Literature from Page to Interface: The Treatments of Text in Christophe Bruno's Iterature

Abstract (in English): 

Søren Pold explores the ways in which Christophe Bruno's Iterature expands the notion of literary form and shows what happens when words are no longer only part of a language.
(Source: ebr)

Pull Quotes: 

Iterature's output is no more alienating than the many textual screens greeting us in urban spaces or the text we normally get from a search engine or a dynamic 2.0 website, but Iterature's literary staging forces us to reconsider the textual character and material more thoroughly, since the message is beyond the immediately decodable and recognizable.

I suggest looking at the interface as a new medium for the understanding of digital literature in order to understand more precisely how digital literature critically explores its own forms.

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Eric Dean Rasmussen