Abandoning Canon: Fluid Texts and Implicit Collaboration in Electronic Narratives

Abstract (in English): 

Digital technology enables artists - photographers, musicians, writers, filmmakers, illustrators,
animators, etc. - to place their work not in a strictly definable where, but effectively everywhere
(everywhere, that is, where infrastructure and access are available). Where once the lines between
author, text, and reader could be drawn with linear vectors, digital technology and their increasing
availability and accessibility bring author, text, and reader into a potentially endless cycle of narrative, creation, wherein the roles are fluid and the text may never be fixed. Because of this capability, Astrid Ensslin argues that the idea of literary canon must depart from "its traditional self-contained, closed, and rigidly exclusive connotations. Instead, an inclusive, open concept has to be adopted, which works in terms of a continuous process of integration, modification and discharge" (2006, n.p).

(Source: Author's abstract, 2012 ELO Conference site)

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Eric Dean Rasmussen