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Titlesort descending Type Record Status Edit
&Now Festival (Event Series) Event Approved record
&Now: A Conference of Innovative Writing and the Literary Arts (2009) Event Not yet reviewed
'Algorritmos: Infopoemas' by E. M. de Melo e Castro Critical Writing Approved record
'Click = Kill'. Textual You in Ludic Digital Fiction' Critical Writing Not yet reviewed
'Computer Poetry' by Silvestre Pestana Critical Writing Approved record
'Electrònicolírica' by Herberto Helder and PO.EX Combinatorics Critical Writing Approved record
'Húmus': Colagem; Montagem; Recombinação Critical Writing Incomplete record (stub)
'I know what it was. You know what it was': Second Person Narration in Hypertext Fiction Critical Writing Not yet reviewed
'Into an alien ocean:' The Lore of Kathy Mac’s Unnatural Habitats Critical Writing Not yet reviewed
'Le Livre' e o 'Sintext:' A Simulação do Sonho de Mallarmé Através da Poética Digital de Pedro Barbosa Critical Writing Incomplete record (stub)
'Living Letterforms': The Ecological Turn in Contemporary Digital Poetics Critical Writing Approved record
'Máquinas Pensantes' by Pedro Barbosa Critical Writing Approved record
'Reading' Performance: Eugenio Tisselli's Wen Critical Writing Incomplete record (stub)
'Roda Lume' by E. M. de Melo e Castro Critical Writing Approved record
'Scape the Hood Creative Work Incomplete record (stub)
'The frame of the sparkling graphics': the window and the screen in contemporary Irish poetry Critical Writing Incomplete record (stub)
'This is Not a Game': Immersive Aesthetics and Collective Play Critical Writing Not yet reviewed
'What Is Seen Depends Upon How Everybody Is Doing Everything': Using Hypertext to Teach Gertrude Stein's Tender Buttons Critical Writing Not yet reviewed
'Where Are You Running Off To?': Ghanian Flash Fiction and Flash Fiction Ghana Critical Writing Incomplete record (stub)
'your visit will leave a permanent mark’: Poetics in the Post-Digital Economy Critical Writing Incomplete record (stub)
(a grammar of signs has replaced a botany of symptoms) Creative Work Approved record
(Dis)Location, (Dis)Connection, (Dis)Embodiment Creative Work Approved record
(Electronic) Literature and the (Post)human Condition Critical Writing Incomplete record (stub)
(Ghosts of) Generative Literature in Italy Between Past, Present and Future Critical Writing Incomplete record (stub)
(go) fish Creative Work Incomplete record (stub)
(H)adas : mujeres que crean, programan, prosumen, teclean Critical Writing Revisions required
(Latin American) E-Lit and its Experimental Nature. After the Great Divide? Critical Writing Not yet reviewed
(N)(P)OVO / META(N)(P)OVO Creative Work Approved record
(Polska) poezja cybernetyczna. Konteksty i charakterystyka Critical Writing Revisions required
