
Description (in English): 

Author description: Arteroids is a literary shoot-em-up for the Web, a work of software art and various odd literary devices. You use the arrow keys to drive your blood-red id-entity word ‘poetry’ or ‘desire’ (or whatever word you choose) around the full screen and use the ‘x’ key to shoot blue and green texts that assail you at various velocities and densities as you play. It is the battle of poetry against itself and the forces of dullness. 

There are at least three versions of this work: 

  • Version 2.02 was published in Turbulence in 2002
  • Version 2.03 was published in the Museum of the Essential and Beyond That in 2004, but it was produced in 2002 and includes a Portuguese translation by Regina Celia Pinto
  • Version 2.5 was published in Poems That Go in 2003


I ♥ E-Poetry entry: 

Critical writing that references this work:

Title Author Year
Authorial Scholarship 2.0: Tracing the Creative Process in Online Communities Leonardo L. Flores 2012
Beyond the Screen: Transformations of Literary Structures, Interfaces and Genres 2010
Creating Screen-Based Multiple State Environments: Investigating Systems of Confutation Donna Leishman 2004
Digital Art and Meaning: Reading Kinetic Poetry, Text Machines, Mapping Art, and Interactive Installations Roberto Simanowski 2011
Digital Poetry Leonardo L. Flores
Electronic Literature Scott Rettberg 2014
Electronic Literature Scott Rettberg 2018
Explorations of Ergodic Literature: The Interlaced Poetics of Representation and Simulation Shuen-shing Lee 2002
From Concrete to Digital: The Reconceptualization of Poetic Space Anna Katharina Schaffner 2010
I Love E-Poetry Leonardo L. Flores 2011
Kinetic Poetry Manuel Portela 2010
Mining the Arteroids Development Folder Leonardo L. Flores 2010
New Directions in Digital Poetry Chris Funkhouser 2012
New Media Poetics: As We May Think/How to Write Adalaide Morris 2006
Playable Media and Textual Instruments Noah Wardrip-Fruin 2005
Poetic Machines: an investigation into the impact of the characteristics of the digital apparatus on poetic expression Jeneen Naji 2012
Scripting Reading Motions: The Codex and the Computer as Self-Reflexive Machines Manuel Portela 2013
Typing the Dancing Signifier: Jim Andrews' (Vis)Poetics Leonardo L. Flores 2010
Video Games as Literary Devices Jim Andrews 2007
Why Digital Literature Has Always Been “Beyond the Screen” Andrew Michael Roberts 2010
Screen shots: 
The permanent URL of this page: 
Record posted by: 
Jill Walker Rettberg