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Karl-Erik Tallmo
KARL-ERIK TALLMO, Swedish writer, artist, lecturer and publisher of the cultural web magazine The Art Bin. Tallmo was born in 1953 and has written six books, including Sweden's first hypertext novel (1992). He started writing concrete poetry in the 60's while still in high school. His debut as an artist took place at an exhibition in Karlskoga, Sweden, in 1970, with among other pieces a poem in the form of nine glass jars. In the 70's, influenced by musical minimalists such as Terry Riley and Steve Reich, he started to write text permutations and texts that gradually change through repetitive patterns etc. He has also been writing articles and criticism in newspapers and magazines for thirty years. During the 1990's he participated as an expert in governmental investigations on new media in Sweden, and he was also a member of several advisory boards, e.g. at the Royal Library and at the Swedish Research Council.
Source: Tallmo's website
Scott Rettberg - 19.10.2010 - 00:24
English title "The Harbor." 52 statements are combined in a network structure. Authored in Hypercard.
Scott Rettberg - 19.10.2010 - 00:33
Iakttagarens förmåga att inngripa
English title: "The watcher’s ability to interfere." Probably the first hypertext written in Swedish.
Scott Rettberg - 19.10.2010 - 00:48
Marte Huke
Marte Huke
Scott Rettberg - 19.10.2010 - 15:38
Tale Næss
Tale Næss
Scott Rettberg - 19.10.2010 - 15:55
Monica Aasprong
Norwegian poet, living in Stockholm, who has done some work in concrete and online poetry.
Scott Rettberg - 19.10.2010 - 16:07
Ottar Ormstad
Ottar Ormstad has published several books of concrete poetry. He has presented video-poems and exhibited darkroom-produced photography, and also graphic art and letterprints based on his concrete poetry. In 2009, he produced his first video called ‘LYMS’ which is screened in 20 countries, including e-poetry2009 in Barcelona and the Zebra Film Poetry Festival in Berlin 2010. The video ‘when’ premiered at e-poetry2011 in Buffalo, New York.
Ormstad’s web-poem ‘svevedikt’ (2006) was selected for the “ELMCIP Anthology of European Electronic Literature” (2012), and 'when' was selected for the 3rd collection of the Electronic Literature Organization, ELC.
Scott Rettberg - 19.10.2010 - 16:09
Cia Rinne
Cia Rinne
Scott Rettberg - 19.10.2010 - 16:12
English title "Light-Darkness." Description by Hans Kristian Rustad: a remediation of a play with the same title. Moving the work into a digital environment Næss makes use of written and verbal text, pictures, graphics, and animations to create a quite different work than the original. She also explained in an interview that the play not really was meant for the stage, but that she was waiting for its right medium. So she utilises facilities of the medium to make the text appear as she first intended.
The work is interactive in the sense that the reader need to move the mouse courser over the screen to make something happen. The narrative is divided into three different and independent stories, and which of the three stories that appear, depends on where on the screen the reader holds his mouse cursor.
Scott Rettberg - 19.10.2010 - 16:16
BEK: Bergen senter for elektronisk kunst
BEK: Bergen senter for elektronisk kunst
Scott Rettberg - 19.10.2010 - 16:25