Miriam Suzanne
, CO
United States
Colorado US
United States
Record Status:
Short biography:
Miriam Suzanne is an author, artist, and web developer in Denver, Colorado. She’s a co-founder of OddBird web agency, a member of the Sass core team, and a W3C Invited Expert on the CSS Working Group. She’s also a prolific teacher – offering CSS workshops, and speaking at conferences around the world. She’s a co-author of Sitepoint’s Jump Start Sass, a staff writer for CSS Tricks, and was a founding teacher on the Mozilla Developer youtube channel.
Offline, Miriam is a playwright & author of Riding SideSaddle* (SpringGun Press, 2015), a musician with Teacup Gorilla, and a co-founder of Grapefruit Lab. She won the 2017 True West Award for 10 Myths on the Proper Application of Beauty Products, the stage adaptation of her novel.