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  1. The Fetch

    The Fetch is a double-reading. Projected digital texts are read by one performer while the second performer searches the net for double texts which use the same combination of four word groups to be found in the projected text. ‘Fetch’ has a double meaning here. In Gaelic folklore, it is the wraith or doppelganger which is seen as a premonition of someone’s death. Secondly, The fetch cycle is the basic operation by which a computer retrieves and executes a program instruction from its memory. Thus the reading performs the theme, « Chercher le texte ».


    Scott Rettberg - 25.09.2013 - 12:15

  2. Image fantôme

    Du 17 avril 2010 au 13 septembre 2011, Nicolas Sordello et Lucile Haute tiennent un journal visuel sur Facebook. Chaque jour, à tour de rôle, ils postent une image carré et présentant la date du jour. L'image de la veille est supprimée. L'adresse directe de l'image du jour est publiée sur le profil et ouverte aux commentaires. Pendant une durée variable, l'image supprimée reste accessible sur les serveurs de Facebook. Sur le mur de Image Fantome, les mots restent tandis que les images disparaissent.

    (Source: Authors' description from project site)

    Scott Rettberg - 14.12.2013 - 06:14

  3. Cardamom of the Dead

    Written in Unity for use with Oculus RIFT glasses, Cardamom of the Dead is a literary VR environment - the user wanders through a virtual environment filled with a vast collection of things a narrator, heard in voice-over, has hoarded over years (decades? centuries?).  The environment is filled with debris and stories and the piece is ultimately a meditation on collecting as madness, consoling practice and memory palace.

    (Source: ELO 2014 Media Arts Show)

    Scott Rettberg - 24.06.2014 - 19:14

  4. Tejido de memoria. Memory Waves

    Memory weaves is a dynamic work that incorporates input by the users, resulting in more dynamic content. It explores the topics of human rights, poverty and social inequality, providing access to videos, statistical information, graphics and images in an intuitive way. It provides a space that reveals itself subtly, in veiled layers that can be reorganized, forming a non-linear narrative that seeks to evoke the paths of memory. Memory that can be read as a “weave” that constructs and reconstructs our present (Source:

    Maya Zalbidea - 19.07.2014 - 23:40

  5. IP Poetry

    Project IP Poetry questions the statute of poetry and poets. On the one hand, as far as the construction of robots is concerned, it highlights the subjectivization of technological systems, those we provide of determinate human augmented characteristics artificially –memory, ability to speak and listen to each other-. On the other hand, with regards to the poetic constructions as a result, we take advantage of the virtual configuration of a collective human memory through the Internet Web and a poetics based on machinery and random. Using a proximity sensor the system detects the presence of the audience and sends a command to the robots to make them start to recite poems created for each event.

    Maya Zalbidea - 25.07.2014 - 12:36

  6. City of dreams

    'City of dreams' is an excerpt from a work in progress entitled 'a smear of roses' and explores subjectivity, secrets, sadness and desire. The non-linear text of 'a smear of roses' ruptures traditional narrative, opening out into flightlines across the plains of madness, picking up trace memories of disturbing events, sensual and violent impulses, erotic encounters and pyschotic states.

    J. R. Carpenter - 11.10.2014 - 11:42

  7. Le Dernier Volcan

    This video project explores Norwegian folk histories that return as fragments in light of ongoing volcanic eruptions. The project was recorded in Bergen following the disruptions caused by the activities of the Eyjafjallajökull volcano in Iceland. A folk history of disaster is set against slowly revolving images set in a contemporary landscape. This is the first of a series of works recorded in Norway that juxtapose folk histories and contemporary events to explore narrative and associative characteristics of cultural anxieties and collective memory. The project was researched and filmed by Roderick Coover in 2010 thanks to a distinguished-scholar-in-residence award from the University of Bergen.

    Alvaro Seica - 13.11.2014 - 23:32

  8. Backtrack

    Backtrack tries to recover memories from a girl who have been in a car crash. As she walks down memory lane looking at photos and visiting schools, she starts to remember some of her past.

    Eivind Farestveit - 22.01.2015 - 14:53

  9. The Reverberatory Narrative: Toward Story as a Multisensory Network

    The Reverberatory Narrative: Toward Story as a Multisensory Network is an evolving, transmedia series that employs print, film, installation and digital practices in the assembling and disassembling of lyric essays, poetry, graphic design, photography and physical artifacts in an experimental documentary of memory, time and story. The initial form of this documentary work was an installation at the photography gallery Agnes in Birmingham, Alabama in 1993, titled "Undressing Audrey," in which the viewer physically "undressed" the book, slipping text from a woman's garments, one button and layer at a time. Through subsequent, increasingly digital interpretations, Pretty relied on a layered structure that attempted to approximate the original installation experience through a series of overlapping narrative threads that could be sorted and resorted by different contexts and media types, such as time, place, character, artifact, image, audio, and video, among others.

    Magnus Lindstrøm - 05.02.2015 - 15:40

  10. RIMA

    RIMA (twitter stream is a performance installation and digital media work that conceptually addresses strategies for survival by way of poetically re-framing the facts behind the effects of solitary confinement and isolation into a fictional present/future. Notions around stimulus and memory are played out through the performers movement within the physical space (proximity, sound, touch) and the data collection of distinct environmental changes (cold, hot, light, dark), which trigger strategically placed sensors collated by a computer program. This in turn dispatches a relational virtual text stream delivered to a live webpage and/or twitter feed (twitter fiction). The overall effect is a mimic of real-time thoughts, responses and actions, which over time slowly build into a fictional narrative somewhere between an indistinct present and a sci-fi future. (source: ELO 2015 catalog)

    Hannah Ackermans - 08.09.2015 - 10:59
