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  1. I Spy with my Machine Eye

    A short story told from from the perspective of a drone drifting across the planet. First person narration is interspersed with stills from the author's prior works and images from the various sources—including other creative works, documentaries, YouTube videos, and corporate promotional materials—all of which are shot from the perspective of a drone.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 26.01.2022 - 20:53

  2. Kaufhaus Inferno

    Kaufhaus Inferno is based on La Divina Comedia, written by Dante in 1314. It consists of and connects a newspaper comic (in De Morgen), an interactive website, a live performance, a book and an exposition.

    During the performance, Virgil (Gène Bervoets) takes us and Dante (impersonated by a Power PC G3) along on a hallucinating trip through the virtual reality of a shopping mall. A fast food restaurant, a disco, a fitness club full of worked out bodies... this enchanting consumer paradise turns out to be an infernal universe that has been carefully designed to seduce and deceive its visitors. Kaufhaus diagnoses a society that finds itself in a terminal condition; there is no final purge.

    The audience is invited to take a seat in a 'cave', surrounded by projection screens, in order to immerse into the insane Kaufhaus universe. The blend of text, projections and sound creates an impressive and sometimes even disturbing experience that confronts us with our own role of passive consumer.

    Siebe Bluijs - 28.01.2022 - 11:36

  3. Your Daily Victory Boogie Woogie

    'Het literaire tijdschrift De Gids heeft het initiatief genomen om een experiment te doen met een online, collectieve, literaire improvisatie. Net als bij een jazzband die gaat jammen zijn er spelregels, een rolverdeling en een uitgangssituatie.Die start bestaat eruit dat er een spraakmakende alternatieve versie van Mondriaans Victory Boogie Woogie arriveert in de Amsterdamse haven op een schip uit China. Op de website maken schrijvers, redactie en spelers/gebruikers samen een denkbeeldige krant, waarin het verhaal zich ontspint, iedere dag, tien weken lang. Net als in digitale games kunnen spelers opdrachten uitvoeren, waarmee ze geleidelijk steeds meer invloed gaan uitoefenen op de personages en de loop van het verhaal. Dat doen ze door mee te schrijven. Je kunt kiezen of je gedichten, essays of verhalende bijdragen inlevert.'

    [Bron: De Groene Amsterdammer]

    Siebe Bluijs - 28.01.2022 - 14:45

  4. Dichtbij

    Een app die op basis van onder meer locatie, tijd, nieuws, omgeving en weersomstandigheden gedichten genereert. Druk op de knop, maak een foto, en de app produceert een gedicht toegesneden op de situatie waar de gebruiker zich op dat moment bevindt. De app werkt wereldwijd.

    Boog en Van der Wens werkten eerder samen aan projecten waarin tekst en beeld samenkomen. Ze verzonnen Dichtbij samen; Boog schreef het basismateriaal voor de gedichten voor de app, Van der Wens verzorgde de vormgeving en de user interface. De app ontving financiële steun van het Nederlands Letterenfonds.

    [Bron: KVB Boekwerk]

    Siebe Bluijs - 28.01.2022 - 15:15

  5. Wedergeboorte

    Wedergeboorte is an interactive story from 1996, written for Ouders online, an informative platform centred on parenthood. Its narrative revolves around a family of four following their adopted son's announcement of his desire to find out about his biological family shortly before Chrristmas. Readers initially choose the point of view of one of four—mother Hanneke, father Klaas, daughter Aagje, or son Roberto—but are given opportunities to shift perspective as the story continues.

    Siebe Bluijs - 02.02.2022 - 11:23

  6. Radoslav Rochallyi

    Radoslav Rochallyi, PhD., Was born on May 1, 1980, in Czechoslovakia in a family with Rusyns and Hungarian roots. He is a Czech-based artist (philosopher, writer, painter, and poet). The author finished his studies in Philosophy at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Presov (1999–2005) and completed postgraduate Ph.D. studies. Later studied mathematics: Linear Algebra. Rado has presented his visual work internationally. He is the author of fourteen books. His math- visual works have been accepted in many institutions, and galleries. His visual poetic equations have also been published in many journals, for example in anthologies and journals published at Stanford University, California State University, Dixie State University, Olivet College, or Las Positas College.

    Peter Müller - 25.03.2022 - 09:39

  7. Under the Surface

    Under the Surface (also known as "Who in the Hell is Axel Lundén?") is an trans-media 'unfiction' project. Unfiction is fiction that creates an alternate reality, purporting to be authentic and employing aspects of the real world in its narrative, often spooling out onto other platforms than that upon which it begins. The primary medium of this unfiction is an indie folk artist's website. But characters are found on Facebook, Reddit, and Twitter. all of these can be interacted with to explore the story. 

    The project releases monthly installments in the form of chapters and content drops. The chapters include text, with original illustrations, videos, and music to enhance the experience.

    To date, there are seven chapters to enjoy, in addition to numerous supplementary materials including news articles, images, lyrics, and ephemera. Not only digital. Posters for concerts that happened many years ago can be found in Sweden, Norway, and the UK, linking to the main story. 

    Camilla Holm Soelseth - 30.03.2022 - 13:39

  8. Deszczownik / Rainer

    Deszczownik [Rainer] is a literary game and genre hybrid made for the 8 bit Atari. It is a work that spans between e-lit, game dev and the demoscene. The game was inspired by an event that occured in March 2019 in Gdańsk (Poland), where a catholic priest together with a group of churchgoers organized a bonfire, during which they burned books they believed hinder access to God; for instance, Harry Potter. Media worldwide reported this happening.

    Piotr Marecki - 14.05.2022 - 21:22

  9. Open Library of Humanities

    The Open Library of Humanities is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal open to Special Collections submissions from researchers working in any humanities discipline in any language. The journal is funded by an international library consortium and has no charges to authors or readers. 

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 24.05.2022 - 20:54

  10. ‘Grasp All, Lose All’: Raising Awareness Through Loss of Grasp in Seemingly Functional Interfaces

    From baroque proto-cybertexts to countercultural gestures by historical avant-gardes, there is a longstanding tradition of disruptive strategies used by artists at the interstices of societies’ demands for order, control, and functionalism. For the avant-gardes and their multiple artistic inf(l)ections, radical changes to the way sensory perception had come to be depicted since Modernism became a central part of their strategy. By placing an emphasis on the confluence between various arts and media, the innovative character of their proposals had much to do with the ways in which they were able to embrace notions that represented modernity, including concepts such as simultaneity, dynamics, motion, and the symbiosis between human and machine. In this manner, they sought to induce estrangement and defamiliarization by using seemingly functional mechanisms to raise awareness through the loss of grasp.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 24.05.2022 - 20:55
