The New Media Reader
The new media field has been developing for more than 50 years. This reader collects the texts, videos, and computer programs—many of them now almost impossible to find—that chronicle the history and form the foundation of this still-emerging field. General introductions by Janet H. Murray (author of Hamlet on the Holodeck) and Lev Manovich (author of The Language of New Media), along with short introductions to each of the selections, place the works in their historical context and explain their significance.
The texts are from computer scientists, artists, architects, literary writers, interface designers, cultural critics, and individuals working across disciplines. They were originally published between World War II (when digital computing, cybernetic feedback, and early notions of hypertext and the Internet first appeared) and the emergence of the World Wide Web (when these concepts entered the mainstream of public life).
The CD accompanying the book contains examples of early games, digital art, independent literary efforts, software created at universities, and home-computer commercial software. Also on the CD is digitized video, documenting new media programs and artwork for which no operational version exists.
Excerpts from the book, and print texts converted to html, as well as referenced digital content is available at the linked web resource.
(Source: The MIT Press Catalog description)
Contents (Critical Writing):
Title | Author |
Augmenting Human Intellect. A Conceptual Framework. | Douglas Engelbart |
From computer lib/dream machines | Theodor Holm Nelson |
No More Teacher's Dirty Looks | Theodor Holm Nelson |
Nonlinearity and Literary Theory | Espen Aarseth |
Personal Dynamic Media | Alan Kay, Adele Goldberg |
Proposal for a Universal Electronic Publishing System and Archive | Theodor Holm Nelson |
Responsive Environments | Myron Krueger |
The Cut-Up Method of Brion Gysin | William S. Burroughs |
The End of Books | Robert Coover |
The Six Elements and the Causal Relations Among Them | Brenda Laurel |
Contents (Creative Works):
Work title | Author |
forking paths | Stuart Moulthrop |
WOE | Michael Joyce |
Critical writing that references this:
Teaching Resource using this Critical Writing:
Resource | Teaching Resource Type | Author | Year |
Digital Genres: Digital Art, Electronic Literature, and Computer Games (DIKULT 103, Spring 2011) | Syllabus | Jill Walker Rettberg, Patricia Tomaszek, Mark C. Marino, Rita Raley | 2011 |
Digital Genres: Digital Art, Electronic Literature, and Computer Games (DIKULT 103, Spring 2012) | Syllabus | Davin Heckman, Patricia Tomaszek | 2012 |
Digital Genres: Digital Art, Electronic Literature, and Computer Games (DIKULT 103, Spring 2014) | Syllabus | Judd Morrissey, Álvaro Seiça | 2014 |