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  1. Everglade

    "Book-length hypertext poem, one of the first works of hypertext literature. Written in the C programming language. Shareware for DOS." (This description is from Robert Kendall's essay "The Birth of Electronic Literature".)

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 06.12.2011 - 13:47

  2. Gabriella infinita

    Gabriella Infinita es una obra metamórfica. Su presencia corre paralela a una intensa y a la vez voluble experiencia de escritura. Nace como toda obra artística: por gracia de una necesidad expresiva muy intima. Pero, apenas brota, empieza a buscar alocadamente su forma, como ávida de cuerpo, como presintiendo su fragilidad y su contingencia. Y termina comprendiendo que estaba destinada a la volatilidad.

    Pero esa conciencia siempre estuvo lejos de ser alcanzada fácilmente. Sufrió al comienzo, en su primera fase de formalización, la negligencia majadera de sus lectores; después, la terquedad imposible de su autor que le impidió mutar con libertad. Finalmente, hubo de someterse a la desintegración de sus elementos. Ahora, en su tercera metamorfosis, espera nerviosa, como una quinceañera asustada en su primera cita a ciegas, el encuentro con su lector.

    (Source: description from Gabriella Infinita, "historia"

    Sandra Hurtado - 07.12.2011 - 18:21

  3. A Party at Silver Beach

    Combining words and images in a narrative of love and new beginnings,  A Party at Silver Beach situates the reader at a party where visual images of the guests lead to their words. By clicking on graphic images of guests,  objects, or views from the windows, you move through the story like a guest at a party -- speaking to some guests, overhearing the conversations of others. As if at a real party,  you are invited to either stay for only a short time or to spend a longer time.  As at any party, where many of the guests are strangers, you are likely to discover only a few of the mysteries of their lives. Lovers come and go, missing each other, finding each other. And sporadic dark conversations punctuate the generally joyous experience of the celebration. 

    Judy Malloy - 21.12.2011 - 23:13

  4. Marble Springs 1.0

    Marble Springs, a complex and lyrical new work in the tradition of Spoon River Anthology and Winesburg, Ohio, explores the lives of the women who built the American West. Marble Springs invites the reader to explore a collection of poems discovered in the ruins of a church in an abandoned ghost town. The poems, like the lives of so many 19th century women, are anonymous, enticing the reader to discover the identity of the author hidden between the lines. (Source: Marple Springs - Eastgate Systems)

    Meri Alexandra Raita - 20.01.2012 - 11:51

  5. Radiophonic Laura: Voice, Song, Information, Intelligence

    Web essay with video content on the various permutations of _Laura_ story through multiple media.  _Laura_ is discussed as a parable of information exchange, with a focus on how sound is transmitted through and across multiple film texts, repetition and desire, noise and the cosmic.

    Joe Milutis - 20.01.2012 - 22:17

  6. F2F

    F2F might seem retro to you. It struck me as very 1991. The idea of a hypertext that is heavy on the text seemed to lose its charm as soon as images, moving animation, video and sound could also be included. One of the downsides to the speed of the evolution of hypertext, is that whole possible genres and subgenres were not given the chance to grow. What happened to the web-film-essay? Well, it never happened. Sure, there are some text-book-market CD-ROMs and the like that do something similar, but they use video more as mere illustration. What about a film essay that would incorporate the mystery the moving image rather than try to compete with it? What about utilizing images and sounds that potentially resist the text? What about playing with the clips like a video artist would?

    Joe Milutis - 20.01.2012 - 22:40

  7. Mythologies of Landforms and Little Girls

    When I began writing Mythologies in 1995 I was thinking about gender in language and, informed by a poststructuralist feminist critique of the representation of the female body as landscape, I set out to explode these stereotypes by using over-the-top geological metaphors. I wanted to convey a moment of realization, when a number of ideas come together at once. It mattered little to me what order the ideas came in, only that they came together in the end. The narrative structure of this non-linear HTML version was influenced by the Choose Your Own Adventure books. The interface was based on the placemats you get at many restaurants in Nova Scotia, which depict a map of Nova Scotia surrounded by icons of purported interest to tourists: lobsters, whales, lighthouses, beaches and the Bluenose. The found images and texts came from a geology course I took in university, a civil engineering manual from the 1920s and a random assortment of textbooks found in used bookstores. The deadpan technical descriptions of dikes, groins and mattress work add perverse sexual overtones to the otherwise quite chaste first-person narrative.

    J. R. Carpenter - 28.01.2012 - 23:17

  8. Blueberries

    Blueberries is a piece that I wrote shortly have spending over three months writing a new short story in hypertext every day. The form is one that I find so suitable to the open flow of narrative not only for the writer in the creative process but for the reader in choosing the paths that open up throughout the story. Blueberries is more than just the story of an artist putting together a show, as it brings the past confronting the present in her preparation and the hypertext form allows that interplay with time.

    (Source: Artist Statement by Susan Gibb)

    Patricia Tomaszek - 02.02.2012 - 21:01

  9. Czarne Jagody

    Czarne Jagody

    Patricia Tomaszek - 02.02.2012 - 21:11

  10. popołudnie, pewna historia

    Jeśli wybitne narracje poznaje się po tym, że są dramatyzacją swojego działania, to popołudnie, pewna historia wzorowo wypełnia ten postulat. W labiryntowym świecie paranoi bohater, niczym Edyp, poszukuje odpowiedzi na pytanie „kto zabił?”. Czytelnik, który za nim podąża, wciągnięty zostaje przez tekst w ślepe odnogi, fabularne pętle i światy możliwe. Powieść staje się alegorią swojej własnej lektury, a jej nierozstrzygalność sprawia, że powraca się do niej latami.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 03.02.2012 - 01:37
