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  1. Aesthetic Animism: Digital Poetry as Ontological Probe

    Digital poetry is a multimedia hybrid-art-form, a subset of visual language fusing with digital technology, increasingly mediated by networks. Contemporary poems are animated interfaces; and they often utilize dynamic interactive typography superimposed over video, generative or 3D environments. A brief list of the disciplines involved: visual art, sound composition, literature, media studies, computer programming.

    Multimedia-hybrid digital poetry means that the term ‘text’ is insufficient.
    Future theorists will require terminology specific to the domain, I suggest:

    -TAV (text-audio-visual)
    - TAVT (a tav in a 3D territory)
    - TAVIT (an interactive tavt)

    Patricia Tomaszek - 04.07.2011 - 12:11

  2. Mobilizing the Poli

    A detailed review of Judd Morrissey and Mark Jeffery’s The Precession. Published July 14, 2011.


    Judd Morrissey’s newest work, is a website that redefines the act of reading literature on the internet in order to draw attention to the ways that reading is changing in our world. The website truly functions as the new book, with chapters that organize his intentions within the project into discrete capitulations of his ideas. My paper is mostly an analysis of the centerpiece of the website, POLI, because of its time-based nature: it uses real-time data capture and provides an extended period of time for the reading of the piece itself. POLI is a significant piece of contemporary literature because of its consciousness becomes political comment through the uses of our various languages.

    Scott Rettberg - 22.07.2011 - 13:08

  3. Poetry Confronting Digital Media

    Poetry Confronting Digital Media

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 30.08.2011 - 12:52

  4. electropoetics

    Initiated on March 15, 1997, ebr's electropoetics "thread" is devoted to discussions and debates about digital poetics and writing in electronic environments. Most, but not all, of the articles published in ebr about electronic literature and digital literary art appear in this thread. The first editor of electropoetics was Joel Felix, who edited a special issue by that title. David Ciccoricco (2002-2005) and Lori Emerson later served as electropoetics thread editors.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 01.09.2011 - 12:47

  5. Postliterary America: From Bagel Shop Jazz to Micropoetries

    Postliterary America: From Bagel Shop Jazz to Micropoetries

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 05.09.2011 - 10:59

  6. Aesthetics and Literature: A Problematic Relation?

    The paper argues that there is a proper for literature within aesthetics but that care must be taken in identifying just what the relation is. In characterising aestehtic pleasure associating with literature it is all too easy to fall into reductive accounts, for example, of literature of merely "fine writing". Bellelettrist or formalistic accounts of literature are rejected, as are to other kinds of reduction, to pure meaning properties and to a kind of narrative realism. The idea is developed that literature - both poetry and prose fiction - invites its own distinctive kind of aesthetic appreciation which far from being at odds with critical practice, in fact chimes well with it.  

    Kristina Gulvik Nilsen - 18.10.2011 - 14:05

  7. Digital poetry: Comparative textual performances in trans-medial spaces

    This study extends work on notions of space and performance developed by media and poetry theorists. I particularly analyze how contemporary technologies re-define the writing space of digital poetry making by investigating the configuration and the function of this space in the writing of the digital poem. Thus, I employ David Jay Bolter's concept of "topographic" digital writing and propose the term "trans-medial" space to describe the computer space in which the digital poem exists, emerges, and is experienced. With origins in Italian Futurism, the literary avant-garde of the first half of twentieth century, digital poetry extends the creative repertoire of this experimental poetry tradition using computers in the composition, generation, or presentation of texts. Because these poems convey a perception of space as changeable and multiple (made of computer screen and code spaces), this "trans-medial" space is both self-transformative (forms itself as it self-transforms) and transforming (transforms what it contains).

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 05.12.2011 - 13:22

  8. "Poésies contemporaines: le retour en avant"

    A presentation of Marjorie Perloff, Unoriginal Genius, Chicago, Chicago UP, 2011.

    Jan Baetens - 14.12.2011 - 14:03

  9. New Directions in Digital Poetry

    As poets continue to use digital media technology, functionalities of computing extend aesthetic possibilities in documents focusing attention on crafting verbal content. Utility of these machines and tools enables multiple types of compounded articulation (combinations of verbal, visual, animated, and interactive elements). Building larger public awareness of the mechanics of digital poetry, New Directions in Digital Poetry aspires to influence the formation of writing with media in literary society of the future, specifically as a record of a particular technological era.

    Scott Rettberg - 24.01.2012 - 13:52

  10. Unoriginal Genius: Poetry by Other Means in the New Century

    Unoriginal Genius: Poetry by Other Means in the New Century

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 03.02.2012 - 15:47
