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  1. Machine Libertine

    Machine Libertine is media poetry group. The method of our work is the exploration of the role of media in the development of literary art practices including video poetry, text generators and performance art. The main principles of the group are formulated in our Machine Poetry Manifesto pointing out the idea of liberation of the machines from the routine tasks and increasing the intensity of their use for creative and educational practices. Machine Libertine had been founded in December 2010 starting with a video poetry called Snow Queen, a piece for British Council and presented recently at Purple Blurb series at MIT and Harvard. It is a combination of masculine poetry «Poison Tree» by William Blake contrasted to mechanic female MacOS voice and cubistic video imagery of Souzfilm animation «Snow Queen» (1957). We are exploring how the text can be transformed by mechanized reading and visualizing it and what are the possible limits of this transmedia play of interpretation.

    Natalia Fedorova - 18.01.2013 - 11:47

  2. DNA: A Digital Novel

    Taking the concept of identity theft to its logical conclusion, DNA is an interactive, Web-based novel set in the year 2075, in a future where genetic clones are commonplace and the unique identity of any individual is protected only by tacit consent. Detailing a year in the life of a clone who begins plotting to take on the identity of one of his "code partners," the novel includes a series of hyperlinks to real and fictional Wikipedia entries that provide a peek into the dystopic future of economic, agricultural, cultural, social, and political systems. Influenced by a range of electronic and experimental literary works published over the last fifteen years, DNA presents a non-linear narrative that allows each reader to select his or her own narrative path though the novel and to explore the text's connection to other fictional and non-fictional texts published on the Web. The networked architecture of the project enables the reader to not only construct and engage with the narrative world of the novel itself but with other narrative worlds that exist outside of the novel.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 12.06.2013 - 13:38

  3. Mrs. Wobbles and the Tangerine House: The Mysterious Floor

    Mrs. Wobbles & the Tangerine House is an interactive story about a mysterious foster home, taking in children who need her special kind of magical love. "The Mysterious Floor" is the first story in this collection. Mrs. Wobbles and the Tangerine House was written by Mark C. Marino in collaboration with his two children, his daughter (age 10) and his son (age 8) with art by Brian Gallagher. The piece was built on the Undum platform.

    Mark Marino - 19.12.2013 - 12:40

  4. Inkubus

    You're a teenage girl, connected, clued-in, but what lurks in the deepest, darkest regions beyond the screen? A first-person coming-of-age story-game. ( Source: Andy Campbell ) A first-person playable coming-of-age story, in 2D and 3D, that centres on a teenage girl, immersed in contemporary digital culture. With creeping awareness, she / the player struggles with the insidious gender stereotyping, where womanhood is rendered as malleable and polymorphic as a digital doll, that literally threatens to drain her of life. ( Source: Patricia Tomaszek ) Inkubus is a first-person playable coming-of-age story, in media-rich 3D, about a contemporary teenage girl, who’s connected and clued in. But what lurks in the deepest darkest regions beyond the screen? The story-game progresses via skewed and leading questions, designed to distort the girl's behaviour, before being drawn into a visceral labyrinth where a malevolent force peddles a destructive artificial feminine ideal.

    Andy Campbell - 18.01.2014 - 01:12

  5. Wish4[0]: 40 Days. 40 News Items. 40 Creative Responses.

    Wish4[0] takes as its inspiration the perpetual tugging at a user’s consciousness by the digital. Each work takes as its immediate inspiration a headline (or item) drawn from the electronic news cycle of that specific day. The resulting block of poetic works: 1) Act as a digital and creative “literary snapshot” of a specific period. 2) Highlight the accelerated nature of an electronic/networked-based news cycle. 3) Illustrate the discrepancies – and perhaps similarities - between how a digital audience responds to items deemed newsworthy and creative responses to such items. 4) Echo (and partially emulate) elements of digital culture that have become seamlessly integrated into our everyday lives (including programs such as Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Vine, Snapchat and Instagram). This project has been assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council for the Arts, its arts funding and advisory body.

    mez breeze - 05.05.2014 - 12:45

  6. The 2015 Fukushima Pinup Calendar

    Satircal pinup calendar in HTML spreadheet format reflecting on environmental devastation related to Fukushima nuclear disaster.

    The 2015 Fukushima Pinup Calendar is part of a larger piece, The Good Fortune Land, that uses Excel spreadsheets to create a narrative of the Fukushima Nuclear Meltdown and its aftermath. It continues the work of Tin Towns and Other Excel Fictions (2012). 

    Artist's statement: 

    The 2015 Fukushima Pinup Calendar adds another set of data points to The Good Fortune Land. As we look back on the years between 2011 and 2015, this Calendar is provided as a vivid reminder of the history of the five-year attempt to pretty up the picture. It was also a useful calendar online or printed, for home or office. It consists, of course, of the twelve months of the year – each month commemorating one of the extant issues surrounding the “control” of the plant and its surrounding water and land. In the spaces for each day, data from 2011, 2012, and 2013, and 2014 is recalled – along with the important holidays!

    Scott Rettberg - 19.06.2014 - 03:15

  7. ScareMail

    ScareMail is a web browser extension that makes email "scary" in order to disrupt NSA surveillance. Extending Google's Gmail, the work adds to every new email's signature an algorithmically generated narrative containing a collection of probable NSA search terms. This "story" acts as a trap for NSA programs like PRISM and XKeyscore, forcing them to look at nonsense. Each email's story is unique in an attempt to avoid automated filtering by NSA search systems. One of the strategies used by the US National Security Agency's (NSA) email surveillance programs is the detection of predetermined keywords. Large collections of words have thus become codified as something to fear, as an indicator of intent. The result is a governmental surveillance machine run amok, algorithmically collecting and searching our digital communications in a futile effort to predict behaviors based on words in emails. ScareMail proposes to disrupt the NSA's surveillance efforts by making NSA search results useless. Searching is about finding the needles in haystacks.

    Alvaro Seica - 19.06.2014 - 17:25

  8. A Beam of Light: Reading the Portuguese Electronic Literature Collection

    This intervention presents an analysis of the Portuguese Electronic Literature Collection (PELC) I have been curating since August 2013 in the ELMCIP Electronic Literature Knowledge Base. By aggregating and expanding existing records in the database and creating new ones, I have been developing a research collection that addresses the Portuguese creative and theoretical production since the 1960s in the broader field of electronic literature. The PELC uses resources from ELMCIP and PO.EX, the Digital Archive of Portuguese Experimental Literature, led by Rui Torres at the Fernando Pessoa University.

    Scott Rettberg - 19.06.2014 - 20:47

  9. New Novel Machines: Nanowatt and World Clock

    My Winchester’s Nightmare: A Novel Machine (1999) was developed to bring the interactor’s input and the system’s output together into a texture like that of novelistic prose. Almost fifteen years later, after an electronic literature practice mainly related to poetry, I have developed two new “novel machines.” Rather than being works of interactive fiction, one is a demoscene production (specifically, a single-loading VIC-20 demo) and the other a novel generator.

    Alvaro Seica - 19.06.2014 - 23:49

  10. Troubadours & Troublemakers: Stirring the Network in Transmission & Anti-Transmission

    Presented as part of an ELO 2014 conference panel session, "Troubadours of Information: Aesthetic Experiments in Sonification and Sound Technology," led by Andrew Klobucar. In his work, Trouble Songs: A Musicological Poetics, Johnson literally tracks the ways the word “trouble” passes through popular 20th and 21st century song, and the ways trouble is and is not represented via the Trouble Song. For Johnson, there is both a transmission and an anti-transmission of trouble in Trouble Songs: The singer performs an exorcism of trouble, or contributes to a discourse of authenticity with an audience of trouble voyeurs. (These are distinct but related processes, as the trouble singer can relate trouble from outside the community, and can as well—or instead—relate to the troubles of a community; likewise, the trouble singer can reflect, deflect or project trouble.) Trouble itself appears here simultaneously desired and feared, invited and expelled. “Trouble” replaces trouble as a protective spell, as a fetish, and as a generic signifier. The Trouble Song is cast as a spell that evokes and dispels trouble.

    Jeff T. Johnson - 27.06.2014 - 20:48
