Reformers vs Capitalists: Hypertext and Simulation in The Election of 1912

Critical Writing
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CC Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike
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Abstract (in English): 

Immerse yourself in the era of railroads and reformers. Take the role of Theodore Roosevelt in the run for the presidential seat in a remarkable simulation The Election of 1912: A Hypertext Study of the Progressive Era by Mark Bernstein and Erin Sweeney.

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The Election of 1912, a pioneering hypertext, can serve as an interesting reference point in the history of digital culture. It was published when the divide between games and “serious hypertext” was not yet formed, and text adventures, educational storytelling and literary fiction inhabited the same field of mostly text-based entertainment on computer screen. At the same times it can serve as interesting landmark in the development of core principles of the modern user interface. 

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Dene Grigar