\/\1X\/\/0RX: one remix player's scenic route through remixworx Christine Wilks 2012 19.10.2023 remix, Flash, collaborative art, digital art, e-poetry
A Dialogue Between Two Eyeballs Braxton Soderman 2007 08.03.2024 Shockwave, kinetic, audio, hypertext
A Dictionary of the Revolution Amira Hanafi 2017 12.10.2023 dictionary, database narrative, database aesthetics, database structure, diagram, Egypt, revolution, politics, conversation, interviews, uprising, political conversation
A Dream with Demons Edward Falco 1997 03.10.2021 hypertext, fiction, childhood, memory, adolescence, drama, love, violence
A Dream Within A Dream Herm Holland 2014 01.07.2015 point-and-click, moody, web application
A Duck Has an Adventure Daniel Merlin Goodbrey 2012 09.11.2020 interactive narrative, multiple endings, visualization, interactive fiction
A Few Figs from Gigabytes Deena Larsen 2013 14.12.2023 code poetry
A Fine View David Knoebel 2000 01.07.2015 animated text, VRML, Flash, flash poem, scheduled, aural, interactive
A House of Dust Alison Knowles, James Tenney 1967 01.07.2015 computer poem, poetry generator
A Humument Tom Phillips 1966 10.07.2017 altered book, technotext, palimpsest, artist's book, treated book
A Humument App Tom Phillips 2010 26.10.2017 treated book, artist's book, app, aleatory, oracle, touch, haptic
A is for Apple David Clark 2002 02.11.2023 religion, pop culture, language, interactive, essay, audio-visual, audiovisual, knowledge, non-linear
A Life Set for Two Robert Kendall 1996 03.10.2021 hypertext, poetry, Visual Basic, memory, regret, animation, narration, love, story, animated, belonging, affair, e-poetry, CD-ROM, screen
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