Literary Machines: The report on, and of, Project Xanadu concerning word processing, electronic publishing, hypertext, thinkertoys, tomorrow's intellectual revolution, and certain other topics including knowledge, education and freedom

Critical Writing
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Critical writing that references this:

Title Author Publisher Yearsort ascending
Now What: Sharon Daniel and David Clark on the Digital Imaginary Stuart Moulthrop 2020
Electronic Literature: Documenting and Archiving Multimodal Computational Writing Scott Rettberg 2019
Autorschaft und digitale Literatur: Geschichte, Medienpraxis und Theoriebildung Heiko Zimmermann WVT - Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier 2015
The ELMCIP Electronic Literature Knowledge Base: A Review Álvaro Seiça Electronic Literature Organization 2014
Electronic Literature and Online Literary Databases: The PO.EX and ELMCIP Cases Álvaro Seiça riss 2014
Blogging Jill Walker Rettberg Polity 2014
Hypertext and Ethnographic Representation: A Case Study Rulon Matley Wood Proquest 2012
Electronic Literature Seen from a Distance: The Beginnings of a Field Jill Walker Rettberg Dichtung Digital 2012
Travels in Cybertextuality. The Challenge of Ergodic Literature and Ludology to Literary Theory Markku Eskelinen 2009
'Le Livre' e o 'Sintext:' A Simulação do Sonho de Mallarmé Através da Poética Digital de Pedro Barbosa Luís Cláudio Fajardo 2009
Tekstspill i hypertekst. Koherensopplevelse og sjangergjenkjennelse i lesing av multimodale hyperfiksjoner Hans Kristian Rustad 2008
Words and pictures ex machina? Hypertext and ekphrasis Diana Pimentel 2008
Szellem a gépben. A hypertext Zoltán Szűts 2007
Concrete and Digital Poetics Manuel Portela Leonardo Electronic Almanac 2006
Growing Intimate With Monsters: Shelley Jackson’s Patchwork Girl and the Gothic Nature of Hypertext Christopher Keep Romanticism on the Net 2006
Lost in the Archive: Vision, Artefact and Loss in the Evolution of Hypertext Belinda Barnet 2004
Digital Poetics: The Making of E-Poetries Loss Pequeño Glazier University of Alabama Press 2001
Hyperfiktion und interaktive Narration Beat Suter update verlag 2000
Pushing Back: Living and Writing in Broken Space Stuart Moulthrop MFS Modern Fiction Studies 1997
You Say You Want a Revolution? Hypertext and the Laws of Media Stuart Moulthrop Postmodern Culture 1991
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Record posted by: 
Scott Rettberg