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  1. Digital Arts and Culture 2000 Conference

    The third conference in the Digital Arts and Culture series was held at the University of Bergen. The conference chair was Jan Rune Holmevik. In addition to the electronic literature-related events, there were a number of digital arts performances not listed here as well as presentations on digital culture in a broader sense. Please see the conference website for a full list. Abstracts are not available for most presentations.

    Scott Rettberg - 30.05.2011 - 14:03

  2. International Workshop on Databases and Bibliographic Standards for Electronic Literature

    This Consortium for Electronic Literature (CELL) workshop presents international projects that document, curate, and present research on electronic literature: born-digital literary forms such as hypertext fiction, kinetic poetry, interactive drama, location-based narrative, multimedia literary installations, and other types of poetic experiences made for the networked computer.

    Since June of 2010, as part of the HERA-funded ELMCIP Project, the University of Bergen's Electronic Literature Research Group has been developing the ELMCIP Knowledge Base (, a platform positioned to become one of the leading research tools in this area of the digital humanities.

    The primary goal of the workshop is to bring together members of several international projects working on the documentation of electronic literature. Representives of projects from the United States, Canada, Portugal, Germany, Spain, Australia, and Norway will gather to pubicly present work on their projects, and to discuss how to best establish an international research infrastructure for the field.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 13.06.2011 - 09:48

  3. Boston Cyberarts Festival

    The Boston Cyberarts Festival is the first and largest collaboration of artists working in new technologies in all media in North America, encompassing visual arts, dance, music, electronic literature, web art, and public art. 

    (Source: Boston Cyberarts Festival website)

    Judy Malloy - 05.07.2011 - 23:41

  4. ISEA2010 RUHR

    ISEA2010 RUHR, the 16th International Symposium on Electronic Art, took place from 20–29 August 2010 in the cities of Dortmund, Essen and Duisburg. ISEA is one of the most important international festivals for digital and electronic art and was hosted in Germany for the first time, as part of the programme of RUHR.2010, European Capital of Culture. More than eight hundred artists and scientists from over fifty countries came together to present the latest developments in contemporary art and digital culture at the ISEA2010 RUHR exhibitions, lectures, concerts and workshops. Thousands of visitors from the Ruhr region and beyond took part in the numerous events. (Source: ISEA2010 website)

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 22.08.2011 - 10:25

  5. Electronic Literature (DIKULT 203, Fall 2011)

    Electronic Literature (DIKULT 203, Fall 2011)

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 05.09.2011 - 16:14

  6. Post-Print Fiction (ENGH 400-002)

    Post-Print Fiction (ENGH 400-002)

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 07.09.2011 - 09:25

  7. Literature and the Digital Society

    There is no doubt today that computer science impacts strongly on literature. New forms have been created, works are abundant, and dynamic university has built a strong, specific field of research. The complexity of the field requires a multidisciplinary approach involving specialists in literature, communication, hypermedia, and the art.

    Along with the development of this field, innovative educational activities to teach this literature are being developed. Thecomputer also offers powerful tools to transcribe and transmit in digital form works originally intended for other media. More generally, the relationship between computers and literature creates social benefits by offering new ways to read and write,a new "being together" around a work.

    All these activities have been changing rapidly in recent years and the European workshop "Literature and Digital Society" aims to bring together researchers operating in different contexts and to federate them in a European network.

    (Source: Philippe Bootz, Laboratoire Paragraphe)

    Scott Rettberg - 06.10.2011 - 10:24

  8. Digital Scholarly Communication

    HASTAC´s conference on Digital Scholarly Communication showed why and how we cannot change the academic message without transforming the medium. And vice versa. The gathering experimented with an array of new forms and formats designed not just to discuss those three terms--digital, scholarly, communication--but to show how they work together to change one another and, indeed, to contribute to the transformation of higher education more generally. Bringing together voices from many sectors of the academy in a variety of new formats, this conference presages powerful new possibilities for interdisciplinary, interactive, and multimedia research and communication both in the academy and for the general public.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 03.12.2011 - 19:21

  9. Hypertekst og Bringsværds "Faen"

    Et undervisningsopplegg for en 45 minutters time med universitetsstudenter hvor de leser og diskuterer Bringsværds "Faen" med utgangspunkt i definisjoner av hypertekst, diskusjoner om koherense og om multilinær struktur.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 14.12.2011 - 14:00

  10. Getting Started in the Digital Humanities with DHCommons

    Digital methodologies and new media are changing the landscape of research and teaching in modern languages and literatures. Scholars can now computationally analyze entire corpora of texts or preserve and share materials through digital archives. Students can engage in authentic applied research linking text to place, or study Shakespeare in a virtual Globe Theater. In the face of all the digital humanities buzz--from the MLA to the New York Times to Twitter--where can scholars interested in the field turn to get started? This three-hour preconvention workshop welcomes language and literature scholars who wish to learn about, start, or join digital scholarly projects for research and/or teaching. Representatives of major digital humanities projects and initiatives will share their expertise on project design, available resources and opportunities, lead small-group training sessions on technologies and skills to help participants get started, and be available for follow-up one-on-one consultations later in the day.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 17.01.2012 - 11:06
