ELMCIP releases

ELMCIP and CELL v1.39.5 released

Cleaning up codebase

Security and bugfixes release. We are focusing all other work on the ongoing Drupal 9 upgrade.

Information on github: https://github.com/elmcip/elmcip/releases/tag/v1.39.5

ELMCIP and CELL v1.39.3 released

Security and bugfixes release. We are focusing all other work on the ongoing Drupal 9 upgrade.


ELMCIP and CELL v1.39.2 released

Security and bugfixes release. We are focusing all work on the Drupal 9 migration. This should address the change introduced in Date:   Tue Aug 24 10:20:33 2021 - v1.39.1 - Search API (search_api)  7.x-1.27 -> 7.x-1.28 that broke our facet filters.


  • 5ad84f1 (HEAD -> master, tag: v1.39.2, origin/production, origin/master, origin/HEAD, production) Module update Views (views)  7.x-3.24  -> 7.x-3.25
  • 28a8709 Module upgrade Facet API (facetapi)  7.x-1.6 -> 7.x-1.9
  • 4c9c5b2 Search API 2159827 - base path missing
  • 168d91f Drupal module file_entity 7.x-2.30 -> 7.x-2.32

ELMCIP and CELL v1.39.1 released

Security and bugfixes release. We are focusing on the Drupal 9 migration.


commit b35195d9006ddcdd71fa49c7343e2abff8dfed16
Author: Stein Magne Bjorklund <steinmb@smbjorklund.com>
Date:   Tue Aug 24 10:20:33 2021 +0200

    Search API (search_api)  7.x-1.27 -> 7.x-1.28


commit 2d6010e867a81300bb9cfdf26811fe80ba5ce325
Author: Stein Magne Bjorklund <steinmb@smbjorklund.com>
Date:   Tue Aug 24 10:18:28 2021 +0200

    Drupal core SA-CORE-2021-004 7.81 -> 7.82

ELMCIP and CELL v1.39 released

This release introduce, support for https://the-next.eliterature.org/ entries. We have have improved the ORCID validation and URL generated in persons records. The new header and footer enabled us to increase the site font sizes without running out of space. It should improve the readability in general but also for visual impaired and users on small screens. Stub records should look better by us introducing a "sticky footer". This stops this section from floating up into the content.

Search page have been improved. We have reduced the amount of facet filters exposed when you first enter https://elmcip.net/search - When the user select a record type we expose the active facet filters for the record type selected.


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