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  1. The US political poetry generator

    American politics isn’t usually poetic, but what happens when you throw in actual poetry? Behold, our political poetry generator. We’ve gathered the transcripts of the latest Republican and Democratic presidential debates, and programmatically stirred in hundreds of lines of classic poetry. Pick a candidate, poet, and style below, and see what beauty you can generate.

    Hannah Ackermans - 12.04.2016 - 10:06

  2. samen dichten

    samen dichten is een poëziemachine waarbij mens en computer elkaar kunnen versterken. zo ontstaat er een gedicht dat de gebruiker niet zonder computer en de computer niet zonder deze specifieke gebruiker had kunnen schrijven.
    het idee achter dit project is om poëzie toegankelijk te maken voor een breder publiek. de poëziemachine laat mens en machine samenwerken, maar belangrijker: iedereen kan zo de kracht van taal ontdekken.


    Hannah Ackermans - 13.04.2016 - 17:32

  3. Novelling

    Novelling is a digital novel from 2016 by Will Luers, Hazel Smith and Roger Dean and it is about fiction itself, and how we read and write it. The authors' aim is to analyze and combine the performances of reading-fiction and writing-fiction in order to create a "common system" in which the two activities work together. To make it possible, they employed three key-elements, as text, video and sound. Novelling has been written on a website using the languages of HTML5 and JavaScript and it is available on its website ( The authors created several interfaces which last 30 seconds - then, new interfaces will appear. Anyways, the user may change it whenever he/she wants just clicking on the screen. After 6 minutes, the novel restarts allowing the reader to experience a new reading direction.

    Nikol Hejlickova - 19.10.2016 - 17:17

  4. Wat zegt de zee?

    A sea expert interprets the sea and convinces the audience. But the sea doesn’t agree.


    Hannah Ackermans - 17.11.2016 - 09:50

  5. What Does The Sea Say?

    A sea expert interprets the sea and convinces the audience. But the sea doesn’t agree.


    Hannah Ackermans - 17.11.2016 - 09:54

  6. Oceanografias (A Memória da Água)

    «oceanografias» or «a memória da água» is a poetic operation made in a computador from a linear numerical relation of correspondence with some signifiers, which are semantically and phonetically close to each other. [...] The project was developed in an 8-bit microprocessor Sinclair ZX Spectrum in January 1986.

    Alvaro Seica - 17.11.2016 - 16:04

  7. MathX (Metadata-Eye)

    MathX (Metadata-Eye) is an audiovisual software program with an infinite duration that is built using the open source processing programming environment. It is a navigator in a meta-symbolic space, that travels a 3D network of codes and text contents.

    A collaborative piece by André Sier and Álvaro Seiça, MathX (Metadata-Eye) was developed for Sier's solo exhitibition 02016.41312785388128 at Ocupart Chiado, Lisboa, from May 19 to June 4, 2016. The navigator presents a poem by Álvaro Seiça made as an invitation to create a text based on the philosophical-archaic-metaphysical references of André Sier's work.

    Sier's initial navigator, MathX, was developed in 2010.

    Seiça's text departs from Sier's works, MathX Java code, Dziga Vertov's Kino-Eye (1924), and Ted Rall's Snowden (2015).

    The collaboration branched out into sound, text, and visual pieces.

    (Source: Adapted text from

    Alvaro Seica - 19.11.2016 - 12:17

  8. I Dream of Canute (& The Sea is Rising)

    I Dream of Canute (& The Sea is Rising) stretches our perception of time by creating a literary artwork that is formally linked to our planets rising sea levels. This self-destructive poem will play out over the next 100 years, a time period in which it is highly likely that we will experience at least one metre of sea level rise (see Some Notes on Sea Level Rise at: ). As we enter each year, one line of the poem will disappear. Each line therefore represents one centimetre of sea level rise. The poem has been composed in such a way that it can still hang together as a literary artefact, albeit a permanently shifting one, as it shrinks over time.

    Stevie Ronnie - 13.12.2016 - 10:22

  9. Autopia

    Autopia is a simple text generator that presents language as if it were endless traffic. The headline-style sentences that are produced are made entirely of the names of cars — no other lexemes are used. While the Web version uses a JavaScript port of espeak to do text-to-speech synthesis, it is not necessary to present the work in a gallery setting with sound.

    Autopia is available as free software. It is also published in print form, as a book, by Troll Thread, a New York press. It has been exhibited in galleries.

    Nick Montfort - 19.04.2018 - 23:10

  10. Robopoem@s

    Robopoem@s are robots created by Tina Escaja. Robots that are designed to take the apearance and function of poems, able to move, and even "speak" different poems.

    Tina Escaja - 27.08.2018 - 01:13
