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  1. Um Corvo Nunca Mais

    Generative and combinatory translation of "O Corvo/The Crow" (Fernando Pessoa / Edgar A. Poe). Created for the Núcleo de Estudos do Modernismo em Língua Portuguesa, Universidade Fernando Pessoa.

    Rui Torres - 25.11.2011 - 23:03

  2. 8 Brincadeiras para Salette Tavares

    8 brincadeiras para Salette Tavares [8 games for Salette Tavares] is a set of eight texts which constitute a creative research in the area of cyberliterature. A polyphony of varied elements and variables, subject to a non-linear staging, in the center of these texts there are combinatorial and generative procedures in dialogue with the poetry and textual innovation of Portuguese author Salette Tavares. The average duration for reading this collection of eight texts is about eight minutes. Every 55 seconds, the page with the combinatorial or animated texts automatically redirects to a new work. Included in this work there are 6 combinatorial texts programmed by Rui Torres using the software for literary creation Poemario (Torres and Ferreira). The texts include: Text 1: Dentro da casa está o dentro - A porta I; Text 2: Dentro da casa está o dentro - A porta II; Text 4: Como a palavra o diz, o copo; Text 5: A boca e o copo entendem-se através da mão; Text 7: Os talheres são ferramentas delicadas; Text 8: Espelho mudo.

    Rui Torres - 25.11.2011 - 23:10

  3. Seattle Drift

    “Seattle Drift” leads us to think about different poetic “scenes” and how a text can enter and exit these poetic traditions through the deceptively simple mechanism of “drifting.”

    (Source: Leonardo Flores, I ♥ E-Poetry)

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 26.01.2012 - 10:40

  4. Shy Boy

    Shy Boy is a Flash poem that uses movement, visual images, and sound to deep into the soul and life of one very shy boy. The monochromatic use of black, gray, and white suggest a child who calls no attention to himself and the vanishing text, his own lack of presence among his schoolyard peers.

    (Source: catalog for Electronic Literature Exhibition)

    Meri Alexandra Raita - 28.01.2012 - 14:59

  5. Fotomo Blues

    Fotomo Blues is a work of hyperpoetry and images. It's been available online since 1997 [at].

    It was made for fun in the pioneering days of the web - in 1997- in order to explore new narrative possibilities offered by online publication and a screen-based environment.

    Fotomo Blues offers a satire on urban grunge and media-obsession. It's an interactive visual-verbal rap on a world of electrified air, digital melancholia, meet-them-in-the-flesh nostalgia, sound bites fights, soap star charisma, geek-speak freaks, feelgood factors contractors, hairsplitting graffiti, tabloid tyranny, toxic tranquillity, revved-up redundancy, sex, lies and a whole lot more.

    When it first appeared it was described as "a timely zeit through the urban geist."

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 05.02.2012 - 11:08

  6. Promiscuous Design

    Promiscuous Design

    Meri Alexandra Raita - 23.02.2012 - 14:21

  7. Pentameters Toward the Dissolution of Certain Vectorialist Relations

    John Cayley reads John Cayley reads and discusses his poem PENTAMETERS TOWARD THE DISSOLUTION OF CERTAIN VECTORALIST RELATIONS (which examines the effect of Google on language and poetics) with discursive and conversational interrupts from Jhave.

    Recorded on John's Providence, Rhode Island home as part of on 12 Feb 2012.

    (Source: David (Jhave) Johnston's vimeo account.)

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 12.03.2012 - 16:39

  8. Afeeld

    Afeeld is a full-length collection of playable intermedia and concrete art compositions that exist in the space between poetry and videogames. It was published as a 'Digital Original' by the Collaboratory for Digital Discourse and Culture at Virginia Tech in 2017.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 26.04.2012 - 16:42

  9. Human Readable Messages

    Breeze developed, and continues to write in, the hybrid language mezangelle. Her unorthodox use of language demonstrates the ubiquity of digitization and the intersections of the digital and the real that are increasingly common in 21st century life. As well as creating static literary texts using mezangelle, Breeze also creates multi-disciplinary multimedia works online, and participates in online happenings that blur the lines between on- and off-line behavior.

    (Source: Traumawien publisher's catalog).

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 15.05.2012 - 10:08

  10. Poëzie loont (Poetry pays off)

    Onder dat credo ontwikkelden dichter Arnoud van Adrichem en grafisch ontwerpers Cox & Grusenmeyer de mobiele browser 'Geld', waarmee hardwerkende belastingbetalers hun belastingcenten kunnen terugverdienen door gedichten te lezen. Hoe werkt het? Alle banken in Amsterdam zijn voorzien van duidelijk herkenbare stickers die kunnen worden gescand met een smartphone of tablet. De gedichten die dan zichtbaar worden leveren elk 0,11 euro op; een bedrag dat ongeveer overeenkomt met het belastinggeld dat iemand met een gemiddeld jaarkomen dagelijks kwijt is aan cultuur. 'Money is a kind of poetry', stelde Wallace Stevens ooit. Deze applicatie bewijst eens te meer zijn gelijk.


    Marije Koens - 25.07.2012 - 10:49
