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    Human + A.I. poetry.
    Generated by a computer. Edited by a human.
    05.2017 - 05.2018. One book a month.

    A limited edition boxset of 12 poetry books written in one year by digital poet David Jhave Johnston with neural net augmentation. ReRites is accompanied by a book of 8 essays written about the project. Published by Anteism Books, Montreal (2019).

    ReRites exhibit format also includes over 120 hours of neural-net text-generation videos, 15 hours of editing videos, and often includes a participatory performance component called ReadingRites.
    Installation views.


    Amirah Mahomed - 26.09.2018 - 14:56

  2. Cyborgs in the Mist

    Cyborgs in the Mist is an enquiry which takes the form of a movie, a sound
    installation, photo prints, and a book. The film presents the LOPH research lab
    and its utopian proposals to struggle against the planned obsolescence of
    humankind. Taking into account the development of robotics and artificial forms
    of intelligence, the LOPH research lab experiments with ways to help humans
    adapt to their new environment, and to put them in a position to fight against their planned obsolescence. How can we anticipate this shift in the logic of evolution?
    How can we adapt to this change with a minimum of violence? Academic teams,
    science-fiction writers, and new forms of artificial intelligence work together to
    anticipate the most disastrous scenarios.

    (source: description from the schedule)

    June Hovdenakk - 26.09.2018 - 14:58

  3. Dispersed Digital Poetry Project

    The Dispersed Digital Poetry Project is a year-long endeavour to create a series of short one poem/screen/page interactive digital poems, with each of those digital poems hosted on a different website or portal. And then the entire series of interactive works inter-linked together, forming a larger collection, existing across the net. 

    For example: I will create a mouse-follower digital poem to be hosted by gallery’s website in Vancouver. And that work will link to 3D textual work hosted by a literary journal in Singapore. Add 24 others! In essence, the works will have dozens of different entry points and doorways, with the whole of the work forming a grid across the websites of places, institutions, people, publications and organizations around the world. 

    What is the overarching theme of this collection of works from the Dispersed Digital Poetry Project? 

    Nina Kolovic - 26.09.2018 - 14:59

  4. EMAJI NARATGEE MARAKKA. a Game and a Fable

    Convinced that the civic life of my country has been usurped by a game of alternate reality, I respond with a counter-game (or simulation, or expiation), whose object is, however momentarily, to stint the spewings of the Troll so that a different story can emerge. This story concerns the arc of the moral universe and a woman who, with all the luck in the world, can bend it like a bow. It is a fable and perhaps a parable. Against the purulent babble of monsters from the id, it offers words of comfort and counteraction.
    Instructions: Click to begin the Trollspiel. Observe the horror. Find the option that interrupts it. Read a bit of the story. Return to Trollspiel. Fight through and keep fighting until the end.

    Nina Kolovic - 26.09.2018 - 15:02

  5. The Forever Club

    The Forever Club is an ensemble web comedy using a mash-up of videos, texts, interactive elements, animations, audio, memes, and visual remnants of social media.


    Carlos Muñoz - 26.09.2018 - 15:03

  6. Concert by Fonofone

    Concert by Fonofone

    Jane Lausten - 26.09.2018 - 15:05

  7. Our Cupidity Coda

    There’s an aspect of current Virtual reality that underplays an emphasis on the personal, the poetic, the introspective, and the spaces that exist in between. Our Cupidity Coda seeks to address this by creating (what I term) a MicroVR Experience: a poetic snapshot of the life span of a romantic relationship, bridging the gap between the impersonal and the intimate. 

    The meat of the project is a set of poetic texts interspersed with 360 illustrative stills. The work is deliberately designed to partially echo the conventions from early film-making days (including no audio), making a viewer focus on text inserts, which are contrasted with having to move (turn in the 360 VR space) and view the 360 tableaus (a reflection of the theme underlying the work) to engage fully with the 360 illustration sections. 

    Akvile Sinkeviciute - 26.09.2018 - 15:07

  8. Pacific Surfliner: San Juan Capistrano


    Pacific Surfliner is one in a series of videos that map the route of the Pacific Surfliner along the California coast – San Diego to San Luis Obispo.  In so doing, they trace a kind of life story of a certain generation in time – arrivals and departures over the years, joy and loss. While San Juan Capistrano is a kind of central piece, touching on many life transformations, each piece takes a central emotion from its location.  The individual videos are layered with images, sound, and text –experimenting with storytelling modes.  


    Author's statement: 

    Spoken screens:  the gap between presence and performance.  One of the challenging issues with e-literature has been the relationship between reading a work and watching it performed.  Some time-based or video work discourages the performative reading aspect altogether.  Pacific Surfliner suggests a new approach – a text-rich, time-based piece that can be performed (or read silently).

    Li Yi - 26.09.2018 - 15:10

  9. It Must Have Been Dark By Then

    It Must Have Been Dark By Then' is a book and audio experience that uses a mixture of evocative music, narration and field recording to bring you stories of changing environments, from the swamplands of Louisiana, to empty Latvian villages and the edge of the Tunisian Sahara. Unlike many audio guides, there is no preset route, the software builds a unique map for each person’s experience. It is up to you to choose your own path through the city, connecting the remote to the immediate, the precious to the disappearing. 


    Amirah Mahomed - 26.09.2018 - 15:11

  10. Remixing Shakespeare : Witch Hunts! Power Plays! & Uses of Adversity. A Netprov in Three Acts

    This project remixes video vignettes of the character contests from Shakespeare with the power-plays of our time. The work features multi-layered video and a crowd-sourced text feed, pulled from public domain and social media. Netprov players add their own words to the text flow, contributing to the politico/poetical drama.

    “Sweet are the uses of adversity,
    Which, like the toad, ugly and venomous,
    Wears yet a precious jewel in his head;
    And this our life, exempt from public haunt,
    Finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks,
    Sermons in stones, and good in everything.”

    Jane Lausten - 26.09.2018 - 15:11
