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  1. Heart Pole

    Description taken from N. Katherine Hayles, Electronic Literature: "David Knoebel's exquisitely choreographed 'Heart Pole,' from his collection 'Click Poetry,' features a circular globe of words, with two rings spinning at 90 degrees from one another, 'moment to moment' and 'mind absorbing.' A longer narrative sequence, imaged as a plane undulating in space, can be manipulated by clicking and dragging. The narrative, focalized through the memories of a third-person male persona, recalls the moment between waking and sleeping when the narrator's mother is singing him to sleep with a song composed of his day's activities. But like the slippery plane that shifts in and out of legibility as it twists and turns, this moment of intimacy is irrevocably lost to time, forming the 'heart pole' that registers both its evocation and the on-goingness that condemns even the most deeply seated experiences to loss" (11).

    Rita Raley - 05.05.2011 - 14:41

  2. Sous Terre, The Subnetwork

    Sous terre is an order of the RATP for the celebration of the centenary of the Parisian subway in the year 2000. Under ground, the subway, his memory, his internal organization, his/her/its history. His tunnels, of travelers that pass and iron. All one life that we forget under streets. The subway is useful, it serves to go from a point to another, to move without being confronted to the urban chaos. It is another city, but of passages, of flux, of cuts,: a network. Between time, in the displacement, it is necessary to kill the time, not to feel the surrounding intensity, all these people that us meet without recognizing them, the out-flow of the maintaining chanted by the scrolling of stations. To the difference of the other means of transportation the subway doesn't ask for no attention of travelers as for the taken road. One only waits. The subway requires to face the other travelers then, to look at them while waiting to arrive to destination. Travelers are held seated or standing. Some watch on the right, on the left, of others no. A woman reads a book, a man a newspaper, of others merely the emptiness.

    Scott Rettberg - 06.10.2011 - 10:46

  3. Böhmische Dörfer

    This e-poem describes a historical event during the winter of 1945 in which German families who lived in Brno were forcibly evacuated and marched 40 miles to the Austrian border, resulting in many deaths. A descendant of survivors from that march, Saemmer draws on those experiences and through her poem evokes the difficulty of grasping and reconstructing this traumatic portion of family history by writing, positioning, and mapping a way through a spatially arranged text using a presentation software called Prezi. Prezi is a spatial presentation tool, which allows for placement, scaling, and visual navigation of textual and other objects on an “infinite” canvas. Saemmer uses it to place a textual layer over a video of a march in Winter with thunder-like sounds of war in the background. The arranged texts can be explored as the reader desires, but to better appreciate Saemmer’s vision use the autoplay function on full screen.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 24.04.2012 - 13:04

  4. Ghost City

    Ghost City is a website that focuses on the representation of the city by the mass media. It uses the space of the web as a sculptural space, allowing viewers to interact with animated graphics to delve deeper and deeper into an imaginary city.

    Ghost City is a labyrinthine environment through which viewers can navigate, either following the linear narrative that unfolds by moving from page to page, or they can delve into the non-linear chaos of random links. Each space is made up of appropriated images and texts. The images are culled from various print media sources. The texts are either found passages from urban theory or specifically written poetic musings on the city.

    Scott Rettberg - 20.10.2012 - 15:06

  5. Velvet

    "Velvet" is an interactive artwork involving sound and image that is highly personal in nature and which immerses a user inside the mind and identity of the artist for the exploration of states of mind, dreams, and memory.

    (Source: 2008 ELO Media Arts show)

    Scott Rettberg - 13.01.2013 - 17:19

  6. In Search of Oldton

    How does a town just disappear?

    What does it feel like to be cut off from your roots in a digital age where people have so many tools for recording and documenting their lives?

    How do those of us who grew up in a pre-digital age recover and maintain a sense of belonging that is becoming increasingly so hard to hold on to?

    'In Search of Oldton' is an attempt to use other people's digital documentary in order to recapture and re-invent my own personal history.

    Tim Wright will be touring the UK during 2004 in search of Oldton – his lost place of birth - and uncovering along the way the possible causes of its demise and the subsequent loss of his past.

    Working with groups and individuals Wright wants to build up a substantial online archive showing people taking their leave of a place or a person - a range of personal stories about ‘saying goodbye’ and ‘moving on’.

    Through texts, pictures, videos and oral testimony, he will build up a digital archive of fictional remembrances, tributes to numerous places and situations left behind.

    And ultimately (he hopes!) his own digital story of memory and loss will emerge.

    Scott Rettberg - 19.01.2013 - 23:11

  7. (private reading device)

    The Mandel.brot Project (, in French) has existed online since 1999. From the beginning, we dedicated our project to an experimentation with the aesthetics of the ephemeral and the flow; we thus refuse any archiving of the source files of our creations. The creations remain on the web for a few months. Then they are removed forever. And even when they are online, they permanently face extinction: the instability of the digital device is integrated as a fundamental aesthetic principle in all our works (see « Flux »: the movement of the words was supposed to be calm and relaxing; but on powerful computers, the flow is transformed into a wild torrent). Each creation on Mandel.brot thematizes this instability in a specific way.The Mandel.brot Project is a dialogue (we invite you to compare for example « Soleil Amer » and « Inexorable »), which sometimes becomes animated, and sometimes stops for a long time. None of the creations on Mandel.brot can be separated from their context: the website and the device, which remains deliberately unstable.

    (Source: Authors' description for ELO_AI)

    Scott Rettberg - 11.04.2013 - 12:49

  8. Le Livre des Morts

    Appeler une œuvre de création contemporaine le Livre des Morts peut paraître une sérieuse gageure, ou une folie.

    Pourtant, cette œuvre existe, sur le site , et il ne s’agit pas d’une adaptation de l’un ou l’autre des Livres des Morts connus.

    De quoi s’agit-il alors ? Comment une telle œuvre est-elle née ?

    Voici quelques points de repères.

    Au départ de cette aventure, vers la fin de l’an 2000, il y a des échanges de points de vue par courriel entre Gérard Dalmon, designer vivant à New York, et Xavier Malbreil, écrivain vivant dans le sud de la France.

    Le réseau Internet, d’après nos deux auteurs, pourrait par bien des côtés se comparer au monde des morts. Dans l’un comme dans l’autre, les catégories qui prévalent usuellement sont brouillées, les frontières entre vrai ou faux, tangible ou évanescent, homme ou femme, s’estompent. Ce que l’on tenait pour certain, à peine veut-on le toucher, s’enfuit comme une ombre fuligineuse.

    Scott Rettberg - 28.06.2013 - 14:40

  9. Image fantôme

    Du 17 avril 2010 au 13 septembre 2011, Nicolas Sordello et Lucile Haute tiennent un journal visuel sur Facebook. Chaque jour, à tour de rôle, ils postent une image carré et présentant la date du jour. L'image de la veille est supprimée. L'adresse directe de l'image du jour est publiée sur le profil et ouverte aux commentaires. Pendant une durée variable, l'image supprimée reste accessible sur les serveurs de Facebook. Sur le mur de Image Fantome, les mots restent tandis que les images disparaissent.

    (Source: Authors' description from project site)

    Scott Rettberg - 14.12.2013 - 06:14

  10. RIMA

    RIMA (twitter stream is a performance installation and digital media work that conceptually addresses strategies for survival by way of poetically re-framing the facts behind the effects of solitary confinement and isolation into a fictional present/future. Notions around stimulus and memory are played out through the performers movement within the physical space (proximity, sound, touch) and the data collection of distinct environmental changes (cold, hot, light, dark), which trigger strategically placed sensors collated by a computer program. This in turn dispatches a relational virtual text stream delivered to a live webpage and/or twitter feed (twitter fiction). The overall effect is a mimic of real-time thoughts, responses and actions, which over time slowly build into a fictional narrative somewhere between an indistinct present and a sci-fi future. (source: ELO 2015 catalog)

    Hannah Ackermans - 08.09.2015 - 10:59