Daniele Giampà

London , LND
United Kingdom
London GB
Record Status: 
Daniele Giampà
Short biography: 

Daniele Giampà was born and raised in the city of Zürich (CH) where he attended Swiss obligatory school and Italian high school. At the age of 18, he started getting interested in humanistic studies and foreign languages. At the University of Zürich, he was mainly interested in finding a combination between philology and social sciences which eventually resulted in a research study of electronic literature in which he analysed the interplay of literature, linguistics and New Media. He graduated in 2013 with an MA in Italian and Spanish Philology and a thesis about electronic literature in Italy titled "Beyond the Boundaries of the Book. Italian Literature in the Digital Age".

He collaborated on the projects eLiterature & Net Art (2008-2012) and Gruppo Giada (2014-2016), and in 2011 he launched his blog Electronic Literature Review. In 2016 he took his first e-book creation course at the Italian software company Pubcoder and discovered his new passion for digital publishing. In 2018 he obtained a PhD position at the Kingston School of Art in London to undertake a practice-based research study on the aesthetics of enhanced e-books titled "Beyond the Boundaries of the E-book. Aesthetics in the Age of Post-digital Print".

In 2020 he founded the digital-only publishing company EDGE DPUB and in 2023 the translation agency Wordzilla, both based in London.

Works by this author:

Work title Publication Type Year
Tape Mark 3 Exhibited at gallery or event 2020
Full Name: 
Daniele Giampà
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Record posted by: 
Eric Dean Rasmussen