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  1. The Machine in the Text, and the Text in the Machine

    "The Machine in the Text, and the Text in the Machine" is a review essay on Electronic Literature: New Horizons for the Literary (Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame, 2008), by N. Katherine Hayles, and Mechanisms: New Media and the Forensic Imagination (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2008), by Matthew G. Kirschenbaum. Both works make remarkable contributions for the emerging field of digital literary studies and for the theory of digital media. While Hayles analyses the interaction between humans and computing machines as embodied in electronic works, Kirschenbaum conceptualizes digitality at the level of inscription and establishes a social text rationale for electronic objects.

    (Source: DHQ)

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 13.09.2011 - 14:23

  2. eLiterature questa (s)conosciuta. Storia e stato dell’arte, definizione e sistemi affini, generazioni e classificazione dei generi

    Questo contributo profila il fenomeno della letteratura elettronica chiarendo alcuni equivoci e indicando le caratteristiche salienti che rendono una forma letteraria digitale ascrivibile a tale fenomeno. Esso offre inoltre una breve storia e l’attuale stato dell’arte della letteratura elettronica, analizza le condizioni necessarie per ascrivere un’espressione digitale all’ambito della eLiterature e descrive le interazioni che avvengono tra eLiterature, Net Art, Game Theory e Computer Science. Esso offre infine una panoramica sulle generazioni e i generi di letteratura elettronica, mostrandone le caratteristiche salienti.

    Fabio De Vivo - 20.10.2011 - 16:12

  3. European eLiterature Collection

    The European eLiterature Collection is a project developed as part of The eLiterature Research Project. The aim of the collection is to provide an essential tool to assist in formalizing e-Literature in Europe.

    In this respect, the European eLiterature Collection Board of Editors, evaluates, reviews, and publishes on the web works of Electronic Literature by European authors.

    Fabio De Vivo - 22.10.2011 - 12:16

  4. Collecting digital literature in Europe

    Collecting digital literature in Europe

    J. R. Carpenter - 25.11.2011 - 14:10

  5. New Media Writing Forum

    A UK-based bulletin board designed to serve as a "hub for digital writers to share ideas, resources, and discussion."

    Established by Dreaming Methods in association with Bournemouth University, the New Media Writing Prize and Crissxross (award-winning digital writer Christine Wilks), the forum encourages the sharing of ideas, techniques and resources as well as general networking and discussion.

    (Source: New Media Writing Forum)

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 04.04.2012 - 10:25

  6. Digital Litteratur: En innføring

    De siste tiårene har det oppstått en ny type litterære tekster, skrevet for skjerm og ikke papir. Ved siden av skrift tar tekstene i bruk modaliteter som bilder, verbalspråk, lyd, musikk og bevegelse, og de involverer leseren og kanskje også datamaskinen i tekstskapingen gjennom organiseringsprinsipper som hypertekst og kybertekst. Boka gir en oversikt over digital litteratur med vekt på skandinaviske eksempler, og diskuterer hvordan den digitale litteraturen gir et bilde av vår tid og utfordrer vårt litteraturbegrep.

    Noen spørsmål i boka:

    • Hva skjer når litterære tekster må leses på en skjerm?
    • Kan litteratur generert av en datamaskin være kunst?
    • Hvordan kan sosiale medier legge til rette for litteratur?

    Digital litteratur er aktuell for alle som arbeider med eller studerer litteratur og formidling av litteratur, for eksempel studenter og lærere i ulike litteratur- og mediefag.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 18.04.2012 - 14:14

  7. ELMCIP Anthology of European Electronic Literature

    The ELMCIP Anthology of European Electronic Literature is an output from the ELMCIP researchers based at Blekinge Tekniska Högskola (Blekinge Institute of Technology) in Sweden. The anthology is intended to provide educators, students and the general public with a free curricular resource of electronic literary works produced in Europe. The works were selected, after an open call, based on four main criteria:

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 16.05.2012 - 11:06

  8. Why ‘But is it e-lit?’ Is a Ridiculous Question: The Case for Online Journals as Organic, Evolving Works of Digital Literature

    Cordite Poetry Review, an Australian journal of poetry and poetics, was founded in 1997 as a print journal but since 2001 has appeared only online. Over the last ten years, as the magazine has grown in size and reach, the question of Cordite’s status as a journal has become more vexed. Can it be regarded as a ‘proper’ literary journal, in the way that other, offline journals are? Is it truly electronic, given the relative absence of works on the site that explore the possibilities of the online space? Or are these merely ridiculous questions, the posing of which reflects a pre-online hierarchy of prestige?

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 22.06.2012 - 16:37

  9. V sieti strednej Európy: nielen o elektronickej literatúre: /In Central European Network: not only about electronic literature:/

    This international collective monograph brings an understanding of the problematic of changes in artistic communication in the context of the cultural practices of the post-digital era and simultaneously asks new questions about it. This book presents the keystones of electronic literature research that are based, among others, on the digital character of the text, on multisensory reading, playfulness, hypermediality, experimentation and Internet communication. Its aim is also to map digital literature in the cultural environment of Central Europe. Researchers from Slovakia, The Czech Republic, Poland, Slovenia and Croatia collaborated on the publication. The monograph is a printed textual tapestry of various approaches, theories and perspectives that communicate among themselves, react to each other and together clarify the structure that literature personifies in the new media realm.

    Contributions by Zuzana Husárová, Jana Kuzmíková, Gabriela Magová, Mira Nabělková, Andrzej Pająk, Katarina Peović Vuković, Mariusz Pisarski, Michal Rehúš a Jaroslav Šrank, Janez Strehovec, Bogumiła Suwara, Jaroslav Švelch


    Source: publisher's information

    Zuzana Husarova - 21.09.2012 - 20:42

  10. Intersecting Approaches to Electronic Literature: Close-Reading Code, Content, and Cartographies in “William Poundstone’s “Project for the Tachistoscope: [Bottomless Pit]”

    What does it mean to close read electronic literature? Should one closely engage the screenic content, the programming code, or the operating patterns of a work? This panel proposes that critical analysis need not be limited to one approach or one focal point of attention, and seeks to demonstrate what can be gained when scholars collaborate to apply multiple methodologies to engage a single work. All three panelists will read the same work of digital literature, William Poundstone’s “Project for the Tachistoscope: [Bottomless Pit]” (EL Collection, vol.1), but using three different critical methods with the collaborative goal of approaches that mutually inform and enrich each other. Jessica Pressman will approach the Flash-based animation from the lens of traditional literary hermeneutics, close reading the onscreen literary aesthetics to explore the relationships between form and content as well as locate the points of aporia and mystery that traditional reading strategies are left struggling to explain.

    Audun Andreassen - 10.04.2013 - 11:12
