
ELMCIP on GitHub

ELMCIP on GitHub

ELMCIP is now a public repository on GitHub


Create new issues, comment existing issues, test, review, and help us improving the ELMCIP Knowledge Base. Open the Issues tab at

You will find more info on how to contribute in the front page.

Technical details

Stein Mange Bjørklund, lead developer, have written a blog post where he provide some techincal details about the project and and its work flow.

ELMCIP v1.25 released

Hallgrimskirkja, Reykjavik, Iceland

ELMCIP 1.25 was released from Reykjavik, Iceland, on Wednesday, June 21 2017. It contains a few changes to end users. Here is a few worth noticing:

  • Started improving submission forms. Improved all submission buttons. Visually clearer if it is a delete or submitt button.
  • Standardised how media is added to site. Image, files, and video etc. are all handled identical.
  • Original descriptions or abstracts now are hidden until you choose a language. Databases and Archives description language is now also have identical behavior then other type of content when adding original descriptions.
  • Event now support description submissions in original language.

A more complete list of changes is found bellow and in the full list of changes in the attached changelog.

ELMCIP v1.24 released

ELMCIP 1.24 was released on Wednesday, May 10 2017.

It contains quite a few changes to end users. Here is a few worth noticing:

ELMCIP v1.23 released

ELMCIP 1.23 was released Friday 31 of March. It is mostly a maintenance release. Crunch bugs and clean up stuff. Contains very few changes noticeable for a end user. Here is a few worth noticing.

ELMCIP v1.22 released

ELMCIP v1.22 was released this 31.11.2016.

It is time to bring out the fizzy drinks. Our first release in about two years without almost no data migration, or changes to our data storage/structure. Not having to fiddle with that give us more time to address other types of ELMCIP issues. This release have also test coverage then any of the previous releases. More testing not only help us to confirm that the issue at hand was properly fixed. More testing also result in that unrelated bugs and room for improvement get noticed. This have caused our backlog to grow a bit but I personally see this as a good thing not a bad thing. I encourage everyone to notice, and write down and file any issue that you might come across.

A big thank you to Hannah Ackermans that have done 99.997% of the end user testing.

Biggest changes since v1.21

For the complete list see attached document.

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