Appropriationist practices and subjectivation / desubjectivation processes: some productions of Argentine digital literature in times of algorithmic governance

Abstract (in English): 

In this work, we propose to study a series of Argentine digital literature productions that problematize the idea of property in language. We refer to practices of appropriation and expropriation that –through copy-paste, plagiarism, remix, collage and work with “ready made”, among other operations that the digital medium facilitates - question the triad author-authority-property. We consider that, in this questioning of the traditional conception of authorship, these productions also allow us to read an “epochal slippage” within the category of subject (Bürger 2001), as they propose alternative forms of subjectivity.
In the general process of virtualization of subjects and their signifying practices, we consider that appropriationist writing practices propose particular modes of subjectivation. In this sense, we are interested in asking ourselves if it is possible to think in terms of mediated subjectivities, “halfway” –between human agency and the machine–, turned into specters or turned into a “medium”, due to their various links with technology. That is to say multiplied subjectivities, as they "make others speak" and withdraw from the expression of their own, in a questioning of the notions of ownership and authorship. Productions that bring multiple voices into play, while giving place to them in a single modulation. Regarding these practices, we are interested in raising the question of whether or not they operate as resistance to the hegemonic meanings of digital culture. In other words, if they manage to escape the binary logics of the technolinguistic standardization systems and the segmentation of profiles, which tend to reduce the subjective to what is offered “to be captured as data” (Kozak).


ELO 2021: Identities and bodies panel 27th May 2021

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Daniel Johannes...