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  1. Gymnasion

    Gymnasion reimagines rhetorical education by using machine learning to train and test humans. In the first mini-game, “Speed of Breath,” the user motivates a character to run by sending him inspirational messages. These are assessed by a statistical model trained to distinguish inspiring from non-inspiring quotations. The more inspiring and rapid-fire the messages, the faster the character sprints. “Manual Style Transfer” tasks the user with rewriting a sentence so that it sounds as if it were written by Whitman (according to a model trained for authorship identification) while retaining its meaning (according to Word Mover’s Distance, a metric of semantic similarity [Kusner et al., 2015]). A data visualization guides the user’s progress.

    Jane Lausten - 26.09.2018 - 14:48


    CHOEUR is basically an installation whose heart is made of poetry.

    In the "window" stand a number of characters. It is the inhabitants of a particular castle, men and women, who challenge the visitor. " Come here. Psst, psst ... Do you want to hear a poem? "

    They are poets from Quebec and Belgium. Delayed poetic presences and reduced to the proportions of the castelet.

    When, to answer the call, the visitors approach the window, the poets recite at the same time a flow of worms which are not confused. Then, gradually, they give each other the floor. The verses are linked together, quickly at the beginning, then more slowly until only one poet is heard. He says his poem - the others let it say - then gradually fades, leaving room for a sound and visual, a landscape echoing poetry. Then the ground comes alive, the text is visual. When the last word of the poet falls, the others come back and challenge the visitor again.

    Amirah Mahomed - 26.09.2018 - 14:50

  3. StoryFace

    "StoryFace" is a digital fiction based on the capture and recognition of facial emotions.

    The user logs onto a dating website. He/she is asked to display, in front of the webcam, the emotion that seems to characterize him/her the best. After this the website proposes profiles of partners. The user can choose one and exchange with a fictional partner. The user is now expected to focus on the content of messages. However, the user's facial expressions continue to be tracked and analyzed… 

    What is highlighted here is the tendency of emotion recognition devices to normalize emotions. Which emotion does the device expect? We go from the measurement of emotions to the standardization of emotions. 

    StoryFace was re-published in The New River in 2018.

    Carlos Muñoz - 26.09.2018 - 14:53

  4. Damocles 2

    Ce jeu vidéo d’art explore les concepts pavloviens liés à la quête de sens ou de but intrinsèquement liée au médium du jeu, plus précisément du jeu vidéo traditionnel. 
    La guilde de Damoclès explore les relations du joueur avec une variété d'objets virtuels. Le but, s’il en est un, n'est pas individuel. Les participants sont invités à amasser le plus d'épées possible. Dans ce monde à l'apparence hostile où cohabitent des stéréotypes du monde du jeu vidéo, nul ne peut se faire de mal. Bien que les dragons, les extraterrestres et les autres figures se déplacent vers le joueur et le menace aucun système de vie, de mort ou d’élimination n'existe. Le joueur se voit refuser toute forme de finalité. Le jeu n’est pas régi par un système de temps, de ce fait son début et sa fin dépendent entièrement de la durée de l’exposition. 

    Nina Kolovic - 26.09.2018 - 14:53

  5. HeartBeats

    Many academics experience severe levels of stress and anxiety, but we do not address these issues in scholarly contexts. Instead, we cast stress as a personal matter, even though it is a shared experience in our profession. I would like to propose an installation for this year’s ELO Media Arts Festival that asks interactors to be mindful of the gap we have created between our academic lives and our mind-bodies. My installation, “HeartBeats,” prompts interactors to experiment with breathing techniques derived from Buddhist mindfulness mediation with a pulse sensor attached to their wrist. The sensor is connected to an Arduino Uno R3 board, which processes the analogue pulse signal to light up 60 NeoPixel LEDs based on the interactor’s heart rate. Depending on the frequency of the pulse, the LED lights blink in different colors. A color key allows interactors to interpret their heart rate. The installation displays instructions for breathing techniques alongside quotations taken from traditional Buddhist texts such as the Mediation Sutra.

    Jane Lausten - 26.09.2018 - 14:53

  6. The Several Houses of ....

    Author's reading from work for NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Mo) 2017 The Several Houses of Brian, Spencer, Liam, Victoria, Brayden, Vincent, and Alex. 

    The Several Houses of Brian, Spencer, Liam, Victoria, Brayden, Vincent, and Alex is 800-page novel generated by a Python script. 

    Jana Jankovska - 26.09.2018 - 14:56


    Human + A.I. poetry.
    Generated by a computer. Edited by a human.
    05.2017 - 05.2018. One book a month.

    A limited edition boxset of 12 poetry books written in one year by digital poet David Jhave Johnston with neural net augmentation. ReRites is accompanied by a book of 8 essays written about the project. Published by Anteism Books, Montreal (2019).

    ReRites exhibit format also includes over 120 hours of neural-net text-generation videos, 15 hours of editing videos, and often includes a participatory performance component called ReadingRites.
    Installation views.


    Amirah Mahomed - 26.09.2018 - 14:56

  8. Cyborgs in the Mist

    Cyborgs in the Mist is an enquiry which takes the form of a movie, a sound
    installation, photo prints, and a book. The film presents the LOPH research lab
    and its utopian proposals to struggle against the planned obsolescence of
    humankind. Taking into account the development of robotics and artificial forms
    of intelligence, the LOPH research lab experiments with ways to help humans
    adapt to their new environment, and to put them in a position to fight against their planned obsolescence. How can we anticipate this shift in the logic of evolution?
    How can we adapt to this change with a minimum of violence? Academic teams,
    science-fiction writers, and new forms of artificial intelligence work together to
    anticipate the most disastrous scenarios.

    (source: description from the schedule)

    June Hovdenakk - 26.09.2018 - 14:58

  9. Dispersed Digital Poetry Project

    The Dispersed Digital Poetry Project is a year-long endeavour to create a series of short one poem/screen/page interactive digital poems, with each of those digital poems hosted on a different website or portal. And then the entire series of interactive works inter-linked together, forming a larger collection, existing across the net. 

    For example: I will create a mouse-follower digital poem to be hosted by gallery’s website in Vancouver. And that work will link to 3D textual work hosted by a literary journal in Singapore. Add 24 others! In essence, the works will have dozens of different entry points and doorways, with the whole of the work forming a grid across the websites of places, institutions, people, publications and organizations around the world. 

    What is the overarching theme of this collection of works from the Dispersed Digital Poetry Project? 

    Nina Kolovic - 26.09.2018 - 14:59

  10. EMAJI NARATGEE MARAKKA. a Game and a Fable

    Convinced that the civic life of my country has been usurped by a game of alternate reality, I respond with a counter-game (or simulation, or expiation), whose object is, however momentarily, to stint the spewings of the Troll so that a different story can emerge. This story concerns the arc of the moral universe and a woman who, with all the luck in the world, can bend it like a bow. It is a fable and perhaps a parable. Against the purulent babble of monsters from the id, it offers words of comfort and counteraction.
    Instructions: Click to begin the Trollspiel. Observe the horror. Find the option that interrupts it. Read a bit of the story. Return to Trollspiel. Fight through and keep fighting until the end.

    Nina Kolovic - 26.09.2018 - 15:02
