'Máquinas Pensantes' by Pedro Barbosa

Critical Writing
Publication Type: 
CC Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike
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Abstract (in English): 

Barbosa’s theoretical-practical trilogy closes with Máquinas Pensantes: Aforismos Gerados por Computador [Thinking Machines: Computer-Generated Aphorisms] (1988), as it can be understood as the third volume of A Literatura Cibernética. Here, the author presents a long series of literary aphorisms, in which the generation of texts is said to be “computer-assisted” (Computer-Assisted Literature) in BASIC language. The “A” series (Re-text program) deals with combinatorial “re-textualizações” [re-textualizations] (1988: 59) of a fragment (“matrix-text”) by Nietzsche and the “B” series (Acaso program), which had been partially published in the Jornal de Notícias (1984), draws upon the conceptual model created by Melo e Castro’s poem “Tudo Pode Ser Dito Num Poema” [Everything Can Be Said in a Poem], included in Álea e Vazio [Chance and Void] (1971). Melo e Castro himself would write an early review on the aphorisms, in the Colóquio Letras (1986) literary magazine, revealing Barbosa’s outputs as undeniable literary productions. Finally, the “C” series (Afor-A and Afor-B programs) comprises reformulations of traditional Portuguese aphorisms, which result in new interpretations, sometimes ironic, sometimes surreal.

(Source: Author's text)

PO.EX entry: 
Máquinas Pensantes (cover). Source: Pedro Barbosa/po-ex.net

Platforms referenced:

Title Developers Year initiated
AFOR-A Pedro Barbosa 1984
AFOR-B Pedro Barbosa 1984
BASIC 1964
RE-TEXT Pedro Barbosa 1984
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Record posted by: 
Alvaro Seica