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  1. Ingenstans

    "Ingenstans (meaning "nowhere" in Swedish) is a video project about living between languages, trading American city life for village life in Sweden, or somewhere, nowhere. As a whole, the film could be taken as a (quasi-)ethnographic film, combining elements of documentary film with narrative film, spurious accounts of cultural icons, and reenactments of actual events. INGENSTANS was shot in Karlskrona Sweden, Copenhagen, Paris, Amsterdam, and California. The video is in English and Swedish with fleeting moments in Bulgarian, Italian, French, and Chinese. (running time 20 minutes)" (

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 21.01.2011 - 12:15

  2. The Precession

    The Precession is a data-driven networked poem being developed simultaneously as both a large-scale installation and live performance. The work makes use of original writing and real-time data collection to create visual-poetic arrangements based on inquiries into architecture and the night sky. The piece mixes databased sources, real-time interruptions, and algorithmic composition in an evolving ecology.

    The Precession considers as a primary source Oskar J.W. Hansen's sculpture Winged Figures of the Republic permanently installed at the Hoover Dam. Hansen's 1935 work commemorates the building of the dam and includes a complex celestial map. Beginning with the date of the dam's dedication, the map contains the data for someone skilled in astronomy to accurately trace the position of the polestar each subsequent night for the next 26,000 years.

    The online work, in its current state of development, is mainly time-based taking approximately 20 minutes (with links to individual areas also accessible).

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 24.01.2011 - 17:46

  3. L'Albatross

    Patrick Burgaud's “the Albatross” uses Charles Baudelaire 's poem as tags to surf on Youtube. He downloaded the videos "called" by Baudelaire's words and edited them, according to the verses of the piece. Each movie fragment correspond to a word or words group. Each verse of the original can be read as subtitles. The English translation was automatic, using Google.

    Scott Rettberg - 30.01.2011 - 19:50

  4. Det siste utbruddet / The Last Volcano

    This video project explores Norwegian folk histories that return as fragments in light of ongoing volcanic eruptions. The project was recorded in Bergen following the disruptions caused by the activities of the Eyjafjallajökull volcano in Iceland. A folk history of disaster is set against slowly revolving images set in a contemporary landscape. This is the first of a series of works recorded in Norway that juxtapose folk histories and contemporary events to explore narrative and associative characteristics of cultural anxieties and collective memory. The project was researched and filmed by Roderick Coover in 2010 thanks to a distinguished-scholar-in-residence award from the University of Bergen.

    Scott Rettberg - 20.05.2011 - 22:55

  5. The Good Captain

    The Good Captain is an adaptation of Herman Melville’s novella “Benito Cereno.” Melville’s original story relies upon the main character’s first-person perceptions of the events that unfold in front of him. This reliance on P.O.V. is why I chose to distribute the story using the web service Twitter. Twitter limits updates to 140 characters of text, and so this story is broken up into small, 2-3 line paragraphs. The temporal nature of this storytelling method required that the story include frequent reminders of previous events, to help keep readers aware of the context of the events. This was especially important given that the time span of the bulk of the events is about twelve hours, and the length of time that the story ran for was four months.

    The Good Captain began broadcasting over Twitter on November 3, 2007. It concluded on February 29, 2008.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 11.08.2011 - 16:12

  6. On the Web

    A facsimile of Jack Kerouac's novel On the Road is presented as a scrolling text in the browser, and every occurance of the word "road" has been crossed out and replaced with the handwritten word "web".

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 20.02.2012 - 14:01

  7. Correspondences

    Correspondences is a translation into sound and image of the timbre of Charles Baudelaire's "Correspondances." The work is not a reading, per se, but it follows the structure of Baudelaire's sonnet closely, pivoting around the white space of the dash in the first tercet. In this experimental video + computer music work the gesture of Baudelaire's poetry serves as a scaffolding for an exploration of mutable time and memory. Correspondences is an invocation to the memory of something read, half-remembered perhaps, connected through a dream logic.

    Stig Andreassen - 20.03.2012 - 14:46

  8. Palimpsest

    “Palimpsest” is an audiovisual work exploring the space between sound and image through collaboration. Two distinct narratives, audio and visual, collide to find alternative paths and perspectives around a virtual light sculpture. The piece reinterprets one of a series of photographic light paintings taken during a drive at night [see image 1]. The photographs were experiments: improvisations with long exposures, motion and gesture. As images in themselves however, the collaborators found them to be engaging both visually and conceptually. Visually they bring to mind the poetic: the camera has captured ethereal light trails drawn by the motions of passing traffic in mid-air, giving them an almost sculptural quality. They suggest contours, energies, volumes and spaces that are open to further exploration and interpretation. Conceptually, their contradictory nature seems to suggest ideas of the interstitial - the space or place in-between things - or what Duchamp termed the “infrathin”. The light-forms captured in the image, exist in-between the real and the virtual, brought together in a moment by the camera.

    Meri Alexandra Raita - 18.06.2012 - 19:22

  9. Poëzie loont (Poetry pays off)

    Onder dat credo ontwikkelden dichter Arnoud van Adrichem en grafisch ontwerpers Cox & Grusenmeyer de mobiele browser 'Geld', waarmee hardwerkende belastingbetalers hun belastingcenten kunnen terugverdienen door gedichten te lezen. Hoe werkt het? Alle banken in Amsterdam zijn voorzien van duidelijk herkenbare stickers die kunnen worden gescand met een smartphone of tablet. De gedichten die dan zichtbaar worden leveren elk 0,11 euro op; een bedrag dat ongeveer overeenkomt met het belastinggeld dat iemand met een gemiddeld jaarkomen dagelijks kwijt is aan cultuur. 'Money is a kind of poetry', stelde Wallace Stevens ooit. Deze applicatie bewijst eens te meer zijn gelijk.


    Marije Koens - 25.07.2012 - 10:49

  10. Welkom Vreemdeling (Welcome Stranger)

    Welcome stranger is ontworpen voor wachtruimtes en bestaat uit een animatie van dansende letters die steeds nieuwe verbanden vormen. Het geheel is gebaseerd op de uiteenlopende namen waarmee het spel ‘stoelendans’ in verschillende talen wordt aangeduid. Het werk kwam tot stand in het kader van het project Poëzie op het scherm, dat eens in de twee jaar gezamenlijk door het Nederlands Letterenfonds en het Mondriaan Fonds (voorheen Fonds BKVB) is georganiseerd.

    Marije Koens - 25.07.2012 - 11:19
