Nightmare Wanders Father's Song

Creative Work
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Description (in English): 

The four words that comprise the title--Nightmare, Wanders, Fathers, Song--are hidden in the black field of the opening screen, to be found by readers as they explore with cursors. The title thus changes from reader to reader. It may include all four words, as in "Song Wanders Fathers Nightmare," if the reader sticks around the opening screen long enough; or the title may simply be "Nightmare," or "Song," if the reader follows the first link found. You see the possibilities. In this new poem . . . Harrell brings a traditional lyric sensibility to the digital fields of hypertext poetry.

Technical notes: 

HTML, javascript

Screen shots: 
Small white paragraph on a cavernous black background
The permanent URL of this page: 
Record posted by: 
Scott Rettberg