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  1. François Bon

    François Bon, né en 1953, en Vendée. Père mécanicien-garagiste, mère institutrice. Après des études d’ingénieur à dominante mécanique (Arts et Métiers), travaille dans le soudage par faisceau d’électrons pour l’industrie aérospatiale et nucléaire, en France et à l’étranger (notamment Inde et URSS). Publie en 1982 aux éditions de Minuit Sortie d’Usine. Lauréat en 1984-1985 de l’Académie de France à Rome (Villa Médicis). Commence en 1991 une recherche continue dans le domaine des ateliers d’écriture (Tous les mots sont adultes, Fayard, 2002, réed 2005), et actuellement à Sciences Po Paris. Au théâtre, Quatre avec le mort à la Comédie Française en octobre 2002 et Daewoo au festival d’Avignon en 2004 (Molière). Se consacre plusieurs années à une trilogie sur rock’n roll et histoire des années 60/70 (Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan, Led Zeppelin). Traductions disponibles en allemand, danois, suédois, chinois, néerlandais, anglais, coréen, espagnol et japonais. En 2009-2010, professeur invité (création littéraire) à l’université Laval/Québec) et l’université de Montréal (UdeM/Montréal). Artiste invité à l’université de Louvain-la-Neuve en 2011-2012.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 12.08.2011 - 09:05

  2. Hypertext: The Electronic Labyrinth

    From the publisher: Ever since Gutenberg invented movable type we have lived in a culture dominated by print. Now we are in the midst of a communications revolution as profound as that which saw the printed book replace oral and manuscript texts. Hypertext- a way of connecting text, pictures, film, and sound in a nonlinear manner by electronic links- not only creates the forking paths and blind alleys of the electronic labyrinth but also provides our means of navigating through it. Hypertext is dramatically changing how we read and write, how we teach reading and writing, and how we define literary practices.In her knowledgeable guide to this revolutionary work, Ilana Snyder gives a lucid and straightforward overview of the radical effects that hypertext is having on textual practices. Focusing on what we mean by text, author, and reader, she explores the connections between the practical experience of hypertext and some of the key insights found in the works of critical theorists such as Barthes and Derrida, and hypertext theorists Land and Joyce.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 15.08.2011 - 13:27

  3. Textmaschinen- Kinetische Poesie- Interaktive Installation: Studien zu einer Hermeneutik digitaler Kunst

    From the publisher: Die digitalen Medien führen Experimente der klassischen Avantgarde weiter und bringen neue künstlerische Ausdrucksformen hervor. Doch wie begegnet man diesen ästhetischen Phänomenen? Soll man sich ganz auf die Materialität der Zeichen konzentrieren, auf die Intensität des Erlebens im Rahmen einer »Kultur der Präsenz«? Soll man das Erlebte der Interpretation unterziehen, im Rahmen einer »Kultur des Sinns«, die im Deutungsprozess auch Verunsicherung riskiert?Dieses Buch – eine theoretische Einführung ins Feld digitaler Kunst – diskutiert beide Optionen anhand ausführlicher Fallstudien zu interaktiven Installationen, kinetisch-konkreter Poesie, computergenerierten Texten und Mapping-Kunst.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 25.08.2011 - 22:38

  4. Hypertext 3.0: Critical Theory and New Media in an Era of Globalization

    From the publisher: From Intermedia to Microcosm, Storyspace, and the World Wide Web, Landow offers specific information about the kinds of hypertext, different modes of linking, attitudes toward technology, and the proliferation of pornography and gambling on the Internet. For the third edition he includes new material on developing Internet-related technologies, considering in particular their increasingly global reach and the social and political implications of this trend as viewed from a postcolonial perspective. He also discusses blogs, interactive film, and the relation of hypermedia to games. Thoroughly expanded and updated, this pioneering work continues to be the "ur-text" of hypertext studies.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 25.08.2011 - 22:53

  5. Aleš Vaupotič

    Aleš Vaupotič

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 30.08.2011 - 09:52

  6. Bojan Anđelković

    Bojan Anđelković

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 30.08.2011 - 09:55

  7. Hypertext: The Convergence of Contemporary Critical Theory and Technology

    Linking post-structuralist theory and developments in hypertext text technology, Hypertext: The Convergence of Contemporary Critical Theory and Technology was for many the definitive work on hypertext during the 1990s and established hypertext as a field of serious critical discourse. 


    1. Hypertext and Critical Theory

    Hypertextual Derrida, Poststructuralist Nelson?
    The Definition of Hypertext and Its History as a Concept
    Other Convergences: Intertextuality, Multivocality, and De-Centeredness
    Vannevar Bush and the Memex
    Virtual Texts, Virtual Authors, and Literary Computing
    The Nonlinear Model of the Network in Current Critical Theory
    Cause or Convergence, Influence or Confluence?
    Analogues to the Gutenberg Revolution

    2. Reconfiguring the Text

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 01.09.2011 - 14:20

  8. Pulse

    Poem Pulse is an g.a.c.o.i. (Generative, Autopoietic, Collaborative, Open-ended, Intermedial) electronic literary piece.


    generative is the poem's last stanza of– system picks out one minipulse out of the list of the saved minipulses
    generative is the visual – the leading geometry and thus also the placement of the lyrics
    generative is the composition of the loops of the main melody


    the concept of its being autopoietic represents the fact, that the final stanza is a minipoem that was created from the words of the whole poem, thus creating a part of it from itself


    pulse is collaborative because after having read the whole poem, a reader can create her own minipoem by clicking on the projected words of pulse


    its open-ended nature allows (through reader's submission of the minipoem and its saving) to extend the list of minipoems, out of which generates the stanza of the next pulses

    Zuzana Husarova - 01.09.2011 - 18:00

  9. Postliterary America: From Bagel Shop Jazz to Micropoetries

    Postliterary America: From Bagel Shop Jazz to Micropoetries

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 05.09.2011 - 10:59

  10. Bust Down the Door Again! Gates of Hell-Victoria Version

    A remix of the original "Bust Down the Doors!" (2000) and exhibited in the Rodin Gallery at the Samsung Museum of Art in Seoul."Consisting of stacked refrigerators with monitors affixed on them, this work is a parody of Auguste Rodin’s monumental sculpture of the same title that is permanently installed in the space." (Description from the website of Artist Pension Trust)

    Meri Alexandra Raita - 05.09.2011 - 15:17
