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  1. Poem for 莫海伦 (Mo Hailun)

    Poem for 莫海伦 is computational visual poem contemplating transience of things and relationships.

    As a Firfeox add-on it adds a toolbar to the browser. Poem for 莫海伦 can be triggered on any web page. If so the page will slowly, element by element fade to white until whole page is completely white. (Process might take up to 2 or 3 minutes per page.)

    Jaka Železnikar - 30.09.2011 - 21:03

  2. To Find the White Cat in the Snow

    David Herrstrom's "To Find the White Cat in the Snow," takes the modernist practice of thematically or associatively linking sections of a poem, and carries it a step further with hypertext. Like Wallace Stevens in "Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird," Herrstrom provides no narrative links between the sections of his poem. Unlike Stevens, Herrstrom is not constrained by the technology of print to present the stanzas of his poem sequentially, in a manner best suited to narrative. His poem is not a narrative and it is not ordered as if it were. It's ordering is hypertextual: the reader controls the sequence in which the stanzas appear and disappear. "To Find the White Cat . . ." is about, among other things, the difficulty of apprehension and the interrelationship of the phenomenal and the conceptual.

    (Source: The New River, Editor's note by Ed Falco)

    Scott Rettberg - 11.10.2011 - 15:02

  3. Virtual Reality Exhibit at the Singapore Museum

    A hypertext poem. The reader navigates through different stanzas by selecting icons.

    Author's note:

    The sheer profusion of a city like Singapore calls reality into question. Exhilarating mix of cultures, plants and animals, surreal insects and multi-colored carp, it plays on the nagging fear that this world is not quite our home. Such anxiety is pitched to the surface by the pressure of the ordinary loneliness of a stranger in a strange land .

    We can't escape the making of virtuality, any more than we can avoid being connected to the human city (genet) and at the same time individuated from it (ramet). Everything "suffering description," which is the world, the "possible to be believed," is real. And in this fecund city of lives within a strict order, we become acutely aware that the assertion "In the city of Singapore eyes saw" is not so simple.

    (Source: The New River 3)

    Scott Rettberg - 12.10.2011 - 11:29

  4. Nightmare Wanders Father's Song

    The four words that comprise the title--Nightmare, Wanders, Fathers, Song--are hidden in the black field of the opening screen, to be found by readers as they explore with cursors. The title thus changes from reader to reader. It may include all four words, as in "Song Wanders Fathers Nightmare," if the reader sticks around the opening screen long enough; or the title may simply be "Nightmare," or "Song," if the reader follows the first link found. You see the possibilities. In this new poem . . . Harrell brings a traditional lyric sensibility to the digital fields of hypertext poetry.

    Scott Rettberg - 12.10.2011 - 11:44

  5. Light-Water: a Mosaic of Meditations

    Christy Sheffield Sanford's "Light-Water: a Mosaic of Mediations" is a hypermedia work. It is a striking visual-literal meditation on light and water. This combination of the visual and the literal is central to the direction of hypermedia. One reads "Light-Water . . ." as a merged experience of visual art and literature. It both happens to the viewer--the way moving images happen while we observe them--and is made to happen by the reader, in the manner of traditional writing, by interpreting and translating words, turning them into patterns of thought.

    (Source: The New River 5 Editor's Note by Ed Falco)

    Scott Rettberg - 12.10.2011 - 11:56

  6. City of Angles and Anguish

    Hypertext poem the reader navigates by selecting "windows" of a building image.

    Scott Rettberg - 12.10.2011 - 12:03

  7. Landskaber omkring digtet kompas

    (from Christian Leifelt's personal website) The poem "Kompas" by Morten Søndergaard serves as a literary path for an interactive journey through odd maps, revealing landscapes, cut-up text-fields, fragments of memories, diary notes, snapshots from explored places and signs representing different virtual sights. The inner sleeve from the cd-release serves as a fold-out-map/invtitation for the exhibition.

    Giovanna Di Rosario - 20.10.2011 - 16:16

  8. Oulipoems

    Oulipoems is a series of six interactive poetry Flash works, ranging from electronic poems, to games, to a tool for generating and writing poetry using the vocabulary of a variety of poets. The pieces are loosely based on the Oulipo movement in French literature, which focused on texts based on constraints (for instance, Perec's famous novel A Void, a lipogram in which the letter e does not appear) and also on mixtures of literature and mathematics.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 08.11.2011 - 16:25

  9. De anderen hebben het gedaan (The others did it)

    Een serie webpagina’s met op iedere pagina een tekst/gedicht waarvan de inhoud en de presentatie verandert onder invloed van online beschikbare dynamische gegevens over gebeurtenissen die elders op de wereld plaatsvinden. De koppeling tussen een tekst en een website wordt bepaald door de thematische verwantschap tussen website en tekst. Die verwantschap is niet eenduidig, niet eendimensionaal, de tekst handelt niet direct over het onderwerp waar de aan die tekst gekoppelde site over gaat. De lezer van de tekst heeft zelf geen invloed op de inhoud en presentatie van die tekst. Die invloed wordt uitgeoefend door veranderingen in ded data van de site of door het online gedrag van bezoekers aan die website.
    Voor deze call hebben we één data poem gekozen: #1 : Stemmingswisselkoers (Mood Exchange Rate). Een tekst die veranderingen in de AEX-index volgt. Toont de beurs een stijgende lijn dan krijgt de tekst een optimistischer toon dan bij dalende koersen. In dat laatste geval wordt de tekst pessimistischer van toon. Onder invloed van de stemming worden bepaalde sleutelwoorden en zinnen vervangen door andere.

    David Prater - 10.11.2011 - 14:31

  10. The Apostrophe Engine

    The Apostrophe Engine is a website operated by Bill Kennedy and Darren Wershler-Henry. It is the source of the poems in apostrophe, a book published by ECW Press in 2006.

    The Apostrophe Engine was used for the first time on April 18, 2001, and existed on a private Web server for the next five years. As of April 19, 2006, the Apostrophe Engine is available to the public at

    The home page of the Apostrophe Engine site presents the full text of a poem called “apostrophe,” written by Bill in 1993. In this digital version of the poem, each line is now a hyperlink.

    When a reader/writer clicks on a line, it is submitted to a search engine, which then returns a list of Web pages, as in any search. The Apostrophe Engine then spawns five virtual robots that work their way through the list, collecting phrases beginning with “you are” and ending in a period. The robots stop after collecting a set number of phrases or working through a limited number of pages, whichever happens first.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 05.12.2011 - 13:33
