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  1. Ex libris: medierealistik litteratur, Paris, Los Angeles & cyberspace

    Walter Benjamin, Honoré de Balzac, Raymond Chandler, Bret Easton Ellis, Steve Erickson, Puppet Motel, Myst, Vuk Cosic, Blackout, Etoy, Jodi, the Web Stalker : panorama, kinematografi, urbanitet & de digitale netværks scriptede rum

    Scott Rettberg - 26.06.2013 - 14:32

  2. Cyberspace, Cybertexts, Cybermaps

    Cyberspace, Cybertexts, Cybermaps

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 28.06.2013 - 15:24

  3. Machines à écrire

    Sur les pas de Raymond Queneau et de Georges Perec...

    Un conte à votre façon
    Une découverte intuitive de ce conte interactif imaginé par Queneau. Les indices visuels et sonores vous invitent à composer votre version de l'histoire des «trois alertes petits pois».

    Cent mille milliards de poèmes
    Cinq mises en scènes originales de l'œuvre de Queneau qui vous permettent de manipuler puis écouter ces poèmes d'anthologie.

    243 cartes postales en couleurs véritables
    Voyagez en «écoutant» cette surprenante collection de cartes conçue par Georges Perec et initiez-vous aux secrets de cet art particulier : écrire une bonne carte postale. Où les textes les plus simples cachent des procédés savants.

    Ateliers d'écriture : jeux et expérimentations
    Un formidable outil pour composer ses propres textes combinatoires et s'amuser avec les mots : loterie lexicale, fabrique de cartes postales, traitement de texte factoriel...

    Scott Rettberg - 28.06.2013 - 16:17

  4. Eloge des virus informatiques dans un processus d'écriture interactive: Essais critiques sur les littératures informatiques

    Eloge des virus informatiques dans un processus d'écriture interactive: Essais critiques sur les littératures informatiques

    Scott Rettberg - 28.06.2013 - 21:34

  5. Lost in the Archive: Vision, Artefact and Loss in the Evolution of Hypertext

    This dissertation offers a history of hypertext, and does not reference any creative works of electronic literature. It has many references to critical writing that is important in the study of electronic literature. The following is the author's abstract: ---

    Patricia Tomaszek - 29.06.2013 - 09:58

  6. Chronotope and Cybertexts: Bakhtinian Theory for Tracing Sources of Narrative in Interactive Virtual Environments: From Naked Lunch to Fast City

    Chronotope and Cybertexts: Bakhtinian Theory for Tracing Sources of Narrative in Interactive Virtual Environments: From Naked Lunch to Fast City

    Patricia Tomaszek - 29.06.2013 - 10:23

  7. The Mirror and the Veil: An Overview of American Online Diaries and Blogs

    The Mirror and the Veil offers a unique perspective on the phenomenon of online personal diaries and blogs. Blending insights from literary criticism, from psychoanalytical theory and from social sciences, Viviane Serfaty identifies the historical roots of self-representational writing in America and studies the original features it has developed on the Internet. She perceptively analyzes the motivations of bloggers and the repercussions their writings may have on themselves and on American society at large. This book will be of interest to specialists in American Studies, to students in literature, communication, psychology and sociology, as well as to anyone endeavoring to understand the new set of practises created by Internet users in America. --Publisher description.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 02.07.2013 - 14:40

  8. Digitale verdener: de nye mediers æstetik og design

    I de senere år har man med fremvæksten af nye digitale medier og redskaber været vidne til en fremvækst af teoretiske betragtninger over de nye digitale fænomener: om deres forhold til filosofi, æstetik og design og om deres samspil med samfundet, kulturen og individet. Denne antologi søger at give et overblik over nogle af de mange synspunkter og teorier, der cirkulerer i den aktuelle debat mellem forskere inden for digital æstetik og design. Med baggrund i disse diskussioner afmærker bogen ikke blot debattens vigtigste temaer, men giver også konkrete bud på, hvordan de nye digitale fænomener kan analyseres. Bidragyderne er alle primært yngre forskere, der både nationalt og internationalt har været med til at etablere forskningen inden for digital æstetik og design: Gert Balling, Rasmus Blok, Ida Engholm, Jesper Juul, Anker Helms Jørgensen, Anders Fagerjord, Gonzala Frasca, Lisbeth Klastrup, Raine Koskimaa, Lars Qvortrup, Mette Ramsgaard Thomsen, Mette Sandbye, Frank Schaap, Lisbeth Thorlacius.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 03.07.2013 - 12:23

  9. Disse bølger af erindringer: en analyse af Caitlin Fishers "These Waves of Girls"

    Disse bølger af erindringer: en analyse af Caitlin Fishers "These Waves of Girls"

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 03.07.2013 - 12:27

  10. Games/gaming/simulation in a new media (literature) classroom

    Disccuses some practical issues involved in teaching new media in literature classroom, focusing on the necessity of teaching literatuer students to consider the language of gaming in the study of new media forms, on teaching collaborative media for the electronic media as a form of writing game, and on considering contemporary computer games in a cultural studies context.

    Scott Rettberg - 08.07.2013 - 21:18
