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Displaying 1 - 20 of 25
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Research Collection
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Understanding Cosmo-Literature: The Extensions of New Media
Reham Hosny
The Computational Sublime in Nick Montfort's ‘Round’ and ‘All the Names of God’
Mario Aquilina
The Challenge of Visuality for Electronic Literature
Donna Leishman
Rhematics and the Literariness of Electronic Literature
Velimatti Karhulahti
Imagination, Eventhood, and the Literary Absolute
Mario Aquilina
Ivan Callus
Gordon Calleja
(Electronic) Literature and the (Post)human Condition
Kent Aardse
A Humument app by Tom Phillips as a work of liberature: between text and embodiment
Anna Nacher
Med literaturo in novomedijsko umetnostjo: sonetoidni spletni projekti Vuka Ćosića in Tea Spillerja
Aleš Vaupotič
Exopoiesis and literariness in the works of William Gibson, Mark Z. Danielewski, Kate Pullinger and Chris Joseph
Ugo Panzani
Reading the Drones: Working Towards a Critical Tradition of Interactive Poetry Generation
Calum Rodger
Cybertext: Perspectives on Ergodic literature
Espen Aarseth
Determining Literariness in Interactive Fiction
Neil Randall
The Heuristic Value of Electronic Literature
Serge Bouchardon
Notes on N. Katherine Hayles: Literature and the Literary: Why Electronic Literature is Key to Their Future
Jill Walker Rettberg
Is the Future of Electronic Literature the Future of the Literary?
N. Katherine Hayles
Digital Poetry Beyond Avant-Garde Readings: Proposing a Digital Lyric
Holly Dupej
Post-Chapter Dialogue, Gendolla and Ricardo
Peter Gendolla
Francisco J. Ricardo
The (Problematic) Issue to Evaluate Literariness: Digital Literature Between Legitimation and Canonization
Alexandra Saemmer
The Presumed Literariness of Digital
Kent Aardse
Electronic literature or digital art? And where are all the challenging hypertextual novels?
Gitte Mose
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