Wo ist der Online-Ulysses? Kanonisierungsprozesse in der Netzliteratur
"Net literature" is a relatively young phenomenon that has its roots as well in the experiments of visual and concrete poetics as in the application of hypertext. With the extensive use of computer- and network-technologies this new kind of literature has grown up and is now considered to be one of the most important influences of recent art. Not only does "net literature" connect sound, video and animation with interactivity and allows new forms of artistic expression. It also destroys the traditional functions in the literary system: The ‘death of the author’ gives birth to the writing reader.In this study a first attempt is made to apply the concept of "canon" to "net literature": Is there already a "canon" existing and if so, what are the techniques that are used to form this "canon"? Based on a theory of action and a modification of Karl Erik Rosengren’s "mention technique" a sample of German reviews on "net literature" was analyzed. The main research interests were: How reviewers refer to "net literature", which projects are considered to be of exceptional quality and which internet services influence this process of canonization (and how).This study is also regarded as a test of the applicability of Rosengren’s method for the analysis of "net literature": Is it valid to use a method that was originally designed for the empirical study of the (traditional) literary canon for this purpose? The monograph is available to download from the archived linked in this entry.
1.1 Gibt es einen Kanon der Netzliteratur?
Kanones als gesellschaftliche Konstrukte, Kanonisierung als eine der wichtigsten Ope- rationen im Kultursystem stellen Phänomene dar, die in der traditionellen Literaturwis- senschaft sehr heiß debattiert werden: Eine Diskussion, die längst auch in andere Dis- ziplinen, wie etwa die Film- und Fernsehwissenschaft, übergegriffen hat und dort fruchtbare Ergebnisse liefert. Es scheint deshalb mehr als sinnvoll zu untersuchen, ob Ergebnisse dieser Debatte auch auf das Internet zu übertragen sind.
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