Reading Digital Literature

Event type: 
04.10.2007 to 07.10.2007
Brown Univeristy Providence , RI
United States
Rhode Island US
Record Status: 
Short description: 

A curtain of tiny screens quoting from live Internet chat; stories generated by computer programs; narratives generated by their readers; words that disappear or reveal themselves depending on their readers’ position, text that peels off the wall and requires the 'reader' to push it back. How shall we read such moving letters? How do we catch their meaning? How might they make us feel? The conference convenes ten specialists from the USA and Germany to explore these and other questions in depth.

The conference resulted in the collection, Literary Art in Digital Performance: Case Studies and Critical Positions, edited by Francisco J. Ricardo (Conitinuum, 2009).

(Source: Conference website)


Critical writing presented:

Record posted by: 
Eric Dean Rasmussen
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