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  1. Gabriella infinita

    Gabriella Infinita es una obra metamórfica. Su presencia corre paralela a una intensa y a la vez voluble experiencia de escritura. Nace como toda obra artística: por gracia de una necesidad expresiva muy intima. Pero, apenas brota, empieza a buscar alocadamente su forma, como ávida de cuerpo, como presintiendo su fragilidad y su contingencia. Y termina comprendiendo que estaba destinada a la volatilidad.

    Pero esa conciencia siempre estuvo lejos de ser alcanzada fácilmente. Sufrió al comienzo, en su primera fase de formalización, la negligencia majadera de sus lectores; después, la terquedad imposible de su autor que le impidió mutar con libertad. Finalmente, hubo de someterse a la desintegración de sus elementos. Ahora, en su tercera metamorfosis, espera nerviosa, como una quinceañera asustada en su primera cita a ciegas, el encuentro con su lector.

    (Source: description from Gabriella Infinita, "historia"

    Sandra Hurtado - 07.12.2011 - 18:21

  2. Seattle Drift

    “Seattle Drift” leads us to think about different poetic “scenes” and how a text can enter and exit these poetic traditions through the deceptively simple mechanism of “drifting.”

    (Source: Leonardo Flores, I ♥ E-Poetry)

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 26.01.2012 - 10:40

  3. Being Human

    Being Human

    Patricia Tomaszek - 03.02.2012 - 17:06

  4. Fotomo Blues

    Fotomo Blues is a work of hyperpoetry and images. It's been available online since 1997 [at].

    It was made for fun in the pioneering days of the web - in 1997- in order to explore new narrative possibilities offered by online publication and a screen-based environment.

    Fotomo Blues offers a satire on urban grunge and media-obsession. It's an interactive visual-verbal rap on a world of electrified air, digital melancholia, meet-them-in-the-flesh nostalgia, sound bites fights, soap star charisma, geek-speak freaks, feelgood factors contractors, hairsplitting graffiti, tabloid tyranny, toxic tranquillity, revved-up redundancy, sex, lies and a whole lot more.

    When it first appeared it was described as "a timely zeit through the urban geist."

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 05.02.2012 - 11:08

  5. The Click Poems

    These are among David Knoebel's earliest e-poems, going back to 1997, but they're important because their conceptual compression and technical simplicity set the tone for Knoebel's subsequent poetry. Inspired by the haiku, they consist of three words or short phrases: a first line (which serves as a title) linking to the second line (which loads as an HTML page) and a third line which plays as an audio recording as soon as the sound file loads-- which is almost simultaneously.

    These crisp little poems are built out of layering in virtual and computational space and time. As you read them, notice how just as your brain is making the conceptual connection between the first two lines it gets hit by the third, transforming your thought process. Between the three, Knoebel maps out little experiences that resonate with humor, wit, curiosity, and delight. The relationship between the lines vary as well: completing phrases, commenting on the previous pair of lines, or making a connection to nature (in good haiku tradition).

    Leonardo Flores - 13.03.2012 - 11:54

  6. Labyrinth

    As in Akira Kurosawas film Roshamon, the pairs of protagonists create a dilectic of two competing monologues -- inviting the audience locate the truth between the two stories.

    Scott Rettberg - 04.05.2012 - 10:37

  7. Fragments of the Dionysian Body

    From the Eastgate Systems, Inc. advertisement:

    "Fragments of the Dionysian Body conveys Nietzsche's system of implicitly defined concepts--complex images and metaphors, each depending on many other concepts--through hypertext's multiple references and links. Steinhart shows how hypertext is ideally suited to explicating Nietzsche's style of philosophical writing. Nietzsche's aphorisms, metaphors and parables often leave his thought less than clear. Steinhart's clever hypertext and obvious enthusiasm present this great thinker's work with clarity and energy. At the core of his exposition of Nietzsche's The Gay Science, Steinhart reexamines Nietzschean concepts as dynamical mathematical models. As his hypertext presents and expands the traditional interpretations, Steinhart shows that a coherent view of Nietzsche's writings can include Truth, Life, and God viewed as attractor basins, and the chaotic Ocean (on which we embark in the Ship of Self) as the state space of the Will to Power. The result is a surprising and sprightly demonstration of how engaging and inviting Nietzsche can be."

    Alexander Duryee - 12.08.2012 - 23:11

  8. Ghost City

    Ghost City is a website that focuses on the representation of the city by the mass media. It uses the space of the web as a sculptural space, allowing viewers to interact with animated graphics to delve deeper and deeper into an imaginary city.

    Ghost City is a labyrinthine environment through which viewers can navigate, either following the linear narrative that unfolds by moving from page to page, or they can delve into the non-linear chaos of random links. Each space is made up of appropriated images and texts. The images are culled from various print media sources. The texts are either found passages from urban theory or specifically written poetic musings on the city.

    Scott Rettberg - 20.10.2012 - 15:06

  9. worm applepie for doehl

    While concrete poetry in print combines linguistic and graphic qualities of words, in digital media time and interaction are two additional ways of expression. Words can appear, move, disappear, and they can do this all in reaction to the perceiver’s input. [...] If a still can progress into a movie, the worm of course can eat the apple as in Johannes Auer’s digital adaptation worm applepie for doehl.

    Source: Simanowski, Roberto. "Concrete Poetry in Analog and Digital Media."

    Johannes Auer - 05.11.2012 - 12:58

  10. Reversed Mirror

    A 7-minute, single-channel digital videopoem (edition of 5). This work takes language into a domain of trance where the subtle dissolution and reconfiguration of verbal particles is charged with a feeling that is at once calm and tense. (source: author)

    Luciana Gattass - 25.11.2012 - 22:11
