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  1. The Universal Viral Machine: Bits, Parasites and the Media Ecology of Network Culture

    In this article, I examine computer worms and viruses as part of the genealogy of network media, of the discourse networks of the contemporary media condition. While popular and professional arguments concerning these miniprograms often see them solely as malicious code, worms and viruses might equally be approached as revealing the very basics of their environment. Such a media-ecological perspective relies on notions of self-referentiality and autopoiesis that problematize the often all-too-hasty depictions of viruses as malicious software, products of vandal juveniles. In other words, worms and viruses are not antithetical to contemporary digital culture, but reveal essential traits of the techno-cultural logic that characterizes the computerized media culture of recent decades.

    Luciana Gattass - 24.10.2012 - 13:18

  2. Words Made Flesh. Code, Culture, Imagination

    Executable code existed centuries before the invention of the computer in magic, Kabbalah, musical composition and experimental poetry. These practices are often neglected as a historical pretext of contemporary software culture and electronic arts. Above all, they link computations to a vast speculative imagination that encompasses art, language, technology, philosophy and religion. These speculations in turn inscribe themselves into the technology. Since even the most simple formalism requires symbols with which it can be expressed, and symbols have cultural connotations, any code is loaded with meaning. This booklet writes a small cultural history of imaginative computation, reconstructing both the obsessive persistence and contradictory mutations of the phantasm that symbols turn physical, and words are made flesh.

    Johannes Auer - 08.11.2012 - 15:55

  3. anomalie_digital arts n°5 "://brasil" / Anomalie

    Ce numéro 5 de la revue Anomalie_digital arts # 5 intitulé " : // brasil " est édité en partenariat avec le festival @rt outsiders 2005 / Maison Européenne de la Photographie. Il présente l'exposition du festival et " l'art des nouveaux médias " au Brésil. Cet ouvrage aborde dans une perspective historique les pratiques technologiques contemporaines qui animent la scène artistique brésilienne. Des expériences d'art cinétique d'Abraham Palatnik aux créations sensorielles d'Hélio Oiticica et de Lygia Clark, des poèmes holographiques d'Eduardo Kac aux créations numériques les plus récentes, il nous dévoile toute la multiplicité de la création actuelle, ce " mélange de sensualité tropicale et de rigueur constructiviste " dont parle Kac….

    Luciana Gattass - 12.11.2012 - 11:51

  4. Footnotes in Fiction: A Rhetorical Approach

    This study explores the use of footnotes in fictional narratives. Footnotes and endnotes fall under the category of what Gérard Genette has labeled paratexts, or the elements that sit above or external to the text of the story. In some narratives, however, notes and other paratexts are incorporated into the story as part of the internal narrative frame. I call this particular type of paratext an artificial paratext. Much like traditional paratexts, artificial paratexts are often seen as ancillary to the text. However, artificial paratexts can play a significant role in the narrative dynamic by extending the boundaries of the narrative frame, introducing new heuristic models for interpretation, and offering alternative narrative threads for the reader to unravel. In addition, artificial paratexts provide a useful lens through which to explore current theories of narrative progression, character development, voice, and reliability. In the first chapter, I develop a typology of paratexts, showing that paratexts have been used to deliver factual information, interpretive or analytical glosses, and discursive narratives in their own right.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 16.11.2012 - 15:43

  5. O chip e o caleidoscópio

    O CHIP E O CALEIDOSCÓPIO: estudos em novas mídias é uma antologia que reúne artigos de pesquisadores de várias áreas. A idéia original do projeto dessa coletânea foi mapear questões emergentes. Entre os tópicos que focaram as escolhas dos artigos estão: história das mídias; novas mídias como linguagem; conceituação e definição de ciberespaço; hipermídia e design; design de hipermídia; design de interfaces; design genético; produção de sites; arte tecnológica; ciberarte; arte telemática; net arte; cinema interativo; telepresença; tele-robótica; cinema digital expandido; arte transgência; webcams; realidade virtual; poesia eletrônica; comunidades virtuais; cibercultura; entre outros.

    Luciana Gattass - 28.11.2012 - 14:47

  6. Repetition and Recombination: Reading Network Fiction

    Repetition and Recombination: Reading Network Fiction is the first full-length study devoted to network fiction. Network fictions are narrative texts in digitallynetworked environments that make use of hypertext technology in order to create emergent and recombinatory narratives (unlike interactive, or "arborescent," fictions that employ mutually exclusive plotlines). They represent a coalescence of works that predate and postdate the World Wide Web but share an aesthetic drive that exploits the networking potential of digital composition and foregrounds a distinctive quality of narrative recurrence and return. The thesis consists of (1) a critical and theoretical component that returns to printbased narratology in light of digital literature; (2) analyses of network fictions from the first-wave of digital literature published as stand-alone software applications; and (3) analyses of second-wave network fictions published on the World Wide Web. The analyses each focus on the interplay of the material, formal, and semantic elements of network narrative, an jnterplay that is framed by the dynamics of repetition.

    Scott Rettberg - 13.12.2012 - 22:59

  7. Constructing an Aesthetic of Web Art from a Review of Artists' Use of the World Wide Web

    Constructing an Aesthetic of Web Art from a Review of Artists' Use of the World Wide Web

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 23.01.2013 - 12:54

  8. Her har man altid med sig

    "Det er, som om litteraturen har gennemgået en udvikling, kritikken kun befinder sig i puberteten af.” Anna Hallberg efterlyser i sit essay (først holdt som oplæg på OEI-seminaret Post-Poesi) en mere åben og prøvende litteraturkritik, der kan matche den slagkraft og opfindsomhed, man finder i Nordens eksperimenterende litteratur i dag. Med udgangspunkt i Lars Mikael Raattamaas visuelle digt “Al-Jazeera” går hun tæt på modstanden og dens retoriske strategier. Dén diskrimination, vi alle til en vis grad er fanget af.

    Sissel Hegvik - 16.04.2013 - 22:55

  9. Arabisk og asemisk kalligrafi

    Den arabiske skrift er omgærdet af mystik og uforståelighed, måske fordi den er udspændt mellem den største betydning og den rene abstraktion - gennemsyret af metafysisk betydning og fuld af ærefrygt. Samtidig har forbudet mod det figurative og repræsentationen avlet en ustyrlig vækst af mønstre og arabesker. Karen Wagner introducerer en række moderne kalligrafer: mellemøstlige, ofte eksilerede kunstnere, som skaber forbindelse til fortidens tradition, såvel som vestlige “asemikere”, for hvem kalligrafien åbner en alternativ indgang til skriftbilledet, oplevelsen af sproget, ja måske endda selve tanken.

    Sissel Hegvik - 20.04.2013 - 17:03

  10. Cinematic Hypertext: Investigating a New Paradigm

    Cinematic Hypertext: Investigating a New Paradigm

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 14.06.2013 - 09:20
