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  1. option drag

    Four monitors are placed in a row on the wall. As you walk closer an exhaled breath is heard, then a mouse click, a sigh. A voice commands, “then drag up”; a different voice, “like this”. Excerpts of Youtube typography tutorials populate the screens, complete with Photoshop, Maya, Illustrator, GIMP, etc. interfaces along with the type that is being carefully constructed. A rhythm emerges, “Rotate left, pull down, move forward, like that”. In this piece, a multimodal digital poem forms from the aural language of making visual language. Fragments of descriptive phrases are heard over looping patterns of mouse clicks, exhales, sighs and keyboard strokes amplifying the language of micro-gestures. The unseen role of the body in the circuit of human-computer interaction is ever present in this installation exposing the analog labor of creating digital type and the articulation of the physical process of making digital words. The work humorously explores the physicality of creating visual communication and calls attention to the human, social and cognitive labor behind the typography we take for granted in our daily lives.

    Vian Rasheed - 18.11.2019 - 01:07

  2. Emblem/as

    EMBLEM/AS consist of three digital poetic artifacts created in Flash that present three emblem or banners (“Emblemas” in Spanish) related to three geographic-poetic/linguistic areas: 1. MORA AMOR 2. ARENA AL COR 3. UNITED ESTADOS The three artifacts allow interactive experiences based on words created with the acronym of each of the city/banner referenced. As you move the cursor, words and sounds lead new audiovisual and political constructions based on meanings that explore the author’s split sense of identity as a nomadic subject. The first banner, “Mora amor” (Love dwells), was published in 2017 and its record is archived at This artifact refers to the banner of the city of Zamora, the place of birth of the author. The interactive words and Spanish sounds explore her sense of disengagement and nostalgia towards this city, while pointing to the conservatism and religious constrains of this area of Spain: Ora, Roma, Mazo, Amor, etc. (Prey, Rome, Mallet, Love).

    Vian Rasheed - 18.11.2019 - 02:05

  3. Interspecies and Random/Electronic-Poetry. From “Black on Sheep” (Bovine poem) to “Robot-poem@s”

    This presentation will explore random e-poetry and interspecies based on two electronic works: one that intersect humanity and insect-like robotics titled “Robot-poem@s”, and an eproject/poem based on a performance with sheep: “Negro en ovejas/Black on Sheep.” Robotpoem@s consist of insect-like robots (five quadrupeds and a bigger hexapod) whose legs and bodies are engraved with the seven parts of a poem written from the robot’s point of view in bilingual format (Spanish and English). Binary constructs such as creator/creature are questioned by these creatures purposely chosen from open-source models resembling insects and spiders, thus emphasizing anxiety and removal from humans while underlying the already problematic relation between humans and technology. The final segment of the poem, number VII, rephrases the biblical pronouncement on the creation of humans, as perceived by the robot: “According to your likeness / my Image.” With this statement, the notion of creation is reformulated and bent by the power of electronics, ultimately questioning its binary foundations.

    Vian Rasheed - 18.11.2019 - 15:26

  4. Always Tomorrow

    Always Tomorrow is a virtual reality fiction piece for HTC Vive. The viewer/reader is positioned in the centre of an infinite visual galaxy populated by 40 small interactive spheres, suggestive of planets but textured with distorted images that resonate with the stories they hold within. The viewer touches the spheres in any order to activate audio and unfold a time-twisting, fringeaffirming, ether-inflected love story set in Berlin in the Weimar Republic with a tomorrow already speaking itself on the protagonists’ lips. We hope the piece resonates with the contemporary moment, too, somewhere between histories and futures; the objects of our desires and our longing, the periphery of the culture and its centre. It’s also a mediation on the power of poetry.

    Vian Rasheed - 18.11.2019 - 15:49

  5. Culprit

    Culprit is a choose-your-own adventure screen-based game created using the interactive documentary software Klynt and inspired by the resurgence of interest in a genre that e-lit has seen as unsophisticated but is currently enjoying an uptake in popularity as interactivity goes mainstream both on handheld devices and livingroom televisions. A multi-modal murder mystery with five storypaths that intersect to provide for many more distinct readings, Culprit is set in a contemporary, urban North American city and anyone could be the murderer.

    Vian Rasheed - 18.11.2019 - 15:52

  6. Tale of a Great Sham(e Text)

    The date is 1881.

    There are high rents and evictions, there is homelessness. In answer to the extra-ordinary times the Ladies’ Land League is directed by Anna Parnell to organize public meetings and protests. Thirteen women, speak, rally, and inspire female agency. Irish Women realizing their own political potential, moving the struggle away from government to the personal.

    This is an electronic text, which will be using 13 female voices and a computer. The visuals/text of the electronic text will be created using game development software and electroacoustic compositional techniques, presented as an interactive work within a web browser. The 13 female voices will sound original text created using works by Anna Parnell, processed using electroacoustic compositional techniques. Passive resistance is be combined with a constructive creative programme, developing the self-confidence of the audience and encouraging them to participate.

    “The best part of Independence is the independence of the mind.” (Anna Parnell)

    Vian Rasheed - 18.11.2019 - 15:56

  7. Bots

    Momenteel onderzoek ik de mogelijkheden om (chat)bots als poëtisch gereedschap in te zetten. Dit onderzoek wordt ondersteund door het Nederlands Letterenfonds en valt onder de regeling Digitale Literatuur. In 2017 organiseerde ik als onderdeel hiervan in Perdu een tweedaagse workshop in samenwerking met collectief Hackers&Designers en Botsquad.

    Mijn eerste bevindingen en experimenten werden gepubliceerd in het “Vintage-nummer” van DWB, 2018-1. Daarnaast kruipen momenteel verschillende chatbotjes rond op deze site. Deze botjes bevinden zich in hun peuterpuberteit, er gaat nog wel eens iets mis. Naar aanleiding van de gesprekken die ze voeren, probeer ik ze te verbeteren. Spreek ze gerust aan, wellicht vindt u uw woorden nog eens terug in de poëzie.

    David Peeters - 10.05.2021 - 10:44
