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  1. The Meddlesome Passenger

    A hypertext fiction about the death of the author, the relationship between the reader, the author, and the text, travel, life, and death. Links in the text launch paratexts, which are juxtaposed with the 70 fragments of the "main" story. Readers can navigate the work by selecting individual fragments or by moving at random through the text, by clicking to animate and irritate the dead author.

    Scott Rettberg - 26.02.2011 - 16:42

  2. Nio

    The main part of the Nio project is an interactive audio piece done in Shockwave. It consists of two "verses." In verse 1, the wreader layers audio and lettristic animations. In verse 2, the wreader both layers and sequences them. Verse 2 is a little sequencer. The Nio project has other parts such as the source code (requires Macromedia Director 8+); the (Shockwave) Song Shapes, which are audioless and use the same animations as in Nio; an essay on the poetics of interactive audio for the web; an essay on audio programming in Director, which is now part of the Macromedia documentation; still visual poetry drawn from onion skins of Nio animations; and an interview by Randy Adams with me about Nio.

    (Source: Author's abstract: Electronic Literature Collection, Volume 1)

    Scott Rettberg - 26.02.2011 - 23:06

  3. Escaping the Prison House of Language: New Media Essays in the Electronic Literature Collection, Volume 2

    The article, published in Norwegian in Vagant and in English as "Escaping the Prison House of Language: New Media Essays in the Electronic Literature Collection, Volume 2" on the author's website, addresses the release of the Electronic Literature Collection, Volume 2, and several new media essays / documentaries published in the collection.

    Scott Rettberg - 27.02.2011 - 20:18

  4. Literature from Page to Interface: The Treatments of Text in Christophe Bruno's Iterature

    Søren Pold explores the ways in which Christophe Bruno's Iterature expands the notion of literary form and shows what happens when words are no longer only part of a language.
    (Source: ebr)

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 01.03.2011 - 15:42

  5. Fitting the Pattern

    Cutting through memories, pinning down facts, stitching fabrications, unpicking the past - an interactive, animated memoir, created in Flash, exploring aspects of my relationship with my dressmaking mother. Life’s mysteries are rarely uncovered by a logical, linear process of deduction. You arrive at answers, ideas, suspicions, intuitions… haphazardly in fragments. Over time you build the picture, piece by piece, shuffling and rearranging, until you start to see a pattern emerging. The structure of Fitting the Pattern attempts to replicate this experience; hence it is a memoir in pieces that the reader can explore, to some extent, in a non-linear fashion. There are certain parallels between my mother’s creative craft process and my own in new media; therefore the visual design of the piece is based on the aesthetics of sewing patterns. These similarities, as well as our differences, are embedded in the digital media and text, literally drawn out through animation and dramatized through interactivity.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 02.03.2011 - 13:49

  6. Tailspin

    An old man’s tinnitus and partial deafness is a source of friction between him, his daughter and grandchildren yet he stubbornly refuses to contemplate treatment or hearing aids. Karen, the daughter, has always been hurt and mystified by his angry reactions, but the key to his behavior lies deep in the past. Tailspin is a multi-layered, animated fiction, created in Flash, about the intergenerational friction between an old man suffering from tinnitus and his daughter, whose children play noisy handheld games consoles. Sound mixes and animations, some programmed to play randomly, reflect the auditory and emotional disturbances of the characters around the family meal table. Broken dreams, spoilt playtimes, dysfunctional behaviour, malfunctioning machines and the sounds of alarm are both puzzling and distressing as the past splinters the present.
    (Source: Author's description)

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 02.03.2011 - 13:52

  7. TOC: A New-Media Novel

    TOC is a multimedia epic about time: the invention of the second, the beating of a heart, the story of humans connecting through time to each other and to the world. An evocative fairy tale with a steampunk heart, TOC is a breath-taking visual novel, an assemblage of text, film, music, photography, the spoken word, animation, and painting. It is the story of a man who digs a hole so deep he can hear the past, a woman who climbs a ladder so high she can see the future, as well as others trapped in the clockless, timeless time of a surgery waiting room: God's time. Theirs is an imagined history of people who are fixed in the past, those who have no word for the future, and those who live out their days oblivious to both.

    (Source: Author's description on TOC website)

    Scott Rettberg - 02.03.2011 - 22:07

  8. Dare-Dare

    DARE-DARE is an artist-run centre which has about 100 members. Since its inception in 1985, the centre presented the work of more than 1000 artists.DARE-DARE supports research and valorises emerging practices. Its members are interested in the context of creation and answer the need of exchange and collaboration. DARE-DARE is a flexible, open space devoted to research, experimentation, risk and critical inquiry. The artist-run center manifests a sustained interest in exploration and in the diversity in the modes of presentation.Therefore, DARE-DARE accepts innovative, original and critical propositions, which invest the gallery’s space, the urban space or any other context. Submit any proposal of exhibition, performance, public intervention, event, etc., may they be specific or of variable duration.(Source: Organization's website.)

    J. R. Carpenter - 04.03.2011 - 19:52

  9. Arteroids

    Author description: Arteroids is a literary shoot-em-up for the Web, a work of software art and various odd literary devices. You use the arrow keys to drive your blood-red id-entity word ‘poetry’ or ‘desire’ (or whatever word you choose) around the full screen and use the ‘x’ key to shoot blue and green texts that assail you at various velocities and densities as you play. It is the battle of poetry against itself and the forces of dullness. 

    There are at least three versions of this work: 

    • Version 2.02 was published in Turbulence in 2002
    • Version 2.03 was published in the Museum of the Essential and Beyond That in 2004, but it was produced in 2002 and includes a Portuguese translation by Regina Celia Pinto
    • Version 2.5 was published in Poems That Go in 2003


    Jill Walker Rettberg - 04.03.2011 - 22:08

  10. The Cape

    The Cape is a short work that engages the history of visual print-based authority by combining impersonal, government-created images with a purportedly personal story. Carpenter animates decades-old black-and-white photographs, illustrations, and maps, adding to these a few laconic caption-sized texts to extend an exploration of "place" that digital space evokes.(Source: Electronic Literature Collection, Vol. 1)

    J. R. Carpenter - 04.03.2011 - 22:12
