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  1. Sentaniz Nimerik

    It is an electronic literature work, an example of digital storytelling and digital poetry.

    Basis for this digital work is story "Sentaniz" from Maurice Sixto, a famous Haitian storyteller.

    Nick Montfort - 25.04.2018 - 04:24

  2. 113983 (wild demo)

    On January 12th, 2017 there were 113983 files on Piotr Marecki's laptop. This digital work is an attempt to lift them one by one – which takes several minutes. The work was first presented as a wild demo during the Synchrony/Recursion demoparty (NYC–Montreal, 27th–29th January 2017) and was not voted last in the competition.

    Piotr Marecki - 26.04.2018 - 17:19

  3. Gdzie w tym wszystkim jest Bóg ? / Where is God in all of this?

    Work was a part of the conference paper prepared with Aleksandra Małecka. Abstract:

    Piotr Marecki - 27.04.2018 - 13:53

  4. Nine Billion Branches

    Nine Billion Branches is an interactive digital poem and fiction hybrid. It explores the unexpected beauty hidden in the seemingly mundane objects and places around us. And the desires is for this digital poem to open a curious hope in the reader, that in our local and immediate worlds there are wondrous and interesting narratives and poetics, streaming out from and around us.

    Note: Nine Billion Branches refers to a hypothetical number of the narratives within reach of all of us. And to experience it is to experience a book of poetry if that book was mutated and recreated as wondrous interactive creatures! Each section is different, each section is its own creation.

    This digital poem won the inaugural digital writing prize at the Queensland Literary Awards. The prize of $10,000 is the largest of its kind internationally.


    Jason Nelson - 27.04.2018 - 14:19

  5. Wiersze za sto dolarów / One hundered dollars poems

    1. Amazon Mechanical Turk to amerykańska platforma crowdsourcingowa, dzięki której różne organizacje outsourcują pracę. Jej użytkownicy nazywani są Mechanicznymi Turkami.

    2. Na AMT zachodzi stosunek pracy między zamawiającym (requester) a pracownikiem (worker).

    3. Mechaniczne Turki wykonują HIT-y (Human Intelligence Task), czyli niskopłatne zadania, których nie da się zrealizować automatycznie.

    4. Mechaniczny Turek to ucieleśnienie klęski człowieka, który najpierw budował maszyny, aby wykorzystywać je do własnych celów, a ostatecznie sam stał się ich wyrobnikiem.

    5. Zleconym HIT-em było w niniejszym przypadku napisanie wierszy współczesnych w języku polskim. Za wiersze te płacono w dolarach amerykańskich. Na Amazon Mechanical Turk nie można płacić w złotówkach, a polska wersja platformy nie istnieje.

    6. Układ książki warunkują kwoty zapłacone za wiersze.

    7. Ta książka jest projektem literackim, ale też zapisem eksperymentu społecznego.

    Piotr Marecki - 27.04.2018 - 14:51

  6. The Guide to Nonexistent Birds: an Ornithological Logic

    A generative fictional birdwatching guide, with an essay on taxonomy, formal logic, and the OuLiPo written in the comments to Prolog code.

    Kavi Duvvoori - 13.08.2018 - 20:33


    YELLOWFLOWERPOWER (2017) is the fifth film by Norwegian concrete poet Ottar Ormstad. Here again viewers encounter letter-carpets and a yellow y he identifies with. The work is based on slogans and song-titles from different countries at the end of the Sixties, presented in their original language, intentionally without translation.
    The texts are combined with photographs of sculptures from the Vigeland Park in Oslo/Norway, where Ormstad lives and shot the naked people exposed in stone and iron by sculptor Gustav Vigeland (1869–1943). This park is the largest in the world based on one artist and contains more than 200 works.
    The film also includes live video-footage of Charles Lloyd playing saxophone in front of a huge painting by Norwegian expressionist painter Edvard Munch (friend/enemy of Vigeland), as well as an unpublished photo of the young Mick Jagger, both shot in Oslo by Ormstad.
    Like in earlier works, Ormstad uses a strong sound in the very start for creating a period of silence at the beginning of the film.
    The animation is created in close collaboration between artist Margarida Paiva and Ormstad.

    Ottar Ormstad - 13.08.2018 - 20:45

  8. Paige & Powe

    November 2008, mid-GFC. Kim Powe, Australia’s once wealthiest citizen, is depressed and obsessed with the $3.9 billion he lost in overseas investment. He writes ‘business plans’ for his personal life. March 2014. Paige Bligh, a runaway from Karratha, recounts her experiences for Right Now! Weekly’s follow-up feature article: Confessions of an Australian Sex WorkerPaige & Powe is a digital epistolary novel that depicts Australia’s wealthiest citizen losing considerable money, and Australia’s poorest citizen coming into considerable money. As their two lives eventually intersect, it explores controversial social issues, specifically the impact of recent Western Australian casino and prostitution legislation.

    David Wright - 13.08.2018 - 21:04

  9. Mora amor

    El poema es una experiencia interactiva. Puedes jugar con las palabras y los sonidos españoles para hacer y crear tu propia construcción audiovisual.

    Puedes saber más sobre ella y su trabajo en

    Tina Escaja - 27.08.2018 - 00:57

  10. NeuroSpeculative AfroFeminism

    NeuroSpeculative AfroFeminism is an ambitious and richly imagined project by Hyphen-Labs, a global team of women of color who are doing pioneering work at the intersection of art, technology, and science. The project consists of three components. The first is an installation that transports visitors to a futuristic and stylish beauty salon. Speculative products designed for women of color are displayed around the space, including a scarf whose pattern overwhelms facial recognition software, and earrings that can record video and audio in hostile situations.

    The second part of NeuroSpeculative AfroFeminism is a VR experience that takes place at a “neurocosmetology lab” in the future. Participants see themselves in the mirror as a young black girl, as the lab owner explains that they are about to experience cutting edge technology involving both hair extensions and brain-stimulating electrical currents. In the VR narrative, the electrodes then prompt a hallucination that carries viewers through a psychedelic Afrofuturist space landscape.

    Nataliia Aleksandrova - 04.09.2018 - 23:45
