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  1. The Network as a Space and Medium for Collaborative Interdisciplinary Practice

    This conference will focus on the increasing use of the network as a space and medium for collaborative interdisciplinary art practices including electronic literature and other network based art forms. Researchers will present papers exploring new network-based creative practices that involve the cooperation of small to large-scale groups of writers, artists, performers, and programmers to create online projects that defy simple generic definitions and disciplinary boundaries. Topics might include online collective narratives, durational performances, evolving networked publication models, creative commons and open source art, remixes, and mashups. The seminar will be organized by the LLE Digital Culture group and will invite contributions from about 20 international researchers and artists. In addition to the scholarly seminar Nov. 9th and 10th at the University of Bergen, two evening programs will take place Nov. 8th and 9th at Landmark Café at Bergen Kunsthall, to showcase innovative work and will be open to the public.

    (Source: Conference website.)

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 17.01.2011 - 14:14

  2. Electronic Literature Organization 2002: State of the Arts Symposium

    On April 4-6, 2002, many of the leading writers, critics, publishers and readers working in the field of electronic literature gathered in Los Angeles for the first Electronic Literature Organization Symposium. Titled "State of the Arts," the symposium featured three nights and two days of readings, demonstrations, and concentrated discussions on the state of the arts of electronic literature. Major Sponsorship of the State of the Arts Symposium was provided by the Ford Foundation. Keynote speakers for the event included novelist Robert Coover, critic Katherine Hayles, and author and publisher Jason Epstein. The event was a "Symposium" in the truest sense of the word: each panel featured experts engaging in a lively interchange of ideas. These moderated discussions allowed the panelists to share their insights and engage in dialogue about their specific topic.

    (Source: Conference website, archived by the Electronic Literature Organization).

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 10.03.2011 - 10:28

  3. Electronic Literature Organization 2012: Electrifying Literature: Affordances and Constraints

    The 2012 Electronic Literature Organization Conference will be held June 20-23, 2012 in Morgantown, WV, the site of West Virginia University. In conjunction with the three-day conference, there will be a juried Media Arts Show open to the public at the Monongalia Arts Center in Morgantown and running from June 18-30, 2012. An accompanying online exhibit will bring works from the ELO Conference to a wider audience.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 19.08.2011 - 13:45

  4. Mapping E-Lit: Lectura i anàlisi de la literatura digital

    Mapping e-lit: Lectura i anàlisi de la literatura és un Congrés Internacional organitzat pel Grup de Recerca Hermeneia i la Universitat de Barcelona que se celebra a la pròpia Universitat els dies 24 i 25 de novembre de 2011.

    El Congrés vol oferir una immersió en el camp de la literatura electrònica a través de la participació i el diàleg d'especialistes nacionals i internacionals en la matèria, al mateix temps que ofereix l'oportunitat d'establir un contacte dirtecte amb els autors i crítics d'obres digitals i de conèixer la diverses pràctiques de lectura possibles.


    Mapping E-Lit: Reading and Analysis of Digital Literature is an international conference organized by the Hermeneia Research Group and the University of Barcelona, which will take place at the University on November 24-25, 2011. 

    The conference aims to provide an immersion in the field of electronic literature through participation and dialogue with national and international specialists in the field, creating the opportunity to establish direct contact with authors and critics of digital works while getting to know various reading practices.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 24.11.2011 - 08:59

  5. Translating E-Literature

    The first international conference on translating E-literature will take place from 12 to 14 June at the Universities of Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis and Paris 7 Diderot Denis. The conference is organized by OTNI: Objets textuels non identifiés (UTO: Unidentified Textual Objects), a research project into the evolution of textuality in the digital age. It is supported by the Electronic Literature Organization.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 01.06.2012 - 12:18

  6. Digital og Sosial

    Welcome to a conference where you won't just hear about social technolgies, knowledge sharing and electronic literature, you'll live in the network.

    Be inspired by internationally reknowned speakers such as Howard Rheingold, who coined the term smart mobs to describe what happens when the masses can communicate outside of the control of hierarchical structures; Lisbeth Klastrup, the Danish expert on virtual worlds, multi-user games and electronic storytelling; Cory Doctorow, science fiction writer and champion of open sharing of knowledge and culture; Scott Rettberg, founder of the Electronic Literature Organisation and author of prize-winning works of electronic literature; Torill Mortensen, weblogging expert and scholar of social texts in games and on the web; and many other speakers from Norway and elsewhere.

    Get engaged in workshops that will help you get started with the technicalities of social technology and social knowledge sharing, and take your knowledge further in workshops that ask how to use the technical basis to create and share your ideas.

    Scott Rettberg - 28.09.2012 - 12:29

  7. Digital Literary Studies 2015

    ‘Digital Literary Studies’ is an international conference exploring methods, tools, objects and digital practices in the field of literary studies. The digitization of artifacts and literary practices, the adoption of computational methods for aggregating, editing and analyzing texts as well as the development of collaborative forms of research and teaching through networking and communication platforms are three dimensions of the ongoing relocation of literature and literary studies in the digital medium. The aim of this two-day conference is to contribute to the mapping of material practices and interpretative processes of literary studies in a changing media ecology.


    Alvaro Seica - 14.05.2015 - 12:36

  8. Electronic Literature Organization 2015: The End(s) of Electronic Literature

    "The End(s) of Electronic Literature" Conference took place August 5-7, 2015, and was hosted by the BEL, the Bergen Electronic Literature Research Group at the University of Bergen. Pre-conference workshops took place on August 4th. The call for papers and works resulted in more than 300 submissions and selections have been made for the conference, performances, and exhibitions. (Source:

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 18.05.2015 - 22:50

  9. Electronic Literature Organization 2016: Next Horizons

    The ELO 2016 Conference includes 120 speakers involved in 30 Concurrent Sessions, two Keynotes, Poster Session, eight Artists Talks, Workshops, Lightning Talks, & Action Sessions. It accompanies the Festival featuring 49 works of electronic literature by 73 artists. Below is the schedule listing all of the conference activities.


    Alvaro Seica - 10.06.2016 - 19:20

  10. Electronic Literature Organization 2017: Affiliations, Translations, Communities (ELO 2017)

    The ELO (Electronic Literature organization) organized its 2017 Conference, Festi-val and Exhibits, from July 18-22, at University Fernando Pessoa, Porto, as well as several other venues located in the center of the historic city of Porto, Portugal.

    Titled Electronic  Literature:  Affiliations,  Communities,  Translations,  ELO’17  proposes  a  reflection  about  dialogues  and  untold  histories  of  electronic  literature,  providing a space for discussion about what exchanges, negotiations, and movements we can track in the field of electronic literature.

    The  three  threads  (Affiliations,  Communities,  Translations)  weave  through  the Conference,  Festival  and  Exhibits,  structuring  dialogue,  debate,  performances, presentations, and exhibits. The threads are meant as provocations, enabling constraints, and aim at forming a diagram of electronic literature today and expanding awareness of the history and diversity of the field.

    Hannah Ackermans - 09.08.2017 - 10:51