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  1. Archivierung von performativer Netzliteratur. Eine ernste Polemik

    When we talk about literature based on the computer, it is not possible to distinguish between content and describing hard- and software. This is of crucial consequence for the filing. Netliterature that has the character of a work of art is to be divided into works of art that need proprietary software as a basis to make a performance possible and works that rely on open(ed) standards. Talking about the latter it is possible to file works together with the source code of the software that is needed to perform them and the documentation of the open standard. If you are interested in this kind of thing you will always be able to reconstruct a functioning platform on a universal machine of your own time. Digital works of art depending on proprietary software, however, typically must be allocated to the performance art. Therefore this type of performance art with proprietary software can only be filed as documentation. This is true for any performing netliterature that does not have the character of a work of art. Therefore, a digital piece of work that has not been documented after a certain time hereby is sufficiently filed.

    Johannes Auer - 05.11.2012 - 18:52

  2. Internetliteratur. Zu einer modernen Produktions- und Rezeptionsasthetik des netzgenuinen deutschsprachigen Schrifttums

    Internetliteratur. Zu einer modernen Produktions- und Rezeptionsasthetik des netzgenuinen deutschsprachigen Schrifttums

    Johannes Auer - 06.11.2012 - 11:48

  3. Mobile Communication and the New Sense of Places: a Critique of Spatialization in Cyberculture

    The underlying idea of this paper can be expressed as follows: mobile information technologies have enabled new means of communication and sociability based on what I call “information territories.” What is questioned here is a new relationship between information technologies and the dimensions of place, territory, community and mobility. I will argue that, under the label of “locative media,” the new mobile technologies are creating new forms of territorialization (control, surveillance, and tracking) and new meanings of space, place, and territory, contradicting the theory of “non-place” or “no sense of place.” Moreover, this impels us to discuss the ideas of anomie and isolation with the emergence of new forms of sociability and community bonds created by location-based services.

    Luciana Gattass - 06.11.2012 - 20:50

  4. Cenários Cíbridos: Átimos calmos em comunicação ubíqua e móvel por conexões transparentes

    This essay discusses the emergence of lifestyles under the paradigm of urban life, based on the results of research on interface design for mobile connections in ubiquitous computing with pervasive and sentient interfaces, which generate cybrid (cyber+hybrid) scenarios for co-located beings that act in physical and digital space. Artistic creation using software art writes programs and uses hardware that convey a sense of presence and action, with digital collage adding information about the physical scene. The digital material is pasted in layers onto the physical space, redesigning places, reconfiguring actions, and mixing realities in a cybrid manner. In other words, locative and mobile interfaces reconfigure the sense of presence by blending in the digital material that adds information to locations. Computers mix into the periphery through transparent interfaces, enabling enactions and affordances in quotidian actions in calm connections with transparent interfaces.

    Luciana Gattass - 06.11.2012 - 21:17

  5. Cibercultura e divisão social do trabalho intelectual no Brasil: em nome da consolidação institucional nacional de um novo campo interdisciplinar de estudos Contribuição à memória da fundação da ABCiber

    Opening speech for the 2nd National Symposium of ABCiber – Brazilian Association of Cyberculture Researchers (PUC-SP, 10-13 Nov 2008), intended as a memory of the intellectual and institutional context of the articles compiled in this work. The article discusses the advances achieved in relation to the data presented in the opening speech of the previous Symposium (PUC-SP, 25-29 Sep 2006), upon the foundation of ABCiber, especially insofar as it refers to the collective work of progressive construction of the field of studies about the relationships between digital technologies/networks, their modalities of collective and individual appropriation, and the social, cultural, political, and economic organization of contemporary transnational capitalism.

    Luciana Gattass - 06.11.2012 - 21:40

  6. Controle, flagrante e prazer: Regimes escópicos e atencionais da vigilância nas cidades

    O artigo analisa regimes escópicos e atencionais presentes em dispositivos e práticas de vigilância nas cidades contemporâneas. Pretende-se mostrar como tais regimes envolvem não apenas procedimentos de controle, mas também circuitos de prazer, atualizando as relações entre vigilância e espetáculo na cultura contemporânea. Nesta mistura de controle e prazer, destacam-se uma lógica e uma estética do flagrante, presentes no olhar e na atenção vigilantes sobre a cidade e os indivíduos que nela circulam. Três campos de análise serão privilegiados: a incorporação da videovigilância aos espaços públicos e semipúblicos, a produção e difusão de imagens amadoras e os sistemas informacionais e cartográficos de visualização do espaço urbano.

    Luciana Gattass - 07.11.2012 - 15:00

  7. Música na cibercultura

    A apropriação social de tecnologias digitais de criação, gravação e distribuição de
    música tem ocasionado, entre outros fatores, intensa reorganização nos padrões de consumo,
    ensejando uma revisão dos modelos de negócio da indústria fonográfica majoritária e o
    fortalecimento da chamada produção independente. Na reconfiguração em curso na cadeia
    produtiva da música, novos atores entram em cena – como as operadoras de celular – e o longo
    oligopólio das quatro majors (Sony-BMG, Universal, Warner e EMI) sofre significativos
    abalos. A polêmica acerca da ciberpirataria necessita ser examinada à luz das novas práticas de
    consumo vigentes na cultura digital. O presente texto faz uma análise dos resultados de
    pesquisa de campo realizada junto ao público universitário nas duas principais megalópoles
    latino-americanas, São Paulo e Cidade do México, através de parceria firmada com o Prof. Dr.
    Octavio Islas, titular da cátedra de cibercultura no Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey, México.
    Nosso estudo comparativo teve como foco central práticas de consumo musical de jovens

    Luciana Gattass - 07.11.2012 - 15:50

  8. Oslo Screen Festival: Interview with Ottar Ormstad

    Before when was created, LYMS was screened. An interview with Ottar Ormstad about his work and artistic influences.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 18.11.2012 - 13:23

  9. Digitales Schreiben und Archivierbarkeit von elektronischer Literatur.

    Digitales Schreiben und Archivierbarkeit von elektronischer Literatur.

    Beat Suter - 21.11.2012 - 11:55

  10. 0,5 Cent

    The internet is a great narrator. Are there smaller ones in its pockets? A mailing list looks for the net literature and finds many. I find the beauty of the list and of the free word that can escape. But the pursuers didn’t give up. I blog and delete – here I will tell, why.

    Johannes Auer - 21.11.2012 - 19:44
