Into the Green Green Mud
A story of love, and after-love. Eternity is a fickle thing, and the moments just keep coming. Clouds shift, the sun moves past, and squirrels are collecting nuts, so where does that leave us?
Into the Green Green Mud is an ode to change & impermanence, both in content and medium. Starting from a simple text “script” we are creating a number of inter-related “performances” in various media. This version includes text, images, code, and animation, with a soundtrack that you can download and listen to. Future versions might include a printed book, a live multimedia performance, sky writing, or anything else we decide to explore.
JJ and Susy step careful, like detectives and runaways. With their eyes on the path and their shoes in their hands.
(their other hands)
Built on plain old semantic HTML5, powered by jQuery and the Hyde static site generator for Python, and styled using CSS3 with help from Modernizr, Susy, Compass, Sass, Modular Scales, and Compass Animate (based on Animate.css). The icons have various sources, collected and managed through IcoMoon. The text was written in a variety of applications, starting with PmWiki, and ending with Scrivner, and finally Sublime Text. The full code is available on GitHub, along with the original GreenMud fonts.
Eric A. Meyer: Creator/Developer/Musician
Sondra Eby: Musician
Daniel Eisenstat: Composer/Musician
Jonny Gerig Meyer: Developer
Carl J. Meyer: Developer
Research Collection that references this work:
Critical writing that references this work:
Title | Author | Year |
I Love E-Poetry | Leonardo L. Flores | 2011 |