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  1. Heating Season

    Autorem tej książki jest miasto, a konkretnie Kraków w sezonie grzewczym 2016/2017. Mówi ona o zabrudzeniu języka, analogicznym do zanieczyszczenia powietrza, które występuje w Krakowie od października do marca. Producentami tekstów są zarówno nowi mieszkańcy miasta (studenci i studentki pierwszego roku), osoby żyjące w nim od pokoleń, jak i postaci z awangardowego środowiska artystycznego. Poszczególne partie książki powstały w wyniku zastosowania różnych technik pisarskich, w tym uwzględniających zbiorowego nadawcę. Obejmują one: ankiety przeprowadzone wśród losowo wybranych użytkowników telefonów stacjonarnych, zapisy sesji obserwowania smogu (tzw. smogwatching), niezapowiedzianą klasówkę w krakowskiej uczelni, smogowe śledztwo przeprowadzone w mediach społecznościowych i transkrypcje pogody.

    Piotr Marecki - 26.04.2018 - 17:42

  2. Przekład konceptualny

    Zapraszamy na piąte w tym roku akademickim spotkanie Koła Naukowego Literatur Eksperymentalnych UW. Porozmawiamy o "Namaluj Popka" Shiva Kotechy i polskiej wersji książki w tłumaczeniu Piotra Mareckiego. O zagadnieniu przekładu konceptualnego opowiedzą Piotr Marecki i Aleksandra Małecka. 

    Spotkanie odbędzie się 16 kwietnia o 18:30 na Wydziale Polonistyki UW w sali 26.

    UWAGA! W trakcie spotkania będzie można złowić Ha!artowe gadżety. Chętnych prosimy o zabranie kredek, ołówków i innych narzędzi, którymi można namalować Popka. 

    Piotr Marecki - 27.04.2018 - 12:03

  3. ELMCIP Electronic Literature Knowledge Base in Review

    A presentation and discussion of the ELMCIP Electronic Literature Knowledge Base, an open-access contributory database to document the international field of electronic literature, eight years after its launch. A session from the ELMCIP Electronic Literature Knowledge Base symposium at the University of Bergen, April 26, 2018.

    Scott Rettberg - 01.05.2018 - 19:51

  4. ELMCIP Knowledge Base Seminar Authors Feedback session

    A session from the ELMCIP Electronic Literature Knowledge Base symposium at the University of Bergen, April 27, 2018, focused on results of a user survey.

    Scott Rettberg - 01.05.2018 - 23:44

  5. Berlin Remix

    "Berlin: Symphony of a Great City" by Walter Ruttman (1927) is the central work in the genre of "City Films" which thrived internationally in the 1920s and 1930s. "Berlin Remix" is a generative video installation based on this seminal work. The original film has been deconstructed into its individual shots, which are placed in a shots database. "Berlin Remix" investigates cinematic style and technique through the creation and presentation of an ongoing series of short films drawn from this database. Each of these short films reflects a different facet of the original work, and each film is unique - differing from the others in cinematic style, thematic content or both. The artist has defined a number of style templates through analysis of various documentary films, particularly those in the City Film genre. The templates incorporate different content themes (such as work, recreation, culture, class) and a variety of cinematic manipulations (such as sequencing pattern, editing pace, transition choice, and visual treatment). The templates will use real-time algorithmic operations to call up shots and apply the cinematic treatment.

    Susanne Årflot Løtvedt - 26.09.2018 - 15:18

  6. A Survey of Electronic Literature Collections

    In their article "A Survey of Electronic Literature Collections" Luis Pablo and Maria Goicoechea describe characteristics and functions of collections of electronic literature and analyze descriptors used and the way information can be accessed. Based on their observations, Pablo and Goicoechea advocate a database structure which is flexible and can produce a dynamic archiving model as texts are registered and collected so that tags form a close set for the texts in the collection and this set can expand as new texts make new tags necessary. Further, the organization of tags into ever more complex taxonomies seems inevitable, since this provides an accurate description of knowledge accumulation with respect to the field's richness. They postulate that the study of tagging practices applied to digital works provides us with guidelines not only to describe texts of electronic literature, but also to demonstrate the wide variety of forms which a literary text can embody.

    (Abstract article)

    Hannah Ackermans - 19.11.2018 - 09:53

  7. The Ciberia Project: An Experiment In Digital Hermeneutics

    This  article  presents  “Ciberia”,  a  collection  of  electronic  literature  works  in  Spanish, housed  in  OdA 2.0.,  a  learning  objects‟  repository  of  the  University  Complutense  of  Madrid.  The Ciberia project involves experimentation at the humanistic and technological level, since it deals with the challenge of archiving digitally-born literary works as well as with the archiving process itself, which we  are  carrying  out  in  OdA  2.0,  a  data  management  system  for  the  creation  of  learning  objects repositories  on  the  Web.  OdA  allows  different  researchers  to  work  collaboratively  in  a  simultaneous manner on the data base, they can not only introduce new objects but they can also modify the data model. This entourage  allows us to create taxonomies in an  inductive rather  than deductive manner.

    Hannah Ackermans - 20.11.2018 - 10:02

  8. Justificação Metodológica da Taxonomia do Arquivo Digital da Literatura Experimental Portuguesa

    A criação de uma taxonomia para organização e classificação de um conjunto de materiais tão diversificado como os que constituem o Arquivo Digital da Literatura Experimental Portuguesa (com poesia visual, sonora, espacial, performativa, digital, concreta e vídeo) é um desafio para o investigador. Neste texto, Rui Torres, Manuel Portela e Maria do Carmo Castelo Branco de Sequeira apresentam algum enquadramento que tenta servir de justificação às opções escolhidas.

    (Source: PO.EX)

    Hannah Ackermans - 27.11.2018 - 11:34

  9. CELL Project Meeting

    A project meeting with members of CELL.

    Hannah Ackermans - 28.11.2018 - 14:59

  10. Curating Digital Archives: Interoperability and Appropriation @ PO-EX.NET

    The inherent complexity of multimodal databases constitutes a challenge in terms of structuring and interoperability. However, it also stimulates the translation of organized data into enhanced and adaptable interfaces. Using the Digital Archive of Portuguese Experimental Literature ( as a framework, I will describe possible strategies for curating digital archives, through appropriation and remixing of database assets, allowing artistic and creative re-interpretations of experimental and electronic literature.

    (source: abstract repository)

    Hannah Ackermans - 07.12.2018 - 11:03
