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  1. "Of Dolls and Monsters": An Interview with Shelley Jackson

    "Of Dolls and Monsters": An Interview with Shelley Jackson

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 14.03.2011 - 20:09

  2. Introduction [to New Narratives: Stories and Storytelling in the Digital Age]

    Editors' introduction to a collection of essays on digital narratology. 

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 10.05.2012 - 13:26

  3. New Plots for Hypertext?: Towards a Poetics of the Hypertext Node

    While the significance of hypertext links for the new ways of telling stories has been widely discussed, there has been not many debates about the very elements that are being connected: hypertext nodes. Apart from few exceptions, poetics of the link overshadows poetics of the node. My goal is to re-focus on a single node, or lexia, by introducing the concept of contextual regulation as the major force that shapes hypertext narrative units. Because many lexias must be capable of occurring in different contexts and at different stages of the unfolding story, several compromises have to be made on the level of language, style, plot and discourse. Each node, depending on its position and importance, has a varying level of connectivity and autonomy, which affects the global coherence of text.

    Scott Rettberg - 26.05.2013 - 14:25

  4. Writing at the Limit: The Novel in the New Media Ecology

    While some cultural critics are pronouncing the death of the novel, a whole generation of novelists have turned to other media with curiosity rather than fear. These novelists are not simply incorporating references to other media into their work for the sake of verisimilitude, they are also engaging precisely such media as a way of talking about what it means to write and read narrative in a society filled with stories told outside the print medium. By examining how some of our best fiction writers have taken up the challenge of film, television, video games, and hypertext, Daniel Punday offers an enlightening look into the current status of such fundamental narrative concepts as character, plot, and setting. He considers well-known postmodernists like Thomas Pynchon and Robert Coover, more-accessible authors like Maxine Hong Kingston and Oscar Hijuelos, and unjustly overlooked writers like Susan Daitch and Kenneth Gangemi, and asks how their works investigate the nature and limits of print as a medium for storytelling.

    J. R. Carpenter - 08.07.2013 - 12:20

  5. Collaborative Narrative

    Brief entry on collaborative narrative situating collaboration in hypertext and online writing contexts.

    Collaboratively written narratives are not specific to new media: a number of works within the Western cultural and literary canon, for example the epics of Homer, the Judeo-Christian Bible, and Beowulf, are believed to have been developed through collaborative storytelling and writing processes. It can however be said that collaborative writing practices are more prevalent in contemporary digital media than in print.

    Electronic literature authors most often write within software platforms that are themselves “authored”—every time someone opens up Photoshop, or Flash, they are reminded of the long list of developers who actually wrote the software. So even making use of a particular application is a type of collaboration. There is a greater degree of transparency to the collective efforts involved in digital media production than to traditional literary production.

    (Source: Author's introduction)

    Scott Rettberg - 01.11.2013 - 11:53

  6. Hypertext Revisited

    This article proposes a new approach to literary hypertext, which foregrounds the notion of interrupting rather than that of linking. It also claims that, given the dialectic relationship of literature in print and digital-born literature, it may be useful to reread contemporary hypertext in light of a specific type of literature in print that equally foregrounds aspects of segmentation and discontinuity: serialized literature (i.e. texts published in installment form). Finally, it discusses the shift from spatial form to temporal form in postmodern writing as well as the basic difference between segment and fragment.

    J. R. Carpenter - 05.01.2015 - 15:33